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[mod] The Saga-lf2-project
:thumbs up: 
I'll post all new saga-lf2 stuff into this thread
Text= Edited
what saga-lf2 is about:

The dark mage John killed the king of the little fighters.
Now he rules tyrannically over the little fighters with his army of sorcerers.

Then god sent some angels to the lf2-earth to help the little fighters to kill John. But the devil also sent demons out from the hell to avoid Johns death. Now the war beginns...

the good ones:
Deep finished
Louis finished
Angelwoody finished
Angeldavis finished
Angeldennis finished
Angeljack finished
Henry finished
Bat finished

Kato by Deviljin
RudolfTS by duko
Tiger by Havoc_creator
matt by matt4300

the evil ones:
Hellfiren finished
LouisEX (yeah, he becomes evil^^) finished
Lindwurm (by scorpion)finished
Dark John finished
Little devil finished
Sorcerer finished
Elite-Firesorcerer finished
Elite-Icesorcerer finished

The neutral ones:
Knight (aren't evil anymore because they just followed julian) finished
Jan finished
mark finished
bandit finished
Hunter finished
template finished
Elite-Knight finished
Crusader (remade) finished
Phantom finished
Monk finished

right now!

Now to the stagesI finished already:

stage 1: bg--THV finished
regular enemys: Mark, sorcerer, bandit, hunter
endboss: a horde of enemys

stage 2: bg--Sandstormbridge finished
regular enemys: jan, hunter, bandit, template, Little devil
endboss: Hellfiren

stage 3: bg--castle 1 finished
regular enemys: knight, jan, mark, bandit&hunter, LittleDevil, Elite-knight
endboss: Eliteknight, phantom

stage 4: bg--Orochi Cenotaph finished
regular enemys: monk, phantom, knight, Eliteknight, LittleDevil, Jan, Mark
endboss: Lindwurm (by scorpion)

stage 5: bg--graveyard finished
regular enemys: all sub and half-sub chars and LouisEX
endboss: DARK JOHN!!!
(this stage goes to 5-10)

Color theme: Golden Background-red and darkred text color

specials: 5 Easter eggs- I put 5 easter-eggs in the resource-pics:
a bat (type 3)
an angel (type 3)
a McDonalds-logo
A hoe

Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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[Image: banner01.gif]
rest of my siggy! (Click to View)
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-removed quote since large-

you deleted freeze?!?!?
thats not nice of you. he is my favourite!:sad:
[Image: 18085qo3.png]
siggy made by scorpion

This is o_O. Help o_O by Copying and pasting o_O
into your signature to help him gain world domination.
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are you gonna have a modded jack so he's about the same strength as the other playable chars?
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manxeater Wrote:you deleted freeze?!?!?
thats not nice of you. he is my favourite!:sad:

right, he just don't fit into a epic saga-story.
But there are sorcerers^^ Will add some ice-moves to them.
I also deleted the whole Id: 8 and 7 because I don't wanna have firzen in there (right on, he doesn't fit either!)
But therefore I used Lindwurm ( with the agreement from Scorpion)
as Id: 51 for quicker MP-regeneration.
he'll be the endboss in stage4 for whick I used "Orochi Cenotaph"
because it looks like a dragon-cave^^.

plankton Wrote:are you gonna have a modded jack so he's about the same strength as the other playable chars?
Yes, I'll add some moves and power him a bit up.
Just programmed a kick-up-liondash for jack!^^
Singlong with highen dvy and weaken dvx kicks the enemy up in the air. then jack makes a tigerdash and hits the enemys once again!

so all in all I called it "liondash"!

Then I programmed a blastpush, and I have to say, i were very lucky!
The "hoh"-sound appaers in the moment whrer you can see the red in jacks mouth!^^ (DvA)

After that I made a flame-move. I just worked around with the pics and put an opoint in. It' like firens fireblowing. (DvJ)

Now I'll programm a whirlwind-move for him (D^J)
After doing that I finaly will programm a hellmove for him (DJA)

Then he's finished!

Here a vide from his upkick-liondash:

Hey, I just finished Angeljack! First char finished!^^
He's the first char I really can be proud of! XD

I changed some things I did not change in Saga-lf2:
The name of the sprites and datas.
Now you can play angeljack without loosing your normal id: 33 jack.
Only thing you have to replace is freeze_column.dat because I modded the whirlwind; He won't move towards/backwards anymore!

