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LF2 extended
i think davis needs a D>J

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Beautiful character designs!
Thanks given by: Memento
Just showing a minion we have in progress. I'm working on both the sprites and data for this character.

[Image: standing_zpshtr1ko99.gif]
[Image: punching%20new_zpstrykz3be.gif]
[Image: super%20punch1_zpsi4ed7bhj.gif]
[Image: runrowcrouch_zpssxw9ga9j.gif]

I have more sprites finished, but I'll show those later, when the character / the character's beta version is finished.

This character will be a minion of the new main villain.
The main villain is the leader of a clan, this clan will be the main treat in this version.
This specific minion comes in when a certain item gets stolen from you in story mode. He does this by teleporting, which will be his main skill.

Now for his moveset, I had this in mind:
- D^J Teleport to enemy
- DvJ Teleport to friend
- DvA Some melee attack
- D>A throws 2 balls into the air diagonally, they fall down similar to when you throw a football up in the air diagonally, but with a minor chasing effect (similar to Jan's D^A)

This moveset allows for the following tactics: get close, attack, move away. At middle-long distance, throw the D>A. It doesn't allow for packing big damage, which is good since he's just a minion.

Please share your ideas on his look and on his moveset. Feel free to post your own idea for a moveset for this specific character, I'll consider other options also. The only this that is certain are his teleportation moves.

PS: guess the base! It isn't one of the original LF2 characters, so it might be hard for you to guess :p If you already read what the base is somewhere, please don't say ^^
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Ariyan
the poses remind me of trickityhouse or designheaven, so maybe one of their chars?

the uppercut has no visible motion, it rather looks like he is raising his arm.
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(05-18-2015, 10:01 AM)Bamboori Wrote:  the poses remind me of trickityhouse or designheaven, so maybe one of their chars?

Neither. But chances are high that you have never seen the char, as it has never been released, so I'll just tell anyway :p The base is Gad's Hydron

(05-18-2015, 10:01 AM)Bamboori Wrote:  the uppercut has no visible motion, it rather looks like he is raising his arm.

I didn't notice it before.. Thanks, I'll fix it :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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If I have to be honest, when I first saw him, I thought he was Jack.

And well, since he's meant to be a minion, it's best not to give him too many moves. 3 should be good as it is.
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(05-18-2015, 01:30 PM)eplipswich Wrote:  If I have to be honest, when I first saw him, I thought he was Jack.

Do you think we should make changes to either this minion or Jack so they look less alike?

I think it has something to do with the color scheme. We can change this for Jack maybe. We'll have to see later on (right now, we haven't even made changes to the more important originals yet)

[Image: Naamloos-1_zpsve8cf6u5.png]

(05-18-2015, 01:30 PM)eplipswich Wrote:  And well, since he's meant to be a minion, it's best not to give him too many moves. 3 should be good as it is.

I'll consider it. In that case the moveset would be something like this:

- D^J teleport to friend
- DvJ teleport to enemy
- D>A ball move
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Screw the ball move, make something else instead :p it is just too boring and overused, in my opinion
Teleporting is a broad theme, you know
Thanks given by: Memento , Gespenst
Simoneon is right, if he is teleport guy, then let's make something more like teleport attack.
Since he is teleport guy which means that he is no ordinary minion, why not to add combo which contains teleporting. Maybe grab enemy and teleport into the air and smash him down or smack him down from above (kinda Rock Lee style) or make do something like this scene had.

Or like this video have or many NTSD mods have. Teleportation for the defence. When he gets injured he is able to teleport and avoid being injured. Special moves should not always be offensive ones. You can make him more interesting character if you would make him different than other characters already are. Imagine if you would have to create a stratety to beat a enemy?
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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(05-18-2015, 03:18 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  Screw the ball move, make something else instead :p it is just too boring and overused, in my opinion

I tend to agree ;)

(05-18-2015, 03:18 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  Teleporting is a broad theme, you know

Do you mean you'd like to see more teleportation-related moves in his moveset?

(05-18-2015, 05:15 PM)Sänger Wrote:  why not to add combo which contains teleporting.

I'd love to make something like this.

[quote='Sänger' pid='194825' dateline='1431969335']
When he gets injured he is able to teleport and avoid being injured.

I feel this could be a bit too good a technique for a minion

Simoneon edited this post 05-18-2015 05:39 PM because:
yeah pretty much that.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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