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LFE Livestream Fighting Contest?
E.g. beat 3 heroes crazy hkc on 15 FPS, bo5

You see what I mean? ;D . We can compete at a certain FPS, so we don't have to always compete on lower fps to get the best achievement. On top of that, we have limited chances (e.g. bo5 means best of five, so we have to win 3 out of 5 tries), and at higher FPS, it is less obvious who will win. Not interesting???

Well, of course the biggest problem is probably most players are either lazy or unable to livestream :\\ . Probably players with low uploading speed won't be able to livestream very well, but quality shouldn't be much of a problem as long as we can understand what's going on, I guess? And if you are just lazy I can write the step by step guide to livestream with FFSplit with all the screenshots you need etc, because using FFSplit is easy when you know how.

Hmm, first I want to see, if we can have at least 4 players interested to play, this can be an interesting competition. Also, we may discuss at which FPS we should play. Currently I am convinced that it's best around 15 FPS. My current idea is that challenges will becomes harder on every round and the winner will be the player who win the most challenges after about 5 challenges.

If LFE stream is too good for things like this, leave it dead and let's make a new streaming channel ;D (jk, didn't mean to say it that way, :P , but it's just fun ^^ )
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Still no replies? Time to change that :p

Well, when we had the commented fights, we used a pretty funny system. Using the Lobby, Silva, I, and two others connected. Silva had a Skype-call to me so it'd basically record whatever comes out of his speakers. This way, we could stream without a) me having to stream (thank you third-world-internet) and b) keeping the stream kind of organized in terms of permissions. Worked quite well the times we did that xD

However, I am not quite sure as to how many people would actually like to stream their fights except for you. Either way, those that would like to without installing all that software, etc., could make it in a way described above. Network-game to you, you stream, and so on. Only problem with that is, of course, the framerate. That'd, most likely, defeat the purpose of playing on 15fps :p

But I'd really like to see one mini-tourney organized. You know, connect 4 people together, where they have to do various competitions. One streams the thing, commentary via a Skype-group-chat is optional. You'd at least have a constant frame-rate for all participants.

Example: 1 vs 3 coms
P1 fights vs. the 3 coms, the others just watch. After the match, P2 replaces P1 and the procedure repeats. You could then make a bo5 with everybody taking turns.

Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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BP's idea is nice because one of the important feature is that we cannot rely on 'extreme luck', which I usually rely on when trying to do something almost impossible (like firzen vs 5 julian, it was the ultimate luck that allowed me to win), so we can see some true skills being used ;D

But still, competing at a higher fps is more exciting (coz in network games I have around 5 fps :P ). But yeah, probably that would be fine. We need players thoooough! Anyone? I'm sure zort will be interested as long as the challenges are difficult enough? lol . I'll ask some skype friends too. So we will see, if everyone is willing enough and is able to livestream, we will probably compete on a certain fps, but if someone is either lazy or unable due to some problems, network game would be good enough.
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I'd support (includes participation in) such thing.
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