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Is this possible?
Seriously, there is practically no one who wants to steal your work....your project will only be seen by a handful of people i.e the people on this forum, and I'm pretty sure none of the active members would do something as shameful as steal someone else's work...and so far you've shown us nothing to prove that your work is even good enough that people want to steal it, so I seriously question the need to lock your files.
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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To answer your question, yes, probably. The only possible method I know of is using brute force. If you set a strong password (9+ characters), then it would take too much time rendering it practically impossible if we don't have any details about your password.
[Image: signature.png]
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ok Just needed To know that.
And Other Way Can I Earn Money on making different Characters.
Not the mod.Coz The Creaton Will not give me permission to Sell A lf2 mod With Exe. I know That.
So,I am telling If Some one Impressed On my work.
Its About Earning Money.
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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It would be very difficult, or impossible, to earn money on LF2. First of all, not making money from mods extends top any kind of modification, including new characters, items, stages, complete mods and anything else.
I am, however no legal advisor, so don't take my word for it. In any way, it would be extremely difficult to motivate legally.

Besides, consider who would pay for a fan-made mod for a free game, when there are literally hundreds of good mods available for free. How do you intend top sell it, if so?

Edit: Yep.

Simoneon edited this post 04-05-2015 02:13 PM because:
to = top? autocorrection fails? xd
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Hmm....You are Right.!
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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i dont get it.

if you want to work secretly you can send pm
to the people you are working with

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Pm is Difficult.U guys Know that Lfempire File hosting and Inage taging Is great. but Pm looks like A difficult option,If I have a secret Thread,I could Add Some members on there to work Secreatly.
Like memento's LfExtended.I gess.
Secret thread.♥ :O
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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(04-05-2015, 10:15 AM)DARK-EVIL Wrote:  Pm is Difficult.U guys Know that Lfempire File hosting and Inage taging Is great. but Pm looks like A difficult option,If I have a secret Thread,I could Add Some members on there to work Secreatly.
Like memento's LfExtended.I gess.
Secret thread.♥ :O

You won't get your own forum unless you have something to show AND have a team. This has been told you already. We have also given you enough options that you could do something with.

As for getting money out of it: few people are willing to pay for LF2, let alone for the mods, and besides the creator (who made it freeware) has told the rights to another company. In other words, it would be a huge hassle for (close to) nothing and probably impossible as well. So best just forget about making money out of it.

Ramond edited this post 04-05-2015 10:37 AM because:
Few people? That's an exaggeration :p
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: MH-LABEEB
Hey Dark-Evil I Think The Only Solution For U Is
Internet Relay Chat [ IRC ]
There is A LF2 Stream/IRC Option In The Top Of The LFE Web Page
And If u Don't know What is IRC , Then Google It
You Can Even Make A Channel For Your Team [ That Still Contains Only 1 People : You :p ]
And U Can Chat There And Discuss Your Mod
This Is As Far One Can Help
[Image: ObetoRy.png][Image: Jayt4JK.gif][Image: MC9gRte.gif?1]
Thanks given by: MH-LABEEB
Ok ariyan thanks and memento I don't need money$

I quit money option.
Irc Chat Thats need a lot of thing That I don't have.
Its also Difficult.So,Then.

1)I make a Team
2)Show some works to Modit.....
3)If he Agree so will he Make a thread or what?

Memento where u and your Team work.
Its your working thread Is secret.
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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