Technical stuff
<zort> How is it possible that there's a recording with three players whose player numbers are all in the 4-8 range? That means they were all on the same computer?
<Doix> zort: lf2 lobby
<Doix> all palyers
<Doix> are like
<Doix> thingy
<zort> but you connect
<zort> so LF2 should think that they're on another computer.
<Doix> yes
<Doix> thats how it works
<Doix> and it only works
<Doix> becaues lf2 thinks
<Doix> that
<Doix> otherwise
<Doix> we couldn't do it
<Doix> its actually impossible on the 1.9
<Doix> since the client decided the random seed
<Doix> rathe rthan the server
<Doix> and if we made everyone the server
<Doix> everything was out of sync by 1 frame
<zort> oh yeah okay I'm at peace with it now
<shymeck> btw, do u know about lf2 multiserver?
<Doix> yes
<shymeck> k, only asking ;]
<Doix> im 99% sure everyone just reverse engineered lf2 lobby
<Doix> made by chiko and I ;)
<Chiko> i would poke fun at your bot but my lobby is buggy 2 :P
<Doix> i didn't make my bot :P
<Chiko> i didn't make my lobby ;-)
<Doix> also i have a linux server in canada if you want another lobby server
<Doix> yes, yes you did :p
<Chiko> sweet
<Chiko> the lobby you see today was just afterbirth
<Chiko> and so forth
<Chiko> my host at
<Chiko> now have many more locations :D
<Chiko> even australia
<Doix> ovh were giving out free dedicated servers
<Chiko> but it cost twice as much and limited to 150GB bandwidth
<Doix> so i have one now in canada
<Doix> with 10TB of bandwith
<Chiko> sh*t nice
<Chiko> should have gotten me one :P
<zort-> Can other people help with developing lobby?
<Doix> they disapeared
<Doix> within seconds
<Doix> chiko never shares source :p
<zort-> bollocks
<Chiko> bummer
<zort-> I thought you said the Multiserver guys copied your code.
<Chiko> examined the packets being sent out
<Chiko> with the 2.0 release having 8p support is easy
<Doix> zort-: they copied the way we do things
<Doix> theres some clever sh*t going on
<Doix> there :p
<Chiko> yeah worked hard on a lot of that stuff
<Doix> i dont believe they figured it out them selves
<Chiko> lf2 2.0 was out for a while before i bothered releasing anything
<Chiko> soon after i release mine they release theres? was just real suss
<Doix> yeah
<Doix> i remember we tried to do it for 1.9c
<Doix> but it wasn't possible
<Chiko> but again it was also a good thing for those closer
<Chiko> yeah we spent ages trying to hack 1.9c
<Doix> it just wasn't possible because the client decided the seed
<Chiko> was always one thing that would fail
<Chiko> yeah
<Doix> so if we made people be the server and have the client connect
<Doix> everything would desync
<Doix> since the esrver had frame priority
<Chiko> yeah as server has a 1 frame priority
<Doix> yep
<Doix> the good ole days:p
<zort-> wot
<Chiko> man that was hard to explain to people
<Chiko> you wouldn't believe how many people thought bullsh*t when i said the host has an advantage
<zort-> Did you write down your explanation anywhere? I'm slightly interseted.
<Doix> we had everyone be the server
<Doix> and on the server
<Chiko> then i turned it into a "lobby feature thing" with the lobby everyone is equal! lol
<Doix> if you press a key
<Doix> it executes immeditally
<Doix> so if 2 servers
<Doix> pressed attack
<Doix> each one would see
<Doix> the other hitting
<Doix> and it'd desync :p
<Chiko> desyncs such a pain
<Chiko> thought i would be clever and mask the sync byte
<Chiko> that ended up in people although enjoying them self actually playing single player because they were so heavily desynced :P
<Doix> yeah
<Doix> the sync is quite funny though
<Doix> its only a hp checksum
<Doix> so if no one got hurt
<Doix> the game could be totally desynced:p
<Chiko> @zort nah haven't really written anything for it just notes scattered here and there
<Chiko> haha yeah
<Chiko> but the 8p logic was full proof
<Chiko> impossible to desync
<zhymec> Chiko: fool*
<Chiko> because all the clients are just spectators
<Doix> in theory:p
<Chiko> technically aswell
<Chiko> :D
<Doix> well
<zort-> what is happening right now?
<Doix> what if the bytes you send
<Doix> dont send properly
<Doix> zort-: everyone is a client
<Chiko> lol zhymec it's all in my brain for now :P and i guess doix
<Doix> so no advantages :p
<Doix> client = connect to server | server = wait for players
<Chiko> well if the bytes don't send yeah it won't work right but it can't desync :P
<zort-> Doix: You know how you said LF2 only does a checksum of the HPs? Is that true for recording files too? Because there's an error that goes "Data Error! You and your opponent have different set of data files.", implying it also checks the data files.
<zort-> nevermind the recording files thing
<zort-> So basically that error message is misleading?
<Doix> what?
<Doix> replays != networking
<zort-> what what?
