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Zombie Night (Round 2 - new sign-ups)
putting my goggles on and defending the fort if im let in, otherwise just defending myself :p
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cant invite right now or can i? :D i think im still working on the fort :P and the next round i let the dices choose!
Say Anything - Alive with the glory of love

My first char: a rudolf mod <--- waiting for comments

LF story reasonable beginning <--clicky (Dont u dare not to leave a comment!)
Story Progress (Click to View)

Fan of Jerry Hawks LF2 Fan movie, just epic animations~
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Everybody defending themselves? Boring :P

Divisor get your hiny up here and post :P
Well, he had his chance - was online twice in the meantime and didn't post. So now, this counts as no action - self defense.

Round 1 - Day 1
Divisor - 25% - (Merchant, 1 supply) - defending himself
Bamboori - 25% - (Spec-Ops, 2 batteries) - defending himself, goggles
TheNave - 25% - (Medic, 2 +kits) - defending himself
LSwarley - 10% - (Survivor, 1 fort) - building fortress
Jerkington XIII - 25% - (Farmer, 1 bullet) - defending himself
LutiChris - 25% - (Merchant, 1 supply) - defending himself
nehalbordoloi - 25% - (Farmer, 1 bullet) - defending himself
Simoneon - 25% - (Spec-Ops, 2 batteries) - defending himself

Round 1 - Day 2
Divisor - 0% - (Merchant, 1 supply) -
Bamboori - 0% - (Spec-Ops, 1 battery) -
TheNave - 0% - (Medic, 2 +kits) -
LSwarley - 20% - (Survivor, 0 forts) -
Jerkington XIII - 0% - (Farmer, 1 bullet) -
LutiChris - 0% - (Merchant, 1 supply) -
nehalbordoloi - 0% - (Farmer, 1 bullet) -
Simoneon - 0% - (Spec-Ops, 2 batteries) -

Foolproof Fort v1 :p - +10%
LSwarley (master)

Day 2 has dawned. The search is going on, ... even more rumours are spreading, saying that one of those 8 citizens is the main zombie and that he infected somebody last night!

(new players may still join during Day 1 and Day 2, but not afterwards)
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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i saw Luti and Somin fighting... means that one of them is the master zombie and the other one the newly infected one.
jail or kill?
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well then, killing luti and jailing somin? :D
I'll cure the jailed one in the next round

aaahnd LSwarley, I want to join your fort
luti is probably the mainzombie, would be more likely for him as a merchant to infect a spec-op guy than the otherway round
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haha Simon you fail :P
I've been main zombie before...why do it again? :P

voting to kill simon
I suggest you jail me before killing me...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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well, don't care who to put in jail, I just checked the rules, I can cure the main zombie aswell


Starting a vote to jail Luti
voting on Luti's vote to kill Simon
(it worked kind of like that, didn't it?)
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okay I failed. Don't want to whine, but how is that not op, when spec-ops see two guys fighting in the first round and the other ones only have to kill/jail those two and win in the early game? I don't know, it's just my opinion.
And yeah this round sucked, sorry guys, I probably won't play anymore since I always just take all the fun out of this.
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wtf simon :P
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by: Simoneon

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