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[In Progress] The Speed-Running Guide!
Welcome to the Speed-Running Guide! In this threat, I'll try to cover anything you should know in order to speed-run the game.
For those who don't know, Speed-Run is an attempt to finish a game as fast as you can. In this game's case - the whole Stage Mode. You can watch and download my run, which was done with Deep, here.

In this guide I talk about Single-Player game on Difficult. Multiplayer should be the same, but it might actually slow you down, especially in Stage 1,so I need to think on how you can actually benefit from that.

If you though that just rushing and doing the "beat 'em all" strategy is enough, YOU'RE WRONG! You need to know the construction of the Stage and the shortest-yet-heaviest combos. You DO need a strategy, and this guide shows mine.
Note: Before you try to speed-run the Stage mode, make sure you can finish it without struggling too much. While writing the guide, I'm assuming you're good enough to do so.

Stage 1
Enemies: Bandit (50 HP), Hunter (50 HP), Mark (200 HP)
Allies: Jack (300 HP), Sorccerer (200 HP)
The first stage of the game. It's very easy, yet might be tricky a bit. In order to get the fastest kill, you will have to blindly dashing the void-wall. The safer way is waiting a bit, attracting the enemies then killing them in one big blow. Speaking of that, try to kill them with a single hit, a dash or a run attack would usually to the trick. If you use a character that has a weak attack it drops your enemy - yet doesn't kill it. try to avoid that.
Also, I find knives and thrown baseball-bats and scythes much more usefull than dashes against Bandist or Hunters, especially in this stage.
Note that in order to kill Mark, you will have to deal 2 combats on him or 3 dashes. a combat is concidered as any hit you deal to your opponent without dropping him to the ground. On mark you should do at most 2 combast: one is a dash attack, and the second is a the fastest combo that you can think of.
I want to put a few notes on specific phases in the stage:
* In the Phase B of Stage 1-1, there are A Bandit and a Hunter. The Bandit recovers once, so kill him before the Hunter, because when he dies and recovers you can use that time to kill the Hunter. The same situation also appears in 1-5 and in that same phase.
* There is a basic construction for Stage 1-2 to 1-4:
Phase A: 2 Bandits/Hunters that share 2 recoveries together. The same situation also appears in 1-5 and in that same phase.
Phase B: Something new.
Phase C: 2 Bandits/Hunters againt, but each has his own recovery. Try to kill first the ones that recover so you won't lose time. The same situation also appears in 1-1 and in that same phase.
Phase D: Something new.
* Stage 1-3 is the trickiest in the whole Stage. It's the first time that the enemies come from both directions. I'd suggest you to take the left side first in Phase B; In Phase D, the the right side: There will always be at least a Bandit/Hunter there who doesn't recover. After you clear that side, go the left side and check for the enemies there. Then go back to the right side again and finish this section. You must be VERY lucky if all the enemies come to the right side. If it happens to you and you screw that up, you don't deserve to have that luck. :@
Woody's teleport is insainly good here. Fisht this stage the same way, but use your teleport(+optional Tiger Dash) instead of rushing to the other side.
* In Stage 1-4, Phase B there are 2 Bandist on the right side who share 2 recoveris together and 2 Hunter on the left side who don't recover at all. Kill the 2 Bandist on the right side and while they recover, kill the Hunters and then finish the Bandits off; In Phase D you will face Mark, a soldier Bandist/Hunter who recovers as long as Mark is alive and another Bandit/Hunter who doesn't recover at all. Focus on Mark, bacause you can't tell which once of the B/Hs doesn't recover.
Also, in this phase, there will be a Jack. You can do fine with or without him, but I personally prefer releasing him, because in the final phase he MIGHT kill a Mark. Anyways, it's your choice to release him or not. If you do release him, keep in mind that his energy balls don't kill them, so try to make the enemies avoiding them.
* Stage 1-5 actually has 5 phases. In Phase B, with a possibility in Phase A, there will be Sorccerer. Again, it's you choce to release him or not, but if you released Jack, you should release him as well. He might sometime shoot fire balls, but he usually prefers shooting ice balls anyways.
In the final phase of this stage, there are tow teams on each side: On the right side, there is Mark with a B/H as a soldier. On the left side, there are Mark with 3 B/Hs who don't recover. I find the fastest way is calling your allies to the right side (assuming you fought the enemies in Phase D by yourself and you're still on the right side of the field) and rushing to the left side, killing the enemies by yourself. There is a chance that Jack and Sorccerer will kill Mark if they are on the right side. Usually they won't hit him even once, but there's always a chance it will happen.

Stage 2-5: coming soon.
...or somethime...

Generqal tips: coming soon.
...or somethime...

Good luck fighting for your um... spare time. ;)
Thanks given by: YinYin , Kevin , Dr. Time , zort

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