(07-09-2011, 09:14 AM)Phil Wrote: (07-09-2011, 01:32 AM)Marshall Wrote: 1) Empirefantasy has not been involved
come on, if you are being honest then do it all the way through.
I have been completely and utterly honest. I posted what I know of the situation. For the record, I was not on IRC during these fun times. Had I known sexy girls are involved, I'd be the first on board.
YinYin told me empirefanstasy was not involved as he has talked to him when the banning has already taken place.
Also, when I said Phil banned BlackOps, I based it upon the warning log of his profile. The warning that never expires was issued on the 22nd of January due to violations in "Spam + Etiquette" by Phil. I don't think I have banned anyone here on LFE, so I'm not too sure how the system works. If there's a misunderstanding, let me know. Besides, when I mentioned banning him, it was never in a blaming tone. If anything, I blame myself.
Kudos to BP for explaining everything.