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Originals Evolotion
so after we agreed about the workflow of the new chars
lets talk about the originals
if i remember right the idea was to add 1 or 2 new attacks and something new to their outfit to make their evolve also noticeable by their look

as i see it
just adding something without thinking about background wont be good enough

so few backgrounds i thought about,

as we all know he create a sword, right?
so freeze and deep has studied together, and deep thought him some attack with the sword.
so for visual adding the sword permanent (just like deep)
and for attacks keeping his ball,wind and 3 ice thingy but than instead of the sword making attack
he get some 2 new slashing attacks with the sword.
fast example:
[Image: ueZnq9g.png]

his spinning attack if im not wrong is like capoeira,
so how about he went to learn some moves of capoeira in Brazil?
and for the look, giving him dreadlocks instead of his spiky hair?
fast example:
[Image: K0wcM1j.png]

met a new guy called nino, they become close friends so they influenced one anther,
as a symbol of their friendship each one of them cut their shirt and wear that on their head as a hairband (like nino have)
so together they explore some of the strongest kicks moves and each on of them mastered the ones they like.
fast example:
[Image: 1ZcC2vl.png]

remember those edits are just to show the idea.

this thread is to discuss about the original chars in the mod
and not only for their sprite concept but their overall character
starting from background going to skills concept and finally visual concept

this way we can also think about how new characters will fit the story
for example in what i thought for dennis it will add nino to the story
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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Um no about Woody and Freeze.
Woody is more like wild one, so his design should be wild.
Freeze, just because he has a sword we do not need to relate them. Freeze needed something sharp as a weapon to extend his physical forms of attacks, thats why he used sword because thats the comon weapon that pops.
I say for freeze is to create more variety of weapons and not just sword. We can make a spear, sharp blade boots, ice spikes coming from his body
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Hate
I personally prefer sticking to the original LF2 type of moves, which means no more than 1 special skill. With special, I mean things such as John's healing, Woody's teleporting, etc. Rudolf is one of the very few characters that doesn't work this way, since he can clone AND disappear, but I think we should stick by it for the most part. 1-3 melee moves, 1-3 projectile moves, 1 special. The type of moves vary with the type of character.

I don't really see the point of having Freeze use 2 kinds of weapons. He's an ice character, I think having him use the ice sword should be enough. We could make a special attack for him that he can use while he's holding the ice sword, though ;) I don't yet know how this works, but I know it is possible as SWU LF2 Freeze had a move like that.

About the designs: I wouldn't go for that color pants for Dennis. Dreadlocks on Woody could be good. How about short hair on the sides, dreadlocks on top?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
those are just ideas i thought on
in general we need to think about background for the originals

Quote:Freeze, just because he has a sword we do not need to relate them. Freeze needed something sharp as a weapon to extend his physical forms of attacks, thats why he used sword because thats the comon weapon that pops.
so what? he does have a sword it doesn't matter why, we can extend that idea of Marti that freeze uses sword
Quote:I say for freeze is to create more variety of weapons and not just sword. We can make a spear, sharp blade boots, ice spikes coming from his body
i dont think making him a weapon expert will be good

(03-06-2015, 11:52 PM)Memento Wrote:  I personally prefer sticking to the original LF2 type of moves, which means no more than 1 special skill. With special, I mean things such as John's healing, Woody's teleporting, etc. Rudolf is one of the very few characters that doesn't work this way, since he can clone AND disappear, but I think we should stick by it for the most part. 1-3 melee moves, 1-3 projectile moves, 1 special. The type of moves vary with the type of character.

I don't really see the point of having Freeze use 2 kinds of weapons. He's an ice character, I think having him use the ice sword should be enough. We could make a special attack for him that he can use while he's holding the ice sword, though ;) I don't yet know how this works, but I know it is possible as SWU LF2 Freeze had a move like that.

About the designs: I wouldn't go for that color pants for Dennis. Dreadlocks on Woody could be good. How about short hair on the sides, dreadlocks on top?

that sounds great,
the designs i made there are just to show what i meant in general
shorts on side yea might fit we should try that ^_^
and the pants go ahead change it
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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[Image: denniss_zps5eowwnma.png]
[Image: 1ZcC2vl.png]
[Image: denniss2_zps4hoayjmv.png]

1st is my personal favorite, than the 2nd, and 3th... not so much :D
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Ariel, you might overlooked it.
Quote:Freeze, just because he has a sword we do not need to relate them. Freeze needed something sharp as a weapon to extend his physical forms of attacks, thats why he used sword because thats the comon weapon that pops.

look, while fighting you need to be strategic and that I find strategic. I imagine that your enemy knows how far you can reach so you find a way to extend your range.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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I just remembered that you can do amazing combos with Freeze's ice sword. Giving him a permanent weapon would take all that away.

I think it would be satisfying for most if we'd go with my idea, a short physical combo attack with the original Freeze sword. It gives freeze 1 new melee move AND makes his sword more spectacular :)

If you guys agree, I'll start looking into the SWU LF2 data to find out how Nabadwa made the move back in the days.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Gespenst , Ariel , Jahvansi
if doing attacks with the sword is possible dc wise it would be even better, i just thought its not possible making attack with a specific weapon

i liked that u took of his sleeve so how about taking all of the shirt that is under the vest?
[Image: sp1QxRD.png]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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The ice sword combo would have been awesome... but I think it is indeed impossible. I checked the move in LF2 SWU's Freeze and the move was an extension of his DvJ, the move where he's pulling the sword :( So we'll have to think of something else. Maybe a melee combo where he punches the opponent upward at the first hit and throws an ice ball on the ground that creates 1 column and freezes the opponent?

@Ariel: I don't know about removing the undershirt only. Makes him look like a stripper :D Shirtless would be alright, yet a but plain; a dark tanktop might work but maybe isn't very Dennis-like. I don't know yet :p
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Gespenst , Ariel
I dont think that Dennis needs to be so buffed. Last time I saw him fighting was he fighting with using legs. Its okey to give him some arm movement but building up his biceps would change the fact that he is leg fighter and bigger muscle mass makes him look slower and move slower.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Memento

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