Click link to download!
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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[Image: banner01.gif]
rest of my siggy! (Click to View)
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julian is dead, isn't?

i liked the idea of dark john and louis ex!

can we see the "saga-lf2''?
[Image: 1zfif7m.jpg] & [Image: jjs6tj.jpg]
Davis and Dennis Are the best fighters
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lorddrake Wrote:julian is dead, isn't?

right, Dark john killed him.
That's why the knights don't follow Dark john.
But therefore Dark John has armys of blackrobed sorcerers and a few
apprentices (elite-sorcerers), which are learning his dark skills from him.

lorddrake Wrote:can we see the "saga-lf2''?

Oh, you didn't understand. I Just started the project a few days ago.
Already finished stage1&2 and 1 char (angeljack).
I posted a link where you can download angeljack to test him^^.

Hey, I just finished my 3 other angelz; Angelwoody, Angeldavis and Angeldennis!
Puh, that was hard work, plz test them!
klick link to download;10...einfo.html

Hey, I just finished all the knights and socrerers and Dark John!^^

Hey, I just finished deep!^^
Hehe, the 4th time I use this sentence XD
Deep summons 2 deeps with act: 320 (yeah, thats Hypermodder-tech^^) before going from frame 291 into frame 292.
They have no bdys and will dissapear when their move is finished, and they won't break out of the frame!^^ (as I said, Hypermodder-tech)
Your enemy will get attacked from 3 deeps XD
Highen the MP-cost to balance the move...

D^J (changed) makes the slash-move (DvA), but has width: 2400 and height: 550 and zwidth: 500.
Costs 180 Hp and 375 mp

DvJ - a sword-combo
Had hard to work with the pics, but finally it looks cool.
Costs 80 Hp and 325 mp because It ends with next: 70 and all in all it makes about 325 dmg... (yeah, a hell-move; every main and bonus char has a hellmove)

DvA (combined with the old D^J)
Pushes your enemy up in the air, jumps high, pushes the enemy down....full automaticlly; You needn't press J or A anymore^^

D>A Makes a tripple-tripplebalst (3 blast I stuck together and gave them facing: 30 because Deeps ball is weaker then all the other balls)

D^A Makes a super-punch, but in the end it works like an earthquake^^ costs 130 hp and 350 mp..

Yeah, thats saga-deep. Won't upload here; have to continue working on Saga-lf2 now.
It took my whole day to make 7 saga-chars^^ because I have to make the skin of Shard. Just finished 3 rows from the first spritesheet^^

Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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[Image: banner01.gif]
rest of my siggy! (Click to View)
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From that what I've seen so far (screenshots + attack describtions) it will be rather hard to win. The char looses health, and there are a lot of opponents to kill. That will be rather hard don't you think so too?

-here for instance-

Hypermodder Wrote:D^J (changed) makes the slash-move (DvA), but has width: 2400 and height: 550 and zwidth: 500.
Costs 180 Hp and 375 mp

D^J Makes a super-punch, but in the end it works like an earthquake^^ costs 130 hp and 350 mp..

He has two D^J attacks?

All in all, I'm not really impressed by the moves, but oh well...
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Lauli Wrote:From that what I've seen so far (screenshots + attack describtions) it will be rather hard to win. The char looses health, and there are a lot of opponents to kill. That will be rather hard don't you think so too?
Nope, plz dont get false impressions...
the game will be balanced...The screenshot is a bit unlucky made in this case...

Lauli Wrote:
Hypermodder Wrote:D^J (changed) makes the slash-move (DvA), but has width: 2400 and height: 550 and zwidth: 500.
Costs 180 Hp and 375 mp

D^J Makes a super-punch, but in the end it works like an earthquake^^ costs 130 hp and 350 mp..

He has two D^J attacks?

Nope, sry, I meant d^A! *(Edited)*

Lauli Wrote:All in all, I'm not really impressed by the moves, but oh well...

Yeah, I had some problems with deep...
Vista sucks meh off, DCing in Vista is hard!

Plz try out my angelz-> They are better
OOPS! Forgot to put the ids into the zip! (thx to manxeater for reminding meh!!!)

Here they are:

id: 230 type: 3 file: data\davis_ball2.dat
id: 231 type: 3 file: data\dennis_ball2.dat
id: 232 type: 3 file: data\dennis_ball3.dat

Now it should work!^^
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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well, you didn't write in the readme from who the sprites should add this...

but except that, it looks very nice;)
I expecially like the story because john is my favourite char:D
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Here are some png-ed sprites---
yay, jsut finished stage 3 Bg= castle (1)

I also finished some other chars....
and tested stage 1+2 again and again.....200% fun!^^

about my siggy:
The chars standing in the right are 2 bat simultants (will dissaper after move is finished->HM-Tech)
and Bat.
The char on the left side is phantom while his d>J (the blue flames will freeze your enemys!)
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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