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Your very first LF2 steps
Post here how you were introduced to little fighter?
I was introduced to Lf2 by one of my friends "Koustobh" when he was drawing a picture of character maybe Davis. I asked his that what he was drawing and the he told me about the game. He told me that we can create our own character , weapon, background and I was very excited. After some days I got LF2 v2.0 in a DVD in a magazine and played it for about 30 mins and got bored as I didn't know how to hit special move. Next day in school I asked my friend and he wrote me the special moves. :D
This is how I got Introduced to LF2!
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Here's mine:

2 years before, I was searching some games to download in a site (I forgot the name of the site) and I saw lf2 game and many downloaders ranked the game and the comments were also very good about this game but when I saw the screenshot of the game I thought it was a boring game. After a few days passed, this game kept appearing at the highest rank of the site. Then I had a desire to download this game and see how is it. This lf2 game's version was 1.9. Then I downloaded this game and read the readme file then I played it. After about half an hour I got bored by playing this game. Then I searched google to know more about this game then I came to know about the secrets of the game like the fusion of Firen and Freeze, cheat, Louis transform into LouisEX etc. I was amazed by knowing the secrets. Then I searched google again and I found this great site "little fighter empire" then I came to know about spriting, data changing etc. and then I downloaded data changer and read the tutorials. Then I downloaded the new version of this game that was v2.0a. Then I started making my own new characters and I was very excited. From then I started enjoying this game. I even enjoyed data changing, spriting and ai scripting. And from then my jouney began.

Life is like a bicycle; to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
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How I found out about it and began playing it:
I got LF2 v1.9 on a DVD that came with a magazine, I think it was called "PCFormat" (and I'm South African, so I doubt anyone here knows the magazine).
The truth... is inescapable. The truth will always come out eventually, no matter what. And once the chains that bind the truth are severed... nothing can stop the truth from coming to light.
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when i was i think 5 or 6 maybe 7 years old my uncle sent me a cd that had games in it.Lf2 was in that cd.i played this game for 1 year without knowing how to make speciel moves.after some time i learned it and playeed a nother 1 year with special moves.after these i learned the cheat code the transformation and the fusoin.ahhh and know its has been a year i think i started to sprite.

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Your story links a LOT to my story. nehalbordoloi (he is a member here that left) intoduced me to LF2. And I told about LF2 to "Koustabh" and he told you. I am known to LF2 more than you are chronologically.

I have a 2009 to 2012 experience.
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Hi I took permission from Lauli to post so here goes my story:

I played a game Winkawaks,in a folder named Naruto I found this game version 1.9c(doesn't link to Naruto)at first I was a noob then I figured out how to use moves from this site --> then I actually found this site though I didn't make this account I found a lot of other sites then I again came to this site and that's how I got LF2 u can find my friends creation in i have a 2005 to 2013 experience
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You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
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This Is my 5th Story.I have many stories on my pc.I am also really good At makings Stories too.But!
This Story Is Real.

Well before joining Lf2 Empire My main gole was So
Make something Big To happy people interested some
creation of mine.
One Day I found the Lf2 in a CD In my country.I know
there is not big lF2 Fans.but In my Country There is
only 2 man That knows how to create make lf2
mode. first one Is me second one is Ariyan ☞
but he joined lf2empire fourm.Anyway So From the
CD I have seen lf2: It was Really good game I was so
happy.I played It like 1000 times and mastered it by
my self...SO, I was too little on that time like age 10.
Then I started Searching Lf2. I don't know how to
use net.But I learned it all by my self.I also learned
how to use computer, mobile, laptop etc .
So after learning The internet There was Also a
problem. And That's Language. I don't know how to
talk or write English.In my country there is another
language we use but that's not English.
And also in the school I can't learn English.Because
Teachers were not that kind of knowing. So I also
learned English all by my self.
I was also too little on that time.then I started
searching Lf2.
At first I got Lf4 turbo game. I played it With my hard
and sole.
Then Time was running and I was getting Bigger. I
found Many lf2 games and at First I found This forum
Lf2 Empire.In here I found many games. And
characters. And also playing them. I don't know what
Is Data changing or how to put the characters into
the lf2 game. In there there was Many guide. But I
was also little on that time and unable to read them.
But when I went to age 13.
I learned Data Changing and many other computer
So, on that time I wanted to register here.... I don't
know what is register but I learned it Myself.
But I can't register here Everytime I fail.I try I tray.
But in 2014 I was in my sense.
I used to learn Every point of data changings all
myself.In 2014 June I found data changing Guide in
lf2 forum and Learn the last half.
So I was Able to make characters.BGs,lf2 Mods etc.
I also made Many things.So I was thinking to make
something new and big.I am not showing off.I wanted
To Famous The <Lf2>.
then many times past.
On 2015 January I was Able to register In this Lf2
I was Soooo happy and exited.
I was Talking There with everyone.Learned all
rules,Deceplines etc.I also Banned couple of times.
At now I am 15 Years old.
I am making a life time Mode.
You can see on the project thread
Named The Adventure Of Lf2 World..

I am a Boy. And this mode is For my all life.If I am
dead The Game will end. id I found someone who will countnue it the It will give it to him......
Here is the link that I am Working....

Guys I'm just getting started! You guys don't kniw What can I Do And What Will I do next!

Clash Of Clans/Darkness Has Fallen
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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Post it here:
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My first Little Fighter activity besides playing it.

An Animated LF2 Video.. :D

Here is how I was introduced to the game :-
About 2 years ago, I was using google and was thinking to find something.
Then something came in my mind, I typed "fighting games for pc" ..
And I opened the softonic link, found something like Little Fighter v1.9c. I saw the screenshots and thought that its an old games but I downloaded. Played it and got bored, but after some days, I opened the game again and hit every key (Ctrl, Shift, Enter, Every arrow key) and it attacked a special move, then I googled the special moves and learnt to play it and now, I am here.. :D
" LF2 Against The Evils", my first LF2 video series.
Check my channel :D :-

Litte Fighter Videos  <-- This is a link! Click This!
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My Very First Project Is In My Signature :)
Not Much Problem Till Now :D

My History --->
I Was In 5th Grade , Ten Years Old
My Sis Used To Read Away From Our City
And When She Came Home In Holidays
She Brought A Pen-Drive Full Of Games
The Pen-Drive Contained A Game That Made Me Interested
It Was LF2 ..
To Be Exact It Was 4 Years Ago , 2010
I Got Pretty Much Fun Playing LF2 ..
But It Was Not That Fun While I Was Only Playing Alone
After 3 Years , 2014
Then When 1 Day Cousins Came And Started Saying
That IF I Had Any Game That Can 4 Of Us Play Together
We Played LF2 Together ,
And We Had So Much Fun That
I Began To Research With The Game,
Then I Found Out Bash Crazy's Mod [ DBZ LF2 ]
This Mod Was Just Too Awesome That I Thought
Even I Can Make Char's And Mods
So I Found Out This Amazing Site
And Signed Up
Boss Twisted
[Image: ObetoRy.png][Image: Jayt4JK.gif][Image: MC9gRte.gif?1]
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