<zort-> Nevermind replays.
<Doix> it checks
<Doix> that
<Doix> at the start
<Doix> in the 3001 byte packet
<Doix> but during gameplay
<Doix> its only
<Doix> hp checksum
<zort-> nuts
<zort-> Huh. Doesn't seem to matter that I had a custom stage while making some recordings.
<Doix> same length?
<zort-> no
<Doix> so
<Doix> it f***** up then?
<Doix> or does it set the length
<Doix> to the backgrouns length
<zort-> Everything works, as if I was recording with the normal stage.dat.
<zort-> (I wasn't recording stage mode)
<Doix> what?
<Doix> all it does
<Doix> is record moves
<zort-> And it notes the checksum of all the dat files and of the HPs every now and then, right?
<Doix> i dont know
<Doix> what recordings do
<Doix> it may be just like networking
<Doix> data at the start
<Doix> hp every frame
<zort-> I think so; there's an error that goes "Error! Recording file are recorded in a LF2 with some data files (character or stage files) different from yours. Your LF2 has to use the same set of data files in order in replay this recording file!"
<Doix> when/
<zort-> Right when you start playing the recording if I recall correctly.
<Doix> yeah
<Doix> thats at the start
<zort-> darn Marti
<Doix> anyway
<zort-> Why can't he just trust us? :P
<Doix> all yourproblems
<Doix> are silly
<Doix> ...
<zort-> That's good.
<Doix> he checks it once
<Doix> thats what he should do
<Doix> anyway
<zort-> Chiko: How much activity does your lobby see, if you know?
<Chiko> don't have exact stats just that it's used every night for a few hours
<Chiko> i haven't seen a night where it hasn't been used
<Chiko> and sometimes when the server goes down i get a response from someone about it fairly quickly
<Chiko> traffic wise i restarted it a few days ago and it's already seen about 6.6MB of traffic (sent out 2.2MB)
<Chiko> considering each packet sent out is about 22 bytes....
<Chiko> mm chats kinda working
<Chiko> feel like trying it?
<BluePhoenix> GIEV
<Chiko> still need to fix some annoying ui stuff but yeah feedback would be neat :D
<Chiko> msn
<BluePhoenix> I had to select the folder :p
<BluePhoenix> PASSWORD?!?!?!?!!?!
<Chiko> umm
<Chiko> sh*t
<Chiko> oh yeah
<Chiko> icecream
<BluePhoenix> you can't be serious :p
<Chiko> the pw is icecream
<Chiko> :P
<BluePhoenix> lol
<Chiko> did it show the "Chiko has left the room" ? lol
<BluePhoenix> so wait, you "leave" the room when you close the app?
<BluePhoenix> and yes
<Chiko> yeah
<Chiko> cool
<Chiko> basically if you're in the lobby and you disconnect/leave it will notify everyone
<BluePhoenix> good that you didn't wait for 30mins before asking
<Chiko> same if you're in a game
<Chiko> haha
<BluePhoenix> because I closed the client, too :p
<Chiko> yeah i saw ^_^
<Chiko> this server is much quicker to drop connections
<Chiko> brb
<BluePhoenix> I hope that it doesn't just randomly drop those tho
<BluePhoenix> :p
<Chiko> if you're in a game and someone doesn't respond for 10 seconds they will be dropped
<Chiko> the idea is the connection may have died but there is still a long term session in place
<BluePhoenix> ...which means the game can be picked up again?
<Chiko> so when their net sorts its self out the program will automatically go back in and yeah
<BluePhoenix> AWESOME
<Chiko> yep the game will continue on when they get back
<Chiko> so say ramonds net drops out
<BluePhoenix> I certainly approve of that :p
<Chiko> assuming the app is still running it will keep lf2 alive
<BluePhoenix> 3p survival with don and es
<Chiko> when net comes back on it will be like uhh hey buddy you remember me?
<Chiko> would be feasible :d
<BluePhoenix> 4h non-stop playing
<BluePhoenix> stage 50
<BluePhoenix> last one dies
<BluePhoenix> sync error
<Chiko> lol
<Chiko> cool thing is even if the recording fails
<Chiko> the server will have all the packets
<Chiko> and can reconstruct the game automatically
<BluePhoenix> xD
<BluePhoenix> assuming you're using an unmodified lf2-version?
<Chiko> regardless of the client
<Chiko> if it can play on the lobby it can be reconstructed
<BluePhoenix> well, I don't know how you want to "reconstruct" the game
<Chiko> e.g. replay the game from start to finish
<Chiko> basically just fire up lf2 whatever version connect to server and server will deliver a replay to you
<Chiko> the system i've laid out is tournament orienated
<Chiko> imagine 8 people in a game playing then someone comes a long who wants to watch
<BluePhoenix> and once you reach the point where you dropped out, it'll pause the game?
