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bow attack: further explination of my question here
i wanted to know how to make the bow attack like from the hunter and henry be turned into a move and continue pressing the key will make it go longer. how cna i do that?
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(03-30-2009, 01:59 AM)pimpen itachi Wrote:  i wanted to know how to make the bow attack like from the hunter and henry be turned into a move and continue pressing the key will make it go longer. how cna i do that?

uhhh maybe i'm wrong but...
put "hit_a: XXX" behind "before shooting the arrow" frame. and frame XXX is where ur char shoot a longer bow.
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Basically, just what vandesdelca said but you can also chose other hit_xx tag and in the frame XXX, make it loop back to the first frame (with hit_ tag of course).
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let me put it this way. henrys arrow(aaa) is not an attack. since it is in its own .dat im thinking of it as a ball.dat. how can i put that into a characters .dat? not as an a attack but a Fj or Fa attack and