Im a little suprised by the votes so far!
I quite like BP's face pic, its got good depth and colour, just maybe the mouth is a bit small, and the cheek bones/eyes a tad high
Whaat's face pic is good, when i look at it, i think of a bird (more specifically, and ostrich 0.o) but he looks so sad, probably because of the too subtle shading on the jumper
Mundvoll's face pic is nice, but the head is very oddly shapped, the eyes are so dull, and the background is too saturated in colour, that is distracts me a little from the actual face.
I like Baschcrazy's facepic because BATMAN! +1 for the expression, and glowing eyes are a nice touch, and nice contrast of the face vs. BG.
DR voted for Blue Phoenix and Baschcrazy
@Not LF2-ness omgitsanlf2forumwhatisthisihateitbecauseitisntlf2stylewahwahwah, there was nothing about it being LF2 styled. In fact, its better to view these without LF2 style in mind.
Damn, i wish i had time to have entered