<Chiko> np they fire up lf2 select the playing game and click "Watch"
<BluePhoenix> haha, nice
<Chiko> yeah for resuming capabilities it will take you back upto that point and simulate a pause across all clients
<Chiko> server will do checks to make sure everything is ready and perhaps ask the clients if they are ready
<BluePhoenix> AWESOME
<Chiko> then resume from there
<BluePhoenix> make the window flash :p
<Chiko> haha yeah will do :P
<Chiko> but yeah this is the connection process so far
<BluePhoenix> looks good
<zort> when are you going to fix LF2 Lobby?
<Chiko> ugh don't remind me
<Doix> it's broken?
<zort> not that you promised to fix it.
<Chiko> it has...issues
<Chiko> random issue etc
<Chiko> and i wanted to release newer one
<Chiko> but im lazy
<Chiko> true lazy
<Doix> whats wrong with it
<Chiko> bananas
<Chiko> and umm
<zort> The random thing.
<Doix> you fixed it
<Chiko> just overall stability
<Doix> we literally
<Doix> know what causes it! :P
<Chiko> i didn't
<Chiko> i knew how to do it when i first released it
<zort> We should get you interested in LF2, then you'll want it fixed.
<Chiko> but didn't end up doing it
<Chiko> yeah
<Doix> i don't like lf2 :p
<Doix> i can't reverse engineer things anymore
<Chiko> oh yeah
<Chiko> i still have to put in the 8p code lol
<zort> Well, me and whoever else wants a non-buggy LF2 Lobby.
<zort> less buggy
<Chiko> i do want to make it
<Chiko> i just don't know what's happened to me
<zort> Do you use it?
<Chiko> work has completely killed my motivation
<Chiko> no not really
<Chiko> i didn't build it for me though
<Chiko> otherwise i wouldn't have hosted it in the uk :P
<Doix> i wish
<Doix> i had a badass windows server:p
<Doix> i'd have it running lf2
<Doix> and people could upload
<Doix> ai scripts
<Doix> and watch them battle :p
<Chiko> i kinda wanted that for the replays
<Chiko> people play a game on lobby
<Chiko> in the background it replays the game on a server and records it
<Chiko> then provides a link to the video for said match
<Chiko> but yeah lazy and so forth
<Doix> need a windows server for that sh*t
<Doix> because if you want to record a battle
<Doix> you need lf2 running
<Chiko> that is feasible
<Chiko> or at least a windows vm :P
<zort> But, in sum, the present situation is quite good.
<Doix> basically, if you want things done zort
<Doix> do them :p
<YinYin> well I just recently told my antivir that this is a false positive and now it works
<BluePhoenix_> haha
<YinYin> also told chiko to add a list of how to submit false positives to all kinds of antivir manufacturers
<YinYin> but I think he went offline before he saw that
<BluePhoenix_> isn't chiko working on a new lobby anyways?
<YinYin> I have no idea
<BluePhoenix_> I recall don sending me a copy of it
<YinYin> arr
<BluePhoenix_> login+register+roomwatching works
<BluePhoenix_> but not joining any rooms
<YinYin> should I manage to connect even if nobody is on the lobby?
<BluePhoenix_> yes
<YinYin> ):
<BluePhoenix_> there just shouldn't be any rooms available
<BluePhoenix_> hmmm
<YinYin> Failed to connect. Please try again later. (Retrying in 10 seconds)
<BluePhoenix_> failed to connect for me as well
<BluePhoenix_> guess we're doomed
<YinYin> the server is offline then?
<YinYin> just now that I got it unblocked?
<BluePhoenix_> something like that, yeah
<BluePhoenix_> xD
<YinYin> oh well
<YinYin> is the new stuff among these ?
<BluePhoenix_> doesn't look like it
<BluePhoenix_> well, the new one wouldn't be functioning anyways :p
<Chiko> chats working in lobby now
<Chiko> just fixing an account issue
<BluePhoenix> have I broken the accounts?
<Chiko> burnt the morning fighting encryption
<BluePhoenix> with constant re-registering :p
<Chiko> you've been registering? XD the server hasn't been running
<Chiko> although was kinda creepy
<BluePhoenix> :p
<Chiko> i sent the program to ramon
<BluePhoenix> yes
<Chiko> and you had an account up first :p
<BluePhoenix> don placed it in a shared dropbox-folder
<Chiko> ahh
<BluePhoenix> and I had nothing better to do than booting up this b*tch :p
<BluePhoenix> also: :p
<Chiko> :P
<BluePhoenix> aaaaaa
<Chiko> ah bummer
<Chiko> it did go down today i brang it back up though
Progress (no dates unfortunately)
<phil^> what's an appropriate resolution for a screenshot, so that everyone can view it comfortably, so that they don't have to zoom in or out?
<BluePhoenix> IMPOSSIBRU
<Chiko2> SD? 1280x720
<Chiko2> CHIKO2?! WHAT IS TIS?!
**** Chiko2 NICK Chiko
<Chiko> Crisis averted
<BluePhoenix> No.
