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which version of woody I made u guys prefer? :)

also one more thing about Louis BP edition:
any idea for his backstory? why he has that new armor eg
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(03-11-2015, 06:05 PM)Arcane Wrote:  which version of woody I made u guys prefer? :)

also one more thing about Louis BP edition:
any idea for his backstory? why he has that new armor eg

Make two Louis. One is LouisEX and Louis BP. BP comes from another frontier. BP could appear after someone trys to summon some kind of monster but fails and summons BP.
This would solve empty Louis rare ID thing.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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for Woody i like the right one

and about Louis
it doesn't need to have the BP in his name
the BP in my char came from his attacks, in our mod he is just the same Louis
its just the same Louis , but with a new armor

for the background-
at the time period between the game and our mode
Louis joined to a group of fighters that uses new technology (that is indeed steampunkish)
but after our story start and the little fighters realize about the danger of the mask
they call Louis for help, so Louis come with 1 or 2 of his new friends
it opens for us opportunity for new fighter/s (could be good to have a new archer or a sword user)

i really like our edits so far but to be honest
im a bit worried we would waste tons of time doing those and maybe even give up at some point

how about we edit only the heads?
this way we make 6 version of the new head and than just place it where ever needed

[Image: FJFSKxz.png]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Memento
(03-11-2015, 07:20 PM)Ariel Wrote:  edit:
i really like our edits so far but to be honest
im a bit worried we would waste tons of time doing those and maybe even give up at some point

I share your worries on this. We might be super motivated right now, but the edits take quite some time and we'll also be spending time on other characters and the story mode. The fact that bigger edits take quite some time was exactly the reason why I discontinued the Dennis skin, which I really liked actually.. it would just take too much time.

As for the current sprites, I'd say go for the designs that you think will take about 10 hours to finish (so 3-4 hours for each spriter). I'm just sharing my thoughts on this, in the end the spriters will have to decide, of course :)

I don't know about changing the faces. I wouldn't make too many edits, as a few pixels could change the complete 'feel' of a character.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
i would like to push things in here so could u please fill this up about Davis?
  • Background story idea:
  • Look changes:
  • new attack:

if everyone will fill this up in the next couple of days we will than could start discuss about it and start working on Davis

right after the we shall move to the next char and keep the same rotation for the others as well

when we will have a final concept for Davis ill edit the main post and place it there
than ill add each char also when we finish up with them
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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About the background story: keep in mind that you just pick 1 character at the beginning of the stage mode. I question if we should mention the character background for each and every character or just the ones you come across in the story mode or the ones that really need some explanation. I think doing this for all chars wouldn't make sense, you don't need a reason to change clothes sonetimes now do you :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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it doesn't need to be a long story but just a basic background, few lines
i think we need to do it mainly for concept and ideas, no need to show this
it will make the characters look and behavior feel more connected and interesting
the players wont need to read a background but they will already feel and understand it from the char skills and look
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Memento
(03-12-2015, 11:17 AM)Ariel Wrote:  i think we need to do it mainly for concept and ideas, no need to show this
it will make the characters look and behavior feel more connected and interesting

Ah, then we agree :)

Background story idea: I honestly always saw Davis as the cool guy, the somehat overconfident chick-magnet. So the reason for his pony tail and high collar is obvious: to show off with his looks, he can handle the look and still pull chicks. Sorry for my stupid background story, but that's just the way I see Davis XD

Look changes: The one you suggested, with ponytail and high collar, the one without the longer hair on top. We could give him elbow patches as well

new attack:
Possibility #1 D>J could be a fast elbow punch that can be followed up by an uppercut. The reason for this move is simple: combo potential. You could make DvA+D>J+D^A / DvA+D>J+D^J+A for example.

Possibility #2 would be an energy ball shot from air to ground diagonally. When the blast hits the ground, it causes a small explosion (similar to my SSJ Goku's DvJ+A). It can be done by pressing DvJ+A (pressing DvJ makes him jump up, pressing A fires the ball) OR directly after a dragon punch as a combo.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariel
ill write mine now, i actually see him bit different

i mainly see him as the main char like he is from a popular anime compared to goku , naruto and luffy
he is strong but funny, always think about the protecting the innocent, a positive guy

look at his face pic
[Image: eFTDXWR.png]
he is the only char that smiles there (without counting bandit and jan)

so for background story:
Davis and deep - are friends and rivals at the same time, always fight together to see who is the stronger one
and train to surpass each other
with that said Davis started his training in their original forest
and was willing to teach some new fighters few of his moves
(deep, didn't want Davis to see what he is up to so he went to train far from Davis)

(it is easier for me to sketch on something bigger than a sprite so i used this pic)

[Image: 8qCG4Ec.png]

one thing i didnt change but i would like to add is actually the shoes
in the game they are the same color as the pants
but in this original painting it is actually dark (like belt color)


i actually really like this one-
Quote:Possibility #2 would be an energy ball shot from air to ground diagonally. When the blast hits the ground, it causes a small explosion (similar to my SSJ Goku's DvJ+A). It can be done by pressing DvJ+A (pressing DvJ makes him jump up, pressing A fires the ball) OR directly after a dragon punch as a combo.

alternate idea-
if we want 2 attacks or wont go with what u said up there

a catching attack, like louis spinning throw that will at the end throw enemy up for an opportunity to a dragon punch
not the exact same as louis have but the same idea
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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no no no, dont add more hair to his forehead. ANd no more bandages, he looks like a mummy.

woody looks like a way different character.
Changing face is changing the whole characters.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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