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Character sprite concepts
(11-16-2014, 02:54 PM)Ariel Wrote:  w/e
guess im out guys
good luck with the mod ^_^

.... why this sudden change Ariel? I like quite some things that you make, just not everything. Is it because of my honest opinion on this sprite? I just say what I think because I know you can do better and it would be sad if you'd sprite something while you can make something better, right? .. I don't understand this
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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well its many things that made me get to this decision
nothing against u or ur comments so dont worry
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(11-16-2014, 04:15 PM)Ariel Wrote:  well its many things that made me get to this decision
nothing against u or ur comments so dont worry

I'dbe glad if you could eleborate though..
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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what I am one weekend not in house and no internet connection I come back and read this of arie... its kinda like a joke to me and i had to read it more often to realize its real o_O

even if its not the reason it looked like this and i wanted to write it down:

kid A makes a birthday party and invites kid B (shows the sprite)
kid B says he cant come because he is busy somewhere else, and thats not a lie (the sprite sucks, sry dude :/ )
kid A is a kid and is pissed that his friend wont come so from that day on he hates him and they are not friends anymore (aka ragequit)

The End
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@Arcane lol i liked the story ^_^

anyway if u want to know why im out thats fine
first- this project aint going no where, and it will go no where- too complicated for a small (busy/lazy) team.
second- ur not organized even though i told u many times we need organize the work. we dont even have a fully done concept & plot

third- the project i wanted to join to is not what it ended up working on. thats the main reason

in conclusion
- 0 out of 10 organization.. (ok i slided it)
- 6 out of 10 for Seriousness.. (ok i slided it)
- 10 out of 10 for listening (thats actualy good)
- 0 out of 10 for actions and understanding (i have nothing to say in here.. )

when i saw the idea of an extended lf2 with nothing too fancy i was excited cuz that idea was always in my mind
and surprisingly ppl also liked it so i joined
but it ended up something else

those things came to my mind also when i wasnt here for the last month
i wanted to wait a bit and see if anything will change when ill be back
though nothing much..

dont get this offensive guys
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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Thanks for eleborating.

I don't agree with you though. I try my best to organise everything as good as possible. I actually think it really is pretty organised, but w/e. No, we don't have a complete story yet, but there is no need for one yet. We just needed the directions that we already have and we can fill the rest of the story later.

There hasn't been much progress yet, because of the clear organising and yes, also because we have been busy. But it's quite logical that we got a busy team, as most of us are students. The good thing about having a team consisting of students, is that the quality is real good (more experience than the avarage kid)

We finally have some more time to work on things now. We want good quality, therefor we spend quite some time on the sprite concepts and we don't accept just anything. It doesn't matter if it takes 3 years to make the mod, as long as the quality is good and people enjoy working on the mod. You can't expect linear progress all the time, this isn't like a full-time job you know.

If you don't have trust in this project, I'm not stopping you from quiting. If the project isn't going where you'd like it to, I understand your decision. It's sad to lose a good spriter like you though.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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its not about the sprite i posted
u can ignore it

thing is anyone do what ever he want
there is NO organization

and yes if u want to get a head u need a full concept and plot
let me explain to u how it should be
although it wont realy mean to you anything cuz u dont agree on anything i say

thinking on a basic concept for the whole mod
extending the story
finalizing the story (this part splits to a few)
-thinking how each of the stages will look
-thinking about what characters we need for each stage (this part splits to a few)
--extending each character with each moves he/she have
--concepting the character and fiting his look to his place, his attitude and his abilities
split into groups of work, each member get a task(this part splits to a few)

the time it will take is not the problem
if it would be orgenized even if it will take 10 years i wouldnt say it wount work
i said it will never work becouse they way things moving here to diffrent directions
there is no organizetion , again
and thats also what made the concept change so much from the first idea

first ppl change their mind and get too crazy with things
second ppl ignore the main idea and push this for diffrent places
third ppl dont give limits to themself and get to crazy , again
those 3 things plus the organization that there is no in here would combine together and this mod will fall apart
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(11-16-2014, 05:34 PM)Ariel Wrote:  in conclusion
- 0 out of 10 organization.. (ok i slided it)
- 6 out of 10 for Seriousness.. (ok i slided it)
- 10 out of 10 for listening (thats actualy good)
- 0 out of 10 for actions and understanding (i have nothing to say in here.. )

Now thats kinda interesting to me :o

first of all i completely disagree on 0 points for organisation.
This project is by far the most organised project I've ever seen for LF2.
I just cant understand u. Memmento is doing so much and always keeps everything organzied in different thread and stuff.
Zero points make zero sence.

dont actually know what u mean with seriousness so cant say sth on that.

I guess with listening u mean brainstorming and combining them together, keeping everything in mind.

actions 0 out of 10, well ur right in the last weeks nothing realy happened here. but 0 points is just wrong considering what we ve done already. Plotting a story and talking about how we do stuff is in my opinion at least as much work as spriting/DCing.
Its just fact that u first have to do much theorycrafting before u can start.

Of course I know u've been in USA and couldnt do sprite stuff etc. but I truly find it cheeky and unmature from u saying that when u did a single sprite which was just not good.

Im kinda dissapointed of u right now ariel, u know I realy like u as a dude man :p

double ninja'd
Thanks given by: Memento , Ariel
Guys, fine, if he wants to leave, let him leave.
I am not gona tell that he will start regreting his actions.
Its fine, he said something because of some anger for us not being like he wants us to be.
Its fine,he cannot work because he is not at home and cannot work because of real life.
Its fine, he atleast did one sprite concept.
correct me if I am wrong if you want.

Guys, since I moved to another place, means I changed my living place and house and as you stated that student life is busy, so I will be bit more busy, till the Wednesday. I hope its fine.

Ariel, I find your sprite un-organized.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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I can't agree more with you Arcane. Thanks.
@Team: If at any time you feel something should change in the organisation, we can always talk about this in the conversation room..

And no problem Mono. Good luck.

I will be active again from tomorrow on! My exams and birthday parties are over:)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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