<BluePhoenix> loby is not done
<Chiko> Working on it database is being a b*tch
<Chiko> how'd your image thingy go phil :P
<phil^> it's soo much effort :P
<phil^> but going fine
<Chiko> :P cool
<phil^> how is lobby doing? i am not really up to date on that matter
<Chiko> ehh
<Chiko> banging my head against a wall atm entity framework is being a pain
<Chiko> haven't worked on lobby in a while but trying to get some work done today
<Chiko> not going as well as i hoped i need to stop changing languages :P
<phil^> good idea :P
<phil^> which one are you using right now?
<Chiko> c# atm
<phil^> ohhh.. talk about being a pain:p c# was such a b*tch in my final exam
<Chiko> went from vb6 to php then c++ then g++ (linuxshiz) and now c#
<Chiko> lol
<Chiko> need to invest more time learning it properly
<phil^> well good luck with that :D
<Chiko> thanks :P
**** Grimwind QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer
<phil^> longest
<phil^> post
<phil^> ever
<BluePhoenix> Chiko: HOW FAR LOBY
<Chiko> :P
<Chiko> Someone told me if i played awesomenauts the lobby would complete it's self
<Chiko> it appears that was a lie
<BluePhoenix> GO WORK ON LOBY
<Chiko> lobby driving me nuts need to finish it then decent sleep can continue
*** BluePhoenix JOIN
<Chiko> Blue phoenix detected
<BluePhoenix> Chiko how far loby
<Chiko> so far that it hurts
<BluePhoenix> then yuno release
<Chiko> seriously i've just gotten hello world printed and now it asks for your name
<Chiko> so far
<BluePhoenix> ?
<Chiko> :P
<Chiko> so unproductive today
<BluePhoenix> then do loby
<Chiko> i want to
<Chiko> i just really lack the motivation
<Chiko> same
<Chiko> it sucks
<Chiko> I've been working on the lobby for 5 years
<Chiko> it doesn't get more chilled out than that :P
<Chiko> working = spending a few hours every few months and even going several months without doing it
<Chiko> yeah need to do more training
<BluePhoenix> WORK LOBY
<BluePhoenix> 8P LOBY
<Chiko> thats what im working on bp :P slowly lol
<Chiko> oh look an angle
<Chiko> angel*
<Chiko> gn ^_^
*** Chiko QUIT Ping timeout: 256 seconds
<Chiko> so far spent $700 on lobby
<MeNmine> .g lobby
<DoixBot> MeNmine:
<Chiko> lol
<Chiko> make that 720
<BluePhoenix> LOBY
<Chiko> damn it
<BluePhoenix> DoixBot: tell Chiko HOW FAR LOBY
<DoixBot> BluePhoenix: I'll pass that on when Chiko is around.
<Chiko> Loby progress~ So decided to do the bastard in c#
<DoixBot> Chiko: 13:45Z <BluePhoenix> tell Chiko HOW FAR LOBY
<Chiko> damn it
<Chiko> :P
<Chiko> trying to get mono setup on ubuntu
<Chiko> and run a test program
<Chiko> because yeah haven't tried it before
<BluePhoenix> stop rewriting this sh*t every 2 months
<Chiko> im not :P
<Chiko> more like every 2 years
<BluePhoenix> you're just switching programming languages like socks
<Chiko> i just really cbf programming anymore
<BluePhoenix> ffs
<BluePhoenix> finish loby for once and for all
<Chiko> easier said than done
<BluePhoenix> no sh*t sherlock :p
<Chiko> :P
<Member1918> Lobby XD
[Chiko hides]
<Member1918> well I don't mind it taking some time, coz I still have a ton to-do list in LF2 for just 2 players :P, but I'm looking forward to playing with Lobby XD
<Member1918> hell much thanks for working on lf2lobby :D
*** Chiko QUIT Ping timeout: 244 seconds
<Chiko> lobby so close i can almost taste it
<Chiko> not really but i'm doing a fair bit of work on it
<BluePhoenix> AWESOME
<Chiko> ugh looking at my lf2 c# lobby code
<Chiko> no idea what i was writing here
<Chiko> guess that's what happens when you don't play with it for 8 months
<Doix> yep
<Chiko> can definetly see a struggle with naming classes
<Doix> just name them w/e?:P
<Chiko> i don't work that way :P
<Doix> you can literally
<Doix> rename a class
<Doix> in like a few button presses
<Doix> i usually just give them the first name that pops into my head
<Doix> then refractor everything after i have a good idea
<Doix> how everytihng is structured
<Doix> or release the source code and let someone else do it
<Chiko> god damn they want a lot of money
<Chiko> yeah but more about structure of classes
<Doix> who is they?
<Chiko> i would like someone else to do it :p
<Doix> ?
<Doix> people do it for free
<Doix> if you release it
<Doix> look at the ai project
<Doix> and lf2replays
*** Chiko2 JOIN
<zort> 2.0?
<BluePhoenix> Chiko2: HOW FAR LOBY
<zort> lol lobby
*** Chiko JOIN
*** Chiko2 QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer
*** Chiko2 JOIN
*** Chiko QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer
*** Chiko2 QUIT Ping timeout: 240 seconds
<zort> How is it possible that there's a recording with three players whose player numbers are all in the 4-8 range? That means they were all on the same computer?
