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GLT ROUND5 Final |27.2.12
Is Thor ever online? What time does he usually get online at?
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i've met him already, but i can't say when which time i've saw him.
but know he's from poland GMT+1

i also never heard from Thor before.
i hope he will contact you soon.

like same at Kashif vs. Koczko, he doesn't still join his Group in Hamachi.

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Zelphir 4:1 Mefju
[Image: 9nclhxgc.png]
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Monker 2:3 Doj
6 pairs battles be left over yet
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1st fight: Cord(Davis) 1:0 Sorrow(Deep)
2nd fight: Cord(Davis) 2:0 Sorrow(Deep)
3rd fight: Cord(Davis) 2:1 Sorrow(Dennis)
4th fight: Cord(Davis) 2:2 Sorrow(Dennis)
5th fight: Cord(Davis) 3:2 Sorrow(Dennis)
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actually he missed rules. but i'll to apply this if this is for the other Participants Ok. Reason for missed Rules; he choosed Deep, so, he had also play with Deep all Games then.

i think the RULES are Supervalued...
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Well, it's not included in your first post in this topic. Also, I noticed that there is no rule like "no milk or beer drinking".
Thanks given by: DoIIIi
you're right Cord. i've forgot that wasn't noticed in Rules though we discussed. Whatever :p
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I am not participating in the tournament but I'd like to discuss the rules a bit as a old LF2 veteran fighter.

- I'm curious about the one-flute-only rule. Just because it's unblockable doesn't mean it's the greatest, but I do have to agree with the fact that it may give an unfair advantage. The solution back then was to limit it where the opponent would reach maximum height and then obligatory cancel. The reason why I'm saying this is that a simple cancel on the skill is limiting severely henry's abilities as he has some combos using the trick just mentioned.

- Players don't need random just sounds silly to me. You speak of unfairness, whereas I state quite the contrary. Random IS the fairest game you can get. "But I got Louis this round!" Next round you may get Woody and your enemy Louis. It works both ways. I'll include here the (apparently) discussed (but unmentioned) rule of once you pick a character you have to stick with him until the end. That's boring, even if said character is one of the good ones for melee. Even if he doesn't have to play random, he should have the right to choose his character round by round, but not be limited to one all the way through.

- 250 HP-limit combo is bullsh*t. If you're lucky enough to strike such a long and powerful combo you shouldn't be penalized for it. I have the feeling that this is a replacement (and a bad one at it) for the "no dance of pain lock", which is a fair one. Dance of pain lock, or DoP, is obviously abusing the system to an easy victory with a few select characters. Also, I can't remember by head at least 5 combos where you could deal that much damage in a single streak.

- DP twice and tigerdash thrice is also ballony to me. Most people seem to have a trouble with DP and I'm okay with that, when I played Davis I had a self-imposed rule of no DP against humans (computers are unfair) but I didn't oblige anyway to do it as well. The main reason for this is that dragon punch has invincible frames at the start and so it can connect without chances to a counter attack, upsetting many players. Tigerdash on the other hand doesn't, and requires some elaboration in a combo to hit one. It can be used sometimes for just quick dashing or moving around (not optimal, but it may save you from that powerful combo). I considered a case where someone would use TD three times just for escapes and then he's "out" because of that. Is it fair? I don't think so. About dragon punch, I think three times at most sounds best.

- Expliciting the "no milk/beer" rule is a good idea.

If I should bring this discussion to the other thread, please do tell and I will. I believe here is the right place though because combatants will come post scores or will invariable stop here.
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>it would be better if you bring this to the other thread

it's nice to see you and to speak yours mind. I know one such discussion of the last tourney. well, which i organized by oneself and not EdL|Yinseko and me.
i would've to agree your mind about 250hp bullsh*t limit And "do not need to play Random", but rules must be settled before the tournament is run ( so i think the rules should be clear for everyone - no change again)
well that thing about need Random it sounds a bit silly, now that you mention it, it would better to cancel that

in my opinion 2Dps, 3TD is acceptable. (my only one Reason for Dragon Punch, because of that, it's the best block & counter charge in this game i guess.
i still thinking, that LF2 Rules are overvalued. (one of good rules are "no F key, such as just allowed to play with Main Characters such as "don't cheat via dance of pain lock"

under this directive of Rules about any Limit by... is the LF2 fun factor destroyed IMO
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