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Friendly fire
@o_g: I was going to reference your source, but then I noticed that the itr might hit your character's bdy since it only check teams and doesn't even check if the attacker's id is that of the target. It might need even further stuff to work out since a player might spawn a ball which doesn't have his id, and so it will collide with him also. Some very legit works you've done there btw XD

@Marko: You're using some already hexed exe or the original not-modified one? I might do it for you if I get bored :P.
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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A-MAN: Yeah.
Under some circumstances, this is reasonable.
You can create a healball, add let it attack you.
Decompiled functions: [documented] Functions decompiled
Decompile lf2.exe project for documentation:
Decompile lf2.exe project for implementation:
Once any function fully engineer reversed in documentation project, then we implement it in implementation project.

lf2 data structure: Updated spreadsheet, many changes made by o_g349/xsoameix, I have two different nick names.

A old project: lf2-MS
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