<Doix> zort: lf2 lobby
<Doix> all palyers
<Doix> are like
<Doix> thingy
<zort> but you connect
<zort> so LF2 should think that they're on another computer.
<Doix> yes
<Doix> thats how it works
<Doix> and it only works
<Doix> becaues lf2 thinks
<Doix> that
<Doix> otherwise
<Doix> we couldn't do it
<Doix> its actually impossible on the 1.9
<Doix> since the client decided the random seed
<Doix> rathe rthan the server
<Doix> and if we made everyone the server
<Doix> everything was out of sync by 1 frame
<zort> oh yeah okay I'm at peace with it now
<shymeck> btw, do u know about lf2 multiserver?
<Doix> yes
<shymeck> k, only asking ;]
<Doix> im 99% sure everyone just reverse engineered lf2 lobby
<Doix> made by chiko and I ;)
<Chiko> i would poke fun at your bot but my lobby is buggy 2 :P
<Doix> i didn't make my bot :P
<Chiko> i didn't make my lobby ;-)
<Doix> also i have a linux server in canada if you want another lobby server
<Doix> yes, yes you did :p
<Chiko> sweet
<Chiko> the lobby you see today was just afterbirth
<Chiko> and so forth
<Chiko> my host at
<Chiko> now have many more locations :D
<Chiko> even australia
<Doix> ovh were giving out free dedicated servers
<Chiko> but it cost twice as much and limited to 150GB bandwidth
<Doix> so i have one now in canada
<Doix> with 10TB of bandwith
<Chiko> sh*t nice
<Chiko> should have gotten me one :P
<zort-> Can other people help with developing lobby?
<Doix> they disapeared
<Doix> within seconds
<Doix> chiko never shares source :p
<zort-> bollocks
<Chiko> bummer
<zort-> I thought you said the Multiserver guys copied your code.
<Chiko> examined the packets being sent out
<Chiko> with the 2.0 release having 8p support is easy
<Doix> zort-: they copied the way we do things
<Doix> theres some clever sh*t going on
<Doix> there :p
<Chiko> yeah worked hard on a lot of that stuff
<Doix> i dont believe they figured it out them selves
<Chiko> lf2 2.0 was out for a while before i bothered releasing anything
<Chiko> soon after i release mine they release theres? was just real suss
<Doix> yeah
<Doix> i remember we tried to do it for 1.9c
<Doix> but it wasn't possible
<Chiko> but again it was also a good thing for those closer
<Chiko> yeah we spent ages trying to hack 1.9c
<Doix> it just wasn't possible because the client decided the seed
<Chiko> was always one thing that would fail
<Chiko> yeah
<Doix> so if we made people be the server and have the client connect
<Doix> everything would desync
<Doix> since the esrver had frame priority
<Chiko> yeah as server has a 1 frame priority
<Doix> yep
<Doix> the good ole days:p
<zort-> wot
<Chiko> man that was hard to explain to people
<Chiko> you wouldn't believe how many people thought bullsh*t when i said the host has an advantage
<zort-> Did you write down your explanation anywhere? I'm slightly interseted.
<Doix> we had everyone be the server
<Doix> and on the server
<Chiko> then i turned it into a "lobby feature thing" with the lobby everyone is equal! lol
<Doix> if you press a key
<Doix> it executes immeditally
<Doix> so if 2 servers
<Doix> pressed attack
<Doix> each one would see
<Doix> the other hitting
<Doix> and it'd desync :p
<Chiko> desyncs such a pain
<Chiko> thought i would be clever and mask the sync byte
<Chiko> that ended up in people although enjoying them self actually playing single player because they were so heavily desynced :P
<Doix> yeah
<Doix> the sync is quite funny though
<Doix> its only a hp checksum
<Doix> so if no one got hurt
<Doix> the game could be totally desynced:p
<Chiko> @zort nah haven't really written anything for it just notes scattered here and there
<Chiko> haha yeah
<Chiko> but the 8p logic was full proof
<Chiko> impossible to desync
<zhymec> Chiko: fool*
<Chiko> because all the clients are just spectators
<Doix> in theory:p
<Chiko> technically aswell
<Chiko> :D
<Doix> well
<zort-> what is happening right now?
<Doix> what if the bytes you send
<Doix> dont send properly
<Doix> zort-: everyone is a client
<Chiko> lol zhymec it's all in my brain for now :P and i guess doix
<Doix> so no advantages :p
<Doix> client = connect to server | server = wait for players
<Chiko> well if the bytes don't send yeah it won't work right but it can't desync :P
<zort-> Doix: You know how you said LF2 only does a checksum of the HPs? Is that true for recording files too? Because there's an error that goes "Data Error! You and your opponent have different set of data files.", implying it also checks the data files.
<zort-> nevermind the recording files thing
<zort-> So basically that error message is misleading?
<Doix> what?
