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LF2 extended
Thx for the application HouseMate! :)

from my side u'd be definitely in the team, just waiting for some statement of other teammembers (but judging from the thanks you've gottan which are all from members of the team I'm quite sure they have no complaints about it) ;)
Thanks given by: Hate
I guess you're in ;-) I have seen you improve dramatically over a short period of time, so it's also a yes from me definately. Although I do hope you can finetune your style so that it is just a tad more LF2 styled.

About Leonidas, I really like the character but there's some things to consider: 1) is he sprited in LF2-style; and 2) does he fit in with the story we have for the mod. Also, I like to make decicions when nothing is being decided and we're just wasting time, but in the case of adding existing characters, we decide together. Which also brings me to point #3, which is that most team members wanted only new characters and the original ones in the mod, which would mean we can't add him unfortunately..

I'll make you a member of the group now. Please check the topic 'updated plan' first to get some directions in the subforum :)

@Housemate & Arcane: as for waiting on the others: JoHo15 is inactive, Ariel is in army, YinYin/Apocalipsis have a special function on the team. I guess the 3x 'thanks' are enough.

Edit: oh, yeah.. don't be afraid to post in topics more than 2 months old in the subforum when it's relevant. There has been very little activity lately, with most of us simply being too busy to have time at the moment... but there's always a data changer for good sprites on our team :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Not in this project, but i must say, you should take Leonidas in this project. Probably due to his looks and fighting style, which exactly suits this mod. :)
Thanks given by: Lucianocapocha
(09-02-2015, 05:13 PM)Memento Wrote:  I guess you're in ;-) I have seen you improve dramatically over a short period of time, so it's also a yes from me definately. Although I do hope you can finetune your style so that it is just a tad more LF2 styled.

About Leonidas, I really like the character but there's some things to consider: 1) is he sprited in LF2-style; and 2) does he fit in with the story we have for the mod. Also, I like to make decicions when nothing is being decided and we're just wasting time, but in the case of adding existing characters, we decide together. Which also brings me to point #3, which is that most team members wanted only new characters and the original ones in the mod, which would mean we can't add him unfortunately..

I'll make you a member of the group now.

@Housemate & Arcane: as for waiting on the others: JoHo15 is inactive, Ariel is in army, YinYin/Apocalipsis have a special function on the team. I guess the 3x 'thanks' are enough.

Edit: oh, yeah.. don't be afraid to post in topics more than 2 months old in the subforum when it's relevant. There has been very little activity lately, with most of us simply being too busy to have time at the moment... but there's always a data changer for good sprites on our team :)

Great :) .
                            LF Extended                              [Image: 2518290.gif][Image: e38dd1f.gif][Image: 533172c.gif] (click on the pic)                       Deviantart
                            Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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i really hope this will turn in something very beautiful. havent played any great mod or even stage from a very long time :(
i am very interested in this mod story, how it will be :) coz im thinking that it will be a very serious work from you guys, as i can see until now.
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hows progress
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(10-14-2015, 02:30 AM)sk4t3curse Wrote:  hows progress

Housemate has made some progress on the wizard, everybody else has been inactive lately. But I have some more free time right now so I will post a little update on the teleportation minion (now called Daniel) soon, and perhaps on the wizard also
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Bupkis
maybe you can show gifs and screenshots whenever.
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I hope the data will be as good as sprites
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This lf2 needs the old character recreated by Yin-Yin and other :v, Leo. that character is one of my favorites
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