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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
Nope, haven't been home this weekend. Hopefully next
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Simon (99 ATK) attacks Ice Gargoyle (?? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 8, DMG Roll: 3)
He deals 37 physical damage!

Phil's Mana Pool (Level 1) is active!
The group regenerates 1 MP!

Phil (68 ATK) attacks Ice Gargoyle (??-? DEF)! (HIT Roll: 12, DMG Roll: 3)
He deals 20 physical damage!
Ice Gargoyle crumbles into shards! (EXP +112) (Kill EXP Bonus: +11 (Phil))

Drahcir gains 112 EXP.
Blue Phoenix gains 112 EXP.
Phil gains 123 EXP.
Simon gains 112 EXP.

Blue Phoenix: The path is cleared!

However, a quick glance around immediately tells him that the other ice gargoyles (he counts around five) are on their tail and due to arrive at their position any second now.

Bamboori: OK, no button pressing! Our lives are at stake here.
Nave: Yes, I agree with you for once.
SirFrog: Pff, fine. You probably just missed a great opportunity for something. I dunno.
Bamboori: You know, we shouldn't waste our time here pressing random buttons while our other friends are possibly in grave danger.

They keep walking. Not much longer, and they arrive at (what a surprise) yet another intersection.

Nave: Seriously, what is this SH*T? This cave is trolling us on purpose. I'm sick of intersections!
SirFrog: That sadly won't change the fact we'll have to dealwithit.gif ...

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -
Stat poins left: -
Skill points left: -)

{} Bamboori - HP: 107/115, MP: 11/11 (Arrows: 15)
{} SirFrog - HP: 79/87, MP: 84/128
{} Nave - HP: 81/94, MP: 56/127
{} snorsorbet - HP: 105/113, MP: 62/62

{M} Drahcir - HP: 118/146, MP: 5/15+1 (3x LoH, 1x Smite)
{M} Blue Phoenix - HP: 93/93, MP: 5/11+1
{M} Phil - HP: 44/100, MP: 7/11+1
{M} Simon - HP: 55/101, MP: 6/6+1

{M} Ice Gargoyle - HP: 0/???-37 -20, MP: ??/??

Gold coins: 72

LFE Kingdom (drafted version) (Click to View)
[Image: unknown01.png] [Image: unknown01_b1.png]
(press F5 to update the image)

It's dark. (9:47 PM)
The cave's dark cloak encloses the group eerily.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Pff, we should just act like there aren't any intersections and always go straight... sounds like a good plan... so north it is!
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Honestly, I don't think it matters that much. We'll go straight.
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- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Bamboori: sure, straight it is then.

Drahcir: lets keep running. Fighting the ice gargs seems pointless if new ones constantly reemerge from the walls
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Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Nave proposes to move straight on, remarking that he's getting sick of intersections. The others directly agree with him and they proceed to move on further into the (what now slowly seems to become more and more of an) ice dungeon. After a left and a right turn, the floor, walls and ceiling are now completely covered by ice on their surface.

SirFrog: Still weird how it's not really getting any colder here. What's happening?
Bamboori: Whatever's happening, look over there. In front of us.

Nave lets out a grunt. They are standing at yet another intersection.

snorsorbet: Well, there cannot be infinite intersections, at some point this needs to stop...

Blue Phoenix and his teammates don't waste any more time and try to get ahead of the furious monsters that are giving them chase. The corridor comes to an end pretty soon, and Simon (being the fastest of them, even while carrying Phil on his shoulder) soon recognizes a door to his left, similar (or perhaps even identical?) to the door that they passed at the beginning of this corridor. There's another path to their right, leading into a seemingly large room. The gargoyles don't seem to be very fast, as the distance to them seems to have increased a little, giving the group a little more time to consider their options.

Blue Phoenix: Another door? Is it worth breaking down?
Drahcir: I'm not quite sure we should push our luck here, but I'm all for not splitting up.
Simon: The door's locked by the way, but no surprises there.
Blue Phoenix: I'm simply wondering why there are locked doors here in first place.

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -
Stat poins left: -
Skill points left: -)

{} Bamboori - HP: 107/115, MP: 11/11 (Arrows: 15)
{} SirFrog - HP: 79/87, MP: 84/128
{} Nave - HP: 81/94, MP: 56/127
{} snorsorbet - HP: 105/113, MP: 62/62

{} Drahcir - HP: 118/146, MP: 5/15 (3x LoH, 1x Smite)
{} Blue Phoenix - HP: 93/93, MP: 5/11
{} Phil - HP: 44/100, MP: 7/11
{} Simon - HP: 55/101, MP: 6/6

Gold coins: 72

LFE Kingdom (drafted version) (Click to View)
[Image: unknown01.png] [Image: unknown01_b1.png]
(press F5 to update the image)

It's dark. (9:48 PM)
The cave's dark cloak encloses the group eerily.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
Thanks given by: Bamboori
update time! :D

drahcir: can simon look into the room a little while the rest of us is trying to break/unlock the door?

bamboori: lets look right, maybe we can get down to that large room on the floor below.
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I think you guys need to go to the right, quickly explore what's there, and the other group should smash the door anyway, as we can outrun the gargoyles later
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