<Doix> replays != networking
<zort-> what what?
<zort-> Nevermind replays.
<Doix> it checks
<Doix> that
<Doix> at the start
<Doix> in the 3001 byte packet
<Doix> but during gameplay
<Doix> its only
<Doix> hp checksum
<zort-> nuts
<zort-> Huh. Doesn't seem to matter that I had a custom stage while making some recordings.
<Doix> same length?
<zort-> no
<Doix> so
<Doix> it f***** up then?
<Doix> or does it set the length
<Doix> to the backgrouns length
<zort-> Everything works, as if I was recording with the normal stage.dat.
<zort-> (I wasn't recording stage mode)
<Doix> what?
<Doix> all it does
<Doix> is record moves
<zort-> And it notes the checksum of all the dat files and of the HPs every now and then, right?
<Doix> i dont know
<Doix> what recordings do
<Doix> it may be just like networking
<Doix> data at the start
<Doix> hp every frame
<zort-> I think so; there's an error that goes "Error! Recording file are recorded in a LF2 with some data files (character or stage files) different from yours. Your LF2 has to use the same set of data files in order in replay this recording file!"
<Doix> when/
<zort-> Right when you start playing the recording if I recall correctly.
<Doix> yeah
<Doix> thats at the start
<zort-> darn Marti
<Doix> anyway
<zort-> Why can't he just trust us? :P
<Doix> all yourproblems
<Doix> are silly
<Doix> ...
<zort-> That's good.
<Doix> he checks it once
<Doix> thats what he should do
<Doix> anyway
<zort-> Chiko: How much activity does your lobby see, if you know?
<Chiko> don't have exact stats just that it's used every night for a few hours
<Chiko> i haven't seen a night where it hasn't been used
<Chiko> and sometimes when the server goes down i get a response from someone about it fairly quickly
<Chiko> traffic wise i restarted it a few days ago and it's already seen about 6.6MB of traffic (sent out 2.2MB)
<Chiko> considering each packet sent out is about 22 bytes....
<Chiko> mm chats kinda working
<Chiko> feel like trying it?
<BluePhoenix> GIEV
<Chiko> still need to fix some annoying ui stuff but yeah feedback would be neat :D
<Chiko> msn
<BluePhoenix> I had to select the folder :p
<BluePhoenix> PASSWORD?!?!?!?!!?!
<Chiko> umm
<Chiko> sh*t
<Chiko> oh yeah
<Chiko> icecream
<BluePhoenix> you can't be serious :p
<Chiko> the pw is icecream
<Chiko> :P
<BluePhoenix> lol
<Chiko> did it show the "Chiko has left the room" ? lol
<BluePhoenix> so wait, you "leave" the room when you close the app?
<BluePhoenix> and yes
<Chiko> yeah
<Chiko> cool
<Chiko> basically if you're in the lobby and you disconnect/leave it will notify everyone
<BluePhoenix> good that you didn't wait for 30mins before asking
<Chiko> same if you're in a game
<Chiko> haha
<BluePhoenix> because I closed the client, too :p
<Chiko> yeah i saw ^_^
<Chiko> this server is much quicker to drop connections
<Chiko> brb
<BluePhoenix> I hope that it doesn't just randomly drop those tho
<BluePhoenix> :p
<Chiko> if you're in a game and someone doesn't respond for 10 seconds they will be dropped
<Chiko> the idea is the connection may have died but there is still a long term session in place
<BluePhoenix> ...which means the game can be picked up again?
<Chiko> so when their net sorts its self out the program will automatically go back in and yeah
<BluePhoenix> AWESOME
<Chiko> yep the game will continue on when they get back
<Chiko> so say ramonds net drops out
<BluePhoenix> I certainly approve of that :p
<Chiko> assuming the app is still running it will keep lf2 alive
<BluePhoenix> 3p survival with don and es
<Chiko> when net comes back on it will be like uhh hey buddy you remember me?
<Chiko> would be feasible :d
<BluePhoenix> 4h non-stop playing
<BluePhoenix> stage 50
<BluePhoenix> last one dies
<BluePhoenix> sync error
<Chiko> lol
<Chiko> cool thing is even if the recording fails
<Chiko> the server will have all the packets
<Chiko> and can reconstruct the game automatically
<BluePhoenix> xD
<BluePhoenix> assuming you're using an unmodified lf2-version?
<Chiko> regardless of the client
<Chiko> if it can play on the lobby it can be reconstructed
<BluePhoenix> well, I don't know how you want to "reconstruct" the game
<Chiko> e.g. replay the game from start to finish
<Chiko> basically just fire up lf2 whatever version connect to server and server will deliver a replay to you
<Chiko> the system i've laid out is tournament orienated
<Chiko> imagine 8 people in a game playing then someone comes a long who wants to watch
<BluePhoenix> and once you reach the point where you dropped out, it'll pause the game?
