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increase amount of times a char can block?
How do increase the amount of times a char can block? Like say, I feel Davis should have better defense then Henry, so I would want to increase the amount of time Davis can block or decrease the amount of times Henry can block. Is it even possible to make a character block and infinite amount of times. If I have go outside the characters data sheet to do it, then I won't be able to.

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I believe what defines the a move being defensable or not lies in what bdefend and fall values the attack has. I don't know if HEX could change that, but my intuition says it's unlikely (I can be wrong).
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I've tried some stuff in this direction and merely found a semi-intended solution:
Relinked the defense-broken frames with the defending frames. Thus your defense can't be broken, except by strong attacks. If you defense is broken, the character (actually Dokum from Ninja Tales) will stumble backwards for a minimum amount of frames and will defend again.

The issue is, attackin yourself with negative bdefend values will still cause your defense to break for some annoying reason.

The only way i can currently imagine to do exactly what you want to, would be HEXing ^^'
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To make a character to block in infinite amount of times,delete his bdy part in his defending frames and add an itr tag into them.

This character block all attacks when he is defending:
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^Then, that would be over-powered and undestroyable, wouldn't it? :P
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(02-03-2012, 08:13 AM)Evil Sonidow Wrote:  I don't know if HEX could change that, but my intuition says it's unlikely (I can be wrong).

One basically has to override the global variables (Fall 70, Bdefend 100 or whatever the correct values are) with local ones that are tied to IDs. So basically, that's some pretty ugly task. Unlikely that one will do it xD

Something which is much easier, though, is the bdefend-recovery. Julian, for example, has, if I remember correctly, a bdefend-recovery-factor of 3 (regular is 1), which makes it so annoying to beat him down :p
That could be done fairly easily.

However, with pure DCing, I don't really have an idea right now (to be honest, I never really tried it out, so I guess I'll have to believe in what Alblaka says (don't you be wrong, dude :p)). So, my estimation is that it's something one would rather not try to implement without hex-editing.
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(02-03-2012, 09:44 AM)Alblaka Wrote:  The issue is, attackin yourself with negative bdefend values will still cause your defense to break for some annoying reason.

attack yourself with fall: -1 and bdefend: _insert_negative_value_
the negative fall makes you not go into the broken defence frames


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@Azriel: It is a buggy solution.
U pressed defend button.
It hit u with a negative-fall-valued itr.
U pressed defend again and again.
So now you have -400 fall value.
Then you jumped into firzen's yellow beam.
You were suppose to fall ground after 3 hits of beam but now u have to take all injure, fail..
(It's what Bashscrazy taught me:D)

Do you want an unbreakable armor? Then for first frame of broken-defend frame series, make it "next: 60(defend frame)". So you got it.

Azriel edited this post 02-08-2012 09:04 AM because:
i didn't say my solution worked. i just gave one that satisfied that constraint =D
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