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Neora 2.07 (PDK + DLL)
no one made port of ddraw for Neora, so yes, it doesn't work here

i can't for now, unexpirienced with c++
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Just tried new features.
nice work with these mp and hp work, plenty of space for creating :)

i tried to link stat_1 with scale_1, dtype: 1 with resist_1, not working.
Critical works but only in itr not in bmp
(tested with freeze and woody D^A)

also can you add oph: in mpoint?

;) great job btw
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Quote:also can you add oph: in mpoint?
i don't know.
mpoint was created by Karter, if his stuff use original part of code that i've change, then this should work.
if not and this feature is needed i'll add it in TO-DO list
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I would like to mention this awesome fact:
Despite LF2 is not properly running on Wine, Neora is completely playable with little to no glitches :)
Ultimately, my constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything I do.
[Image: sigline.png]
LF2 IDE - Advanced visual data changer featuring instant data loader
LF2 Sprite Sheet Generator - Template based sprite sheet generator based on Gad's method
[Image: sigline.png]
There is no perfect language, but C++ is the worst.
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well oph dont work on mpoint. mpoint creates rudolfs with 500hp.

also a suggestion: we would like to see various frictions in game :)

I just tested amp_type: amp_hp_miss: amp_value:, they dont work :( I only added these 3 tags in henry bmp and nothing from the previous tags.

BUG: only VS mode works, game crash when i try to start game in another mode
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Quote:I just tested amp_type: amp_hp_miss: amp_value:, they dont work :( I only added these 3 tags in henry bmp and nothing from the previous tags.
ah, i didn't said it works.
it's only discussion how better to do such feature xD
only plans

Quote:BUG: only VS mode works, game crash when i try to start game in another mode
omw to check it out..

upd: tested. only championships crashes, well, i made a fix for next update.
but battle mode either the stage works fine.
stage can crash if you have old stage.dat from lf2 that doesn't works anymore for PDK\Neora.
Demo crashes only in 2.05, and works since 2.06
something else?
uh, well, i'll upload Championship fix for now. But it troubles still exist may i contact u in any real-time demonstration\chat way? I just wondering wtf is happening out of my own pc lol... and makes me sad D:

[Image: h_1439070251_1312780_b85d58eb46.png]

Neora 2.07  - Prototype Test Version | Download | Public Test

Fixed the cause of game crash in Championship mode. Maybe the same update will fix something else.
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Yep, stage and battle mode works fine :)

A new bug i noticed yesterday (2.6) but i didnt had time to write, bdy: 1xxyyyzzzw dont work anymore.
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Quote:A new bug i noticed yesterday (2.6) but i didnt had time to write, bdy: 1xxyyyzzzw dont work anymore.
yes, i forgot... most of bdy features now disabled for a while till next NON-test release will come.
the reason is making alternative tags and attributes instead of huge Kind values
code in rewriting process, so i just can't keep both things working on at a time

so it's disabled for now.
if you're interested in using them right now then better keep project on 2.04 version instead.
All Neora versions can be found on this Google Drive Folder.
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yea i thought in fact it would be this reason :p yea very good not to keep these very big states and kinds. So about the tags, i have some suggestions:

delay: exactly like in armor (hight values slows more, positive shaking negative not shaking)
a/v_mp/hp (where a attacker v victim) maybe these tags instead of effect 3/4/5/etcXXX so a positive value would be how much mp/hp he lost (well v_hp: 100 is equal with injury: 100 :p) and a negative value mp/hp he gains.
state: id: states and id he cant attack
all these with a probability in front of (i.e. a_mp: PPXXX or dalay: PPXX where PP probability) and to be able for all types, and maybe added in both itr and bdy.

Maybe specific id can have a tag that they pass the stage in the same frame they are. It can be used for collecting things (like money or diamonds).

also what about multiple wpoint? (some char in some frames have several weaponact in the same frame)
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Quote:also what about multiple wpoint? (some char in some frames have several weaponact in the same frame)
that's for animated weapons in hands i guess..
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