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[RPG] Apoc's Survival
The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
The door is locked, but there is resistance when trying to open it. It seems the door is either blocked or barricaded from the other side, albeit loosely.
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
(08-14-2013, 12:21 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  
The door is locked, but there is resistance when trying to open it. It seems the door is either blocked or barricaded from the other side, albeit loosely.

A barricade on the other side has to mean there's another smart human being on the floor, and that raises Jonny's hopes of possibly getting some help. Since there is no use in going down again, he tries ramming the door. If that fails, he'll knock on it loudly. The zombies below know that he's here anyway.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
Whether due to a solid craftsmanship on the door or his average strength, Jonny can't break the door open by brute force. He starts knocking albeit the ramming most likely created more noise then knocking already.

And this is the spot where I would love Phil to come back :O
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
(08-14-2013, 12:43 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  
Whether due to a solid craftsmanship on the door or his average strength, Jonny can't break the door open by brute force. He starts knocking albeit the ramming most likely created more noise then knocking already.

Well duh :D but zombies don't knock so the people on the other side should know it's a human. A smart one

While keeping on knocking, Jonny looks out for the stairwell. He also calls out "Hey! Here's another smart human being that hasn't turned and seriously needs some help to get out of here. I know you are! Zombies wouldn't barricade themselves." He tries to look through the keyhole (if existant).
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
This is gonna be fun... totally a 'survive till help arrives' scenario :P

They keyhole is black, either because there's something or inside or maybe because there's a plank on the other side covering it up.
Suddenly Jonny can hear how the groaning from downstairs seems to intensify. Did the head-splattered zombie rise? Did the other two figure out how to open the door? Or did he miss another one?

They rolled quite a few S this time
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Tales of Sam Philson
Sam quickly decides that the obese man is not meant to hold a weapon, in fact he grows ever so suspicious of the man and decides not to give him any advantages. "Let me try it!" He said and reaches his hand for the fire axe.
If successfully gaining the axe he will wait for a moment and inspects his surroundings, while they have been busy with the door, something in his surroundings might have changed, that's what Sam thinks at least.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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The Tales of Sam Philson - Chapter I
4th wall? Who needs that :O

Out of breath and slightly sweating, Michael doesn't object as Sam demands the axe, gladly handing it over. As the noise of his attempt to open the doors ceases, one can hear a feint rumbling and a voice apparently yelling something, back from the barricaded door to the stairway.
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
(08-14-2013, 01:08 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  
They keyhole is black, either because there's something or inside or maybe because there's a plank on the other side covering it up.
Suddenly Jonny can hear how the groaning from downstairs seems to intensify. Did the head-splattered zombie rise? Did the other two figure out how to open the door? Or did he miss another one?

"Hey, I'm not usually one to beg... but this is serious! Please! Let me in!", Jonny goes on screaming and bumping the door, while still glancing at the stairway.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
As Jonny looks back, he can see the two zombies trying make their way up the stairs, albeit they seem to have trouble understanding the concept of climbing stairs and progress rather slowly.
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Sam quickly runs to the barricaded door an triea to hack it down with his fireaxe.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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