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[solved] Itr 8 / Additions?
nah, I worked with this while creating Kingdom LF2 - there's a shield powerup for the standard heros. Actually to alter the shield to another char after it's activated is hard, simply because the other char need to be at exactly the same point to get the 50-50 chance to get the shield...
A secure way for the enemy is to try to hurt the guy having the shield and bring him to frames without bdys, but if you code the shield right it shouldn't be possible with normal chars, only with armour chars... maybe :p
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If i would create a ball, which is putting an itr:8 at "his body" (instead of a body) the ball would add to the first character, which it will hit, wouldn't it?
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yep, totally right.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

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And if the ball wouldn'T "hit" something, it would simply follow it's next-drame...

Cool... I will make a soul armor thingy, that appears for some frames as an energy orb and equips everyone with a shield who runs into it ^^ A weak one of course, maybe protecting from one hit or so...
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Soo.......are there anymore cool things you can do with itr/kind8? This thread has been dead for like 2 days.
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rofl, isn't this enough!?

what about dialogs which stick to the characters which just talk?
what about a quest system?
what about powerups?

I realise like 75% of all my DC problems with this :p
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
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Is it possible to make like a 8-man super-move with this? I remember most video games had like some move where every hero comes together and shoots like a super-move at the super-villain to defeat him (emphasis on teamwork :D)! This would be a good idea on stage mode. You can take off the bdys so that the boss can't hit you in your super-move stance, so that it would allow time for the other 7 computer players to get into position. I know this can be done for up to 3 people, but is it possible for eight people to do it?

~Solomon Leung
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Could be difficult... i have still big problems with making attacks hitting special places, exspecially if they have not the same z-coordinate as the char performing the attack...

But a big thx for all your help, this itr-thingy can surely be used for many different effects ^^
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(01-15-2009, 11:08 PM)1477 Wrote:  Is it possible to make like a 8-man super-move with this? I remember most video games had like some move where every hero comes together and shoots like a super-move at the super-villain to defeat him (emphasis on teamwork :D)! This would be a good idea on stage mode. You can take off the bdys so that the boss can't hit you in your super-move stance, so that it would allow time for the other 7 computer players to get into position. I know this can be done for up to 3 people, but is it possible for eight people to do it?
that could be difficult because of two things: 1) you'll have to work with cpu's that don't always do what you want. 2) imagine in stage mode, when suddenly a villain is charging up in the mass of the good guys, just because he got sucked in by the itr.

It should be possible, but it'd be VERY buggy.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Yeah, I guess you're right. It is pretty stupid. Forget I said anything :D. But still, are there anymore things you can do with itr/kind 8 besides the things listed here?
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