I always wondered why Freeze and Firen get injured and have freeze and fire frames (I mean, since they're the master of fire and ice). Then I got an idea (I don't know if this is used before). In Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero and Skorpion had a state where when he's frozen (or on fire for Skorpion) and he gets hit again, instead of shattering the ice like in LF2 (for Freeze), or falling down to the ground (for Firen), he teleports behind the enemy, and the enemy is frozen (or burned) instead (I explicitly saw this in the new ps3 game Mortal Kombat vs. DC). I wonder if and how one can manage to DC this with Firen, in his burning frame. I already figured it out and done it for Freeze, but it was pretty complicated. Firen, however is even harder.
Here are the problems:
1) There's a time limit for the 'fire' frame. You can't freeze it on one frame for like 3 secs, unlike the frozen frame.
2) The character is constantly moving through the air, and the path can be different every time, so you can't spawn a 'sensor' ball (for sensing ranged attacks) to follow firen as he's falling.
3) There's the sprites. I don't know how to do a good
burning away/disappearing in flames kind of sprite.
If anyone is interested in this topic, please reply.
I actually want to know if this is a good idea in the first place, actually (maybe it's stupid or already taken). Because if it's bad, I probably won't even bother with this move (it seems pretty complicated)
I really need help for this move for Firen, especially in these three problems.
Plus, this would be an alternative and possibly even better way then simply being invincible towards fire and ice (as mentioned in the Important DC Problems Thread by MH-Razen).
Here are the problems:
1) There's a time limit for the 'fire' frame. You can't freeze it on one frame for like 3 secs, unlike the frozen frame.
2) The character is constantly moving through the air, and the path can be different every time, so you can't spawn a 'sensor' ball (for sensing ranged attacks) to follow firen as he's falling.
3) There's the sprites. I don't know how to do a good
burning away/disappearing in flames kind of sprite.
If anyone is interested in this topic, please reply.
I actually want to know if this is a good idea in the first place, actually (maybe it's stupid or already taken). Because if it's bad, I probably won't even bother with this move (it seems pretty complicated)
I really need help for this move for Firen, especially in these three problems.
Plus, this would be an alternative and possibly even better way then simply being invincible towards fire and ice (as mentioned in the Important DC Problems Thread by MH-Razen).

<div style="background-image:url('http://f.imagehost.org/0086/Fill.png'); filter:alpha(opacity=70); border-top:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-left: 1px solid #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000"> <table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="500"><img src=http://g.imagehost.org/0170/FORUM_SIGNATURE.png opacity="1" alt="Little Fighter Code Lyoko"></td><td width="30"><img src="http://www.antoninasdesigns.com/images/real-gray-square.gif" width="1" height="100"></td><td><font face=monotype corsiva><font color=#0A298F><font size="4"><b><i>~Solomon Leung</size><br><font size="2">P.S. I Just Lost <a href="http://www.losethegame.org" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#0A298F>The Game</font></a></b></i></font></font></size></td></tr></table></div>