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Is this possible?
I was Thinking To work In A project Secretly.
On project. The Thread.No one can Get in there by The thread creator Permission.
The man can Only Invite their Personal Members in the secret Thread.No one else Can Look in the thread.Can This Improve Gets LfEmpire more Kool.
So,by that the man can Work On the project With peace.
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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Yes, it's possible.
Using Skype or some instant messenger works better, I think. Depends on the size of the team.

But I don't really understand this:
Labeeb Wrote:So,by that the man can Work On the project With peace.
Why would somebody need a thread on LFE when he's just working on something alone?
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
Its the speciality Of LfEmpire threads.
Uploding image Looks Great.Hd Looking.Easy Message Postings.Etc etc.For these I like Lf Empire

So ..Skipe...
Is there any other way To req Modetoer or Admit about this or some thing...
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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DARK-EVIL Wrote:Its the speciality Of LfEmpire threads.
Uploding image Looks Great.Hd Looking.Easy Message Postings.Etc etc.For these I like Lf Empire
Yea that's great and all, but I don't get why one would want to upload images if only yourself can see them. Just normally save them on your computer, you know.
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Work without using LFE and you will do fine. Dont show your work and this will be possible, noone will know about your secret project.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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yea mono.

I wanna Make A thread Where I can Work.No one can Get in.
But I I give permission To invite A member work With me that should be granted.
Just No one else can see.
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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If you're really keen on having something specifically on LFE to organize your project, you can write yourself a PM and then save it as a draft. Then edit it whenever you like.
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no not that.I mean I can Work with a friend in here Secret by creating A thread That no one can See that even i dude.

Other way How about I make A page on facebook.
But I don't know how can I make that privet like only friends can see


New Member Just Joined "2017"
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Make an account on, make a folder for your project, upload the sprites to that topic and write down your ideas etc. in a .txt file and upload this as well. Now, you have everything organised.

If you want other people to be able to view the files, invite these members to your dropbox folder and they will be able to view it.

If you want to discuss it with other people, just use facebook/skype or something else. OR you could make a forum for yourself on for example
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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In order to directly answer your question though, no, it is not possible for users to create a "hidden" thread, or a thread which is forbidden to all users except those invited. No, it is not anything we in the moderation staff will do for you either.
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Thanks given by: Marko

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