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03-24-2009, 07:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2009, 01:19 PM by Ramond.)
Can u tell me how to add the ball to attacks when i give an attack from char to other?
example:-i wanna give davis ball To template
can anyone tell me how? and dont give me the link for the toturial that
The guide on ADDING MOVES for dummies
cuse its doesnt explain how??
pleaze tell me hoow?
and i would like to make it with pics cuse im not from usa or other english cuntreys(im from israel)
Shortened topic title. ~Ramond
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03-24-2009, 08:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2009, 09:13 PM by Lauli.)
If you look into the move where Davis shoots the balls.
There is a frame-element that says something like "opoint:...". If you copy this segment and paste it somewhere into the other chars frames it should be fine.
BUT (!) never forget that this "opoint:..." tag never works in the first frame of a char move.
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(03-24-2009, 08:11 PM)Lauli Wrote: BUT (!) never forget that this "opoint:..." tag never works in the first frame of a char move.
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03-25-2009, 12:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2009, 01:25 PM by kane.)
ok thx for answer i well try now 
ok if my char is template and i have no ball data attack..what should i do\?
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I would recommend to read some DC-tutorials, then you wouldn't have to make such stupid questions...
You can add the opoint ANYWHERE. In his punching frames (so, he punches while shooting balls), defending frames etc...
For example you could copy the punch frames, rename them into new ones, delete the itr's and add the opoint... then you have a ball move...
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Quote:Rule 8: Website Search first!
Please search through the website before you post. Why? Most stuff is already explained there and I want to avoid questions like "What's the cheat of LF2?" . This rule is very important and many people used to ignore it.
take a look at this thread: and learn something from it :P
abt your question: add opoint like others said
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03-26-2009, 01:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2009, 06:34 PM by kane.)
But oh i didnt understant u .... im too newbie that i dont know what opoint is :S
just give me a link have a tut about this cuse i really dont understant u guys
what u say is abit weird for me :S
u say things i dont even read it before O_O
explaining with pics well be good :P
and thx for replies anyway...
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DCing>Frame elements>Opoint
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u don't need pics to explaine this.
all u have to know is:
-any ball dat. can be used by any other char IF that char has the ball's Opoint
-how the opoint work:
1st. look at the data txt. in the 3rd paragraph(?) that's all of the char's balls opoint.
2nd. example:
<frame> 244 ball1
pic: 144 state: 3 wait: 1 next: 246 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 30 centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 1 x: 90 y: 43 action: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 oid: 207 facing: 0
kind: 1 x: 30 y: 50 weaponact: 30 attacking: 0 cover: 1 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 21 y: 18 w: 43 h: 62
id: 207 type: 3 file: data\davis_ball.dat
id: 210 type: 3 file: data\firen_ball.dat
so at that frame davis will shoot his ball. if u change the "opoint: xxx" into 210, davis will shoot firen's ball, GOT IT?
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(03-27-2009, 11:53 AM)vandesdelca Wrote: u don't need pics to explaine this.
all u have to know is:
-any ball dat. can be used by any other char IF that char has the ball's Opoint
-how the opoint work:
1st. look at the data txt. in the 3rd paragraph(?) that's all of the char's balls opoint.
2nd. example:
<frame> 244 ball1
pic: 144 state: 3 wait: 1 next: 246 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 30 centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 1 x: 90 y: 43 action: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 oid: 207 facing: 0
kind: 1 x: 30 y: 50 weaponact: 30 attacking: 0 cover: 1 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0
kind: 0 x: 21 y: 18 w: 43 h: 62
id: 207 type: 3 file: data\davis_ball.dat
id: 210 type: 3 file: data\firen_ball.dat
so at that frame davis will shoot his ball. if u change the "opoint: xxx" into 210, davis will shoot firen's ball, GOT IT?
got it,thx
Working on Sasuke-Akatsuke Body
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