<Chiko> np they fire up lf2 select the playing game and click "Watch"
<BluePhoenix> haha, nice
<Chiko> yeah for resuming capabilities it will take you back upto that point and simulate a pause across all clients
<Chiko> server will do checks to make sure everything is ready and perhaps ask the clients if they are ready
<BluePhoenix> AWESOME
<Chiko> then resume from there
<BluePhoenix> make the window flash :p
<Chiko> haha yeah will do :P
<Chiko> but yeah this is the connection process so far
<BluePhoenix> looks good
<zort> when are you going to fix LF2 Lobby?
<Chiko> ugh don't remind me
<Doix> it's broken?
<zort> not that you promised to fix it.
<Chiko> it has...issues
<Chiko> random issue etc
<Chiko> and i wanted to release newer one
<Chiko> but im lazy
<Chiko> true lazy
<Doix> whats wrong with it
<Chiko> bananas
<Chiko> and umm
<zort> The random thing.
<Doix> you fixed it
<Chiko> just overall stability
<Doix> we literally
<Doix> know what causes it! :P
<Chiko> i didn't
<Chiko> i knew how to do it when i first released it
<zort> We should get you interested in LF2, then you'll want it fixed.
<Chiko> but didn't end up doing it
<Chiko> yeah
<Doix> i don't like lf2 :p
<Doix> i can't reverse engineer things anymore
<Chiko> oh yeah
<Chiko> i still have to put in the 8p code lol
<zort> Well, me and whoever else wants a non-buggy LF2 Lobby.
<zort> less buggy
<Chiko> i do want to make it
<Chiko> i just don't know what's happened to me
<zort> Do you use it?
<Chiko> work has completely killed my motivation
<Chiko> no not really
<Chiko> i didn't build it for me though
<Chiko> otherwise i wouldn't have hosted it in the uk :P
<Doix> i wish
<Doix> i had a badass windows server:p
<Doix> i'd have it running lf2
<Doix> and people could upload
<Doix> ai scripts
<Doix> and watch them battle :p

<Chiko> i kinda wanted that for the replays
<Chiko> people play a game on lobby
<Chiko> in the background it replays the game on a server and records it
<Chiko> then provides a link to the video for said match
<Chiko> but yeah lazy and so forth
<Doix> need a windows server for that sh*t
<Doix> because if you want to record a battle
<Doix> you need lf2 running
<Chiko> that is feasible
<Chiko> or at least a windows vm :P
<zort> But, in sum, the present situation is quite good.
<Doix> basically, if you want things done zort
<Doix> do them :p
<YinYin> well I just recently told my antivir that this is a false positive and now it works
<BluePhoenix_> haha
<YinYin> also told chiko to add a list of how to submit false positives to all kinds of antivir manufacturers
<YinYin> but I think he went offline before he saw that
<BluePhoenix_> isn't chiko working on a new lobby anyways?
<YinYin> I have no idea
<BluePhoenix_> I recall don sending me a copy of it
<YinYin> arr
<BluePhoenix_> login+register+roomwatching works
<BluePhoenix_> but not joining any rooms
<YinYin> should I manage to connect even if nobody is on the lobby?
<BluePhoenix_> yes
<YinYin> ):
<BluePhoenix_> there just shouldn't be any rooms available
<BluePhoenix_> hmmm
<YinYin> Failed to connect. Please try again later. (Retrying in 10 seconds)
<BluePhoenix_> failed to connect for me as well
<BluePhoenix_> guess we're doomed
<YinYin> the server is offline then?
<YinYin> just now that I got it unblocked?
<BluePhoenix_> something like that, yeah
<BluePhoenix_> xD
<YinYin> oh well
<YinYin> is the new stuff among these ?
<BluePhoenix_> doesn't look like it
<BluePhoenix_> well, the new one wouldn't be functioning anyways :p
<Chiko> chats working in lobby now
<Chiko> just fixing an account issue
<BluePhoenix> have I broken the accounts?
<Chiko> burnt the morning fighting encryption
<BluePhoenix> with constant re-registering :p
<Chiko> you've been registering? XD the server hasn't been running
<Chiko> although was kinda creepy
<BluePhoenix> :p
<Chiko> i sent the program to ramon
<BluePhoenix> yes
<Chiko> and you had an account up first :p
<BluePhoenix> don placed it in a shared dropbox-folder
<Chiko> ahh
<BluePhoenix> and I had nothing better to do than booting up this b*tch :p
<BluePhoenix> also: :p
<Chiko> :P
<BluePhoenix> aaaaaa
<Chiko> ah bummer
<Chiko> it did go down today i brang it back up though
Progress (no dates unfortunately)
<phil^> what's an appropriate resolution for a screenshot, so that everyone can view it comfortably, so that they don't have to zoom in or out?
<BluePhoenix> IMPOSSIBRU
<Chiko2> SD? 1280x720
<Chiko2> CHIKO2?! WHAT IS TIS?!
**** Chiko2 NICK Chiko
<Chiko> Crisis averted
<BluePhoenix> No.
