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Latin America South LoL
Im not a troll, sometimes, says, Bye Bitches when the game is lost, i don't say that
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@Lucian. Dude you have to understand that you can't change your teammates. They may all suck and do bad stuff but as long as you do good and play really well(you have to judge yourself even harder then your teammates) you will rise.
BTW your enemys are round about at the same level as your teammates so don't only flame the people that actually have the same goal as you = winning for you your team. You should rather see the mistakes of your enemy and use them for your advantage. And trust me the do mistakes.

To the others. I actually think Gunblade Teemo isn't that bad and you can't judge people just by their stats :P Maybe he was just splitpushing and forcing the entire enemy team to go to him all the time so his team could actually do intelligent stuff. I mean at some point he was worth no money and not usefull at all in teamfights so it's better to splitpush and force others to go top who are way more usefull in teamfights :P
I'd rather buy Gunblade for teemo then Abyssal and soemtimes gunblade teemo won't be that bad (I even saw therainman using it :P)
[Image: 78f0db68c4.jpg]
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(10-04-2013, 02:21 PM)Lucianocapocha Wrote:  Im not a troll, sometimes, says, Bye Bitches when the game is lost, i don't say that

Well I do agree with mundvoll_ and someoneelse and I personally suggest you to go play Prime World as it is less depended [Compared To LoL, Dota2 got even less dependence on team but then again its harder than the two] on your teamates and more on yourself. That way you can get to know if its really your fault or your team's as you can MOST of the times carry a noob team in moba games. Just try your best in every game and improve rather than wasting your energy over typing as it Never helps [I realized it since I started playing with Russians ...].
I hope it helps you
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