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Character sprite concepts
1) Which armor do you prefer?
- #4

2) Should his hair grow with each transformation or should it always be the same size?
- Should always be the same size

3) Should the hair get spikier with each transformation?
- Yes

4) Which haircut is best? (choose 1, in case we decide that his hairstyle doesn't get spikier on every transformation)
- #2

5) Which haircolor is best?
- #4

6) Should he have armor in his first form?
- Yes

7) Should he grow bigger himself with each powerup?
- No

8) Should he have a cape in 1st form?
- No

9) Should he have a cape in 2nd form?
- Let the spriters (Arcane and Ariel) decide

10) Should he have a cape in 3th form?
- Let the spriters (Arcane and Ariel) decide  2 (preference: yes)

11) Should he have a weapon in 1st form?
- Yes, definately

12) Should he have a weapon in 2nd form?
- Let the spriters (Arcane and Ariel) decide

13) Should he have a weapon in 3th form?
- No
[Image: ZHkICNr.png][Image: adGT3Xm.png]
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2)grow bigger
4)#2 - if not growing
5)#2 than #3 than #4, if no changing either #5 or #2.
12)yes, but use it less in his attacks

(04-24-2015, 07:14 PM)Apocalipsis Wrote:  Consider that making him 'grow bigger' with each transformation implies subtle but precise changes in every sprite, everytime he changes size...

So you'll end up reworking +140 sprites, twice, for something that will probably go unnoticed when playing.

this wont be a problem, we will probably make him on 400% size, so than we will just save him on 100%, 105% and 115% (something like that)
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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Don't forget editing and adding extra parts, also ading smooth animation for cape
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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About everyone voted, and the outcome for most options is very clear. Arcane hasn't voted yet, but I honestly think his vote wouldn't make much diffirence on the current scores. I'd say you guys can make a final concept with the information provided below :)

1) He should be wearing an armor in similar color as #4
2) Hair should always stay the same size

3) Hair should become spikier with each transformation

4) Winning hairstyle: #2
BUT: as the hair actually does get spikier, we can keep the initial haircuts, we just have to resize them so they remain in proportion

5) Haircolor.

This one was a bit tricky, because it should have been split in 2 questions. However, #3 had the most votes, followed by #2 and #5. Most of us also want the haircolor to change from either red to brown, or brown to red (red to brown mostly).

We could use the following:
* form 1: #2
* form 2: #3
* form 3: #4

* form 1: #2
* form 2: something between #2 and #3
* form 3: #3

I'd say we should leave this to the spriters :)

6) He should have armor in all forms

7) About him growing larger: score was 3 votes for 'grow bigger', 3 votes for 'don't grow bigger' and 1 vote for 'only in last form'. If we let him grow bigger in the last form only, it will be a good compromise and also make sense (1st form: normal, 2nd form: speed, doesn't need extra height, 3th form: defence and power are boosted, thus being bigger makes sense)

8) He should not have a cape in 1st form
9) Spriters may decide if he wears a cape in 2nd form
10 He should be wearing a cape in 3th form.

Again, there is only 1 minute of time overlap between seeing 2nd form and 3th form, so I recommend using the cape in 2nd form also as it will be there in the 3th form

11) He should have a weapon in 1st form
12) He should have a weapon in 2nd form
13) He should not have a weapon in 3th form

If you're interested in the number of votes every option got, you can view it below.

Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Marko , Ariel
I found somehow silly that few of you choose for hair not to grow through all forms idk why i guess cuze it's impossible !?, but you choose for hair to get spikier each form, but what bothers me the most is that you choose cape in 2nd and 3th form, but not in 1st. I wonder how we will animate, in transformation, cape coming from nowhere to his back. Either will all forms have or none. Eventually making him has in first form and then throwing it away in further transformation. I understand feeling that kings have cape and makes 3th form superior, but it has no sense in my eyes to suddenly get cape from nowhere..

but whatever, could we progress already to attack concepts.

ˇˇi know, i never thought of changing outcome, but i just said what i was thinking at that moment.
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(04-26-2015, 03:22 PM)Marko Wrote:  I found somehow silly that few of you choose for hair not to grow through all forms idk why i guess cuze it's impossible !?, but you choose for hair to get spikier each form, but what bothers me the most is that you choose cape in 2nd and 3th form, but not in 1st. I wonder how we will animate, in transformation, cape coming from nowhere to his back. Either will all forms have or none. Eventually making him has in first form and then throwing it away in further transformation. I understand feeling that kings have cape and makes 3th form superior, but it has no sense in my eyes to suddenly get cape from nowhere..

but whatever, could we progress already to attack concepts.

I think we should stick with the outcome of the questionaire.

I understand your reasons for the cape suddenly appearing, but: how would you explain Firzen having a cape, LouisEX suddenly having white pants instead of blue (which is the color under Louis' armor), Louis throwing off all his armor except one part and suddenly grow a large weapon out of?

I think we shouldn't spend too much time thinking about this. Who has ever considered LouisEX and Firzen transformations an issue?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Quote:I understand your reasons for the cape suddenly appearing, but: how would you explain Firzen having a cape,
Freeze have a cape.

Quote:LouisEX suddenly having white pants instead of blue (which is the color under Louis' armor)
Blue pants gets ripped as the armor goes away. Since chest armor does not goes away like the rest of it, his blue t-shirt stays there.

Quote:Louis throwing off all his armor except one part and suddenly grow a large weapon out of?
That chest armor part itself is a weapon. Maybe it's because of the red crystal or it was made to be able to transform when trustworthy and chosen one takes it. Maybe that weapon shares a bond with its owner, we dont know, but that might be it. Looks like we have to turn a mystery into theory.

I also do not support having a cape. Maybe then make him have a cape in the first form but in 2nd form it gets ripped half of it and in 3rd form it just rips off.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Memento , Marko
I support that theory Sänger. I totally forgot freeze had a cape also :p

Okay, how about we just make the final design and don't sprite the cape just yet? Then we will decide on the cape when the sprite sheets are finished? It might even make animating the cape movement easier if it gets full focus in the end.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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You can think of it this way-
When his shoulder pads go out of the chest armor(mystery power like Louis have)
Than they have the cape under them, so when they come out the cape also come out
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Memento
Best if you guys (Ariel and Arcane) decide on the cape (how you're going to animate the transformation and if you'll make it immediately while sheeting or after finishing the sprites without a cape initially)

Perhaps you can do something similar as Ariel suggested. Might need a minor adjustment in the sprite but it should be no problem :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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