<BluePhoenix> loby is not done
<Chiko> Working on it database is being a b*tch
<Chiko> how'd your image thingy go phil :P
<phil^> it's soo much effort :P
<phil^> but going fine
<Chiko> :P cool
<phil^> how is lobby doing? i am not really up to date on that matter
<Chiko> ehh
<Chiko> banging my head against a wall atm entity framework is being a pain
<Chiko> haven't worked on lobby in a while but trying to get some work done today
<Chiko> not going as well as i hoped i need to stop changing languages :P
<phil^> good idea :P
<phil^> which one are you using right now?
<Chiko> c# atm
<phil^> ohhh.. talk about being a pain:p c# was such a b*tch in my final exam
<Chiko> went from vb6 to php then c++ then g++ (linuxshiz) and now c#
<Chiko> lol
<Chiko> need to invest more time learning it properly
<phil^> well good luck with that :D
<Chiko> thanks :P
**** Grimwind QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer
<phil^> longest
<phil^> post
<phil^> ever
<BluePhoenix> Chiko: HOW FAR LOBY
<Chiko> :P
<Chiko> Someone told me if i played awesomenauts the lobby would complete it's self
<Chiko> it appears that was a lie
<BluePhoenix> GO WORK ON LOBY
<Chiko> lobby driving me nuts need to finish it then decent sleep can continue
*** BluePhoenix JOIN
<Chiko> Blue phoenix detected
<BluePhoenix> Chiko how far loby
<Chiko> so far that it hurts
<BluePhoenix> then yuno release
<Chiko> seriously i've just gotten hello world printed and now it asks for your name
<Chiko> so far
<BluePhoenix> ?
<Chiko> :P
<Chiko> so unproductive today
<BluePhoenix> then do loby
<Chiko> i want to
<Chiko> i just really lack the motivation
<Chiko> same
<Chiko> it sucks
<Chiko> I've been working on the lobby for 5 years
<Chiko> it doesn't get more chilled out than that :P
<Chiko> working = spending a few hours every few months and even going several months without doing it
<Chiko> yeah need to do more training
<BluePhoenix> WORK LOBY
<BluePhoenix> 8P LOBY
<Chiko> thats what im working on bp :P slowly lol
<Chiko> oh look an angle
<Chiko> angel*
<Chiko> gn ^_^
*** Chiko QUIT Ping timeout: 256 seconds
<Chiko> so far spent $700 on lobby
<MeNmine> .g lobby
<DoixBot> MeNmine:
<Chiko> lol
<Chiko> make that 720
<BluePhoenix> LOBY
<Chiko> damn it
<BluePhoenix> DoixBot: tell Chiko HOW FAR LOBY
<DoixBot> BluePhoenix: I'll pass that on when Chiko is around.
<Chiko> Loby progress~ So decided to do the bastard in c#
<DoixBot> Chiko: 13:45Z <BluePhoenix> tell Chiko HOW FAR LOBY
<Chiko> damn it
<Chiko> :P
<Chiko> trying to get mono setup on ubuntu
<Chiko> and run a test program
<Chiko> because yeah haven't tried it before
<BluePhoenix> stop rewriting this sh*t every 2 months
<Chiko> im not :P
<Chiko> more like every 2 years
<BluePhoenix> you're just switching programming languages like socks
<Chiko> i just really cbf programming anymore
<BluePhoenix> ffs
<BluePhoenix> finish loby for once and for all
<Chiko> easier said than done
<BluePhoenix> no sh*t sherlock :p
<Chiko> :P
<Member1918> Lobby XD
[Chiko hides]
<Member1918> well I don't mind it taking some time, coz I still have a ton to-do list in LF2 for just 2 players :P, but I'm looking forward to playing with Lobby XD
<Member1918> hell much thanks for working on lf2lobby :D
*** Chiko QUIT Ping timeout: 244 seconds
<Chiko> lobby so close i can almost taste it
<Chiko> not really but i'm doing a fair bit of work on it
<BluePhoenix> AWESOME
<Chiko> ugh looking at my lf2 c# lobby code
<Chiko> no idea what i was writing here
<Chiko> guess that's what happens when you don't play with it for 8 months
<Doix> yep
<Chiko> can definetly see a struggle with naming classes
<Doix> just name them w/e?:P
<Chiko> i don't work that way :P
<Doix> you can literally
<Doix> rename a class
<Doix> in like a few button presses
<Doix> i usually just give them the first name that pops into my head
<Doix> then refractor everything after i have a good idea
<Doix> how everytihng is structured
<Doix> or release the source code and let someone else do it
<Chiko> god damn they want a lot of money
<Chiko> yeah but more about structure of classes
<Doix> who is they?
<Chiko> i would like someone else to do it :p
<Doix> ?
<Doix> people do it for free
<Doix> if you release it
<Doix> look at the ai project
<Doix> and lf2replays
*** Chiko2 JOIN
<zort> 2.0?
<BluePhoenix> Chiko2: HOW FAR LOBY
<zort> lol lobby
*** Chiko JOIN
*** Chiko2 QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer
*** Chiko2 JOIN
*** Chiko QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer
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