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AI of D>J?
First of all: I'm using Olly for editing, and most of the other tasks are completed, so I don't really want to start over on DLL or AI scripting.

It is clear that the AI of D>A for quite a number of IDs are separated from their AI sections.

But I just tried cloning Sorcerer through editing both the new character's AI section and D>A check, and I found that the clone knows all the moves except D>J.

So I wonder how to clone it too...
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Because the D>A part has not been engineer reversed (or decompiled) yet. so we don't know the absolute address of it.

This is just the comment in DLL framework: ;##Somehow the D>J of Sorcerer is not here, only the D^J and the DvJ is contained below.
AI_Sorcerer proc

;##Somehow the D>J of Sorcerer is not here, only the D^J and the DvJ is contained below.
        CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+6F4h],34
        JE short return
        ;CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+6F4h],ID
        ;JE short return
        jmp  dword ptr [AI_SORCERER2]
return: jmp  dword ptr [AI_SORCERER1]
Decompiled functions: [documented] Functions decompiled
Decompile lf2.exe project for documentation:
Decompile lf2.exe project for implementation:
Once any function fully engineer reversed in documentation project, then we implement it in implementation project.

lf2 data structure: Updated spreadsheet, many changes made by o_g349/xsoameix, I have two different nick names.

A old project: lf2-MS
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Well the solution is don't copy Sorcerer's AI then... just one out of 136 characters, should be fine to change it...
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You can engineer reverse the AI function 0x403A40, then you will be able to find where D>J is.
[Image: HZOcINk.png]
I have engineer reverse some functions: [documented] Functions decompiled
Decompiled functions: [documented] Functions decompiled
Decompile lf2.exe project for documentation:
Decompile lf2.exe project for implementation:
Once any function fully engineer reversed in documentation project, then we implement it in implementation project.

lf2 data structure: Updated spreadsheet, many changes made by o_g349/xsoameix, I have two different nick names.

A old project: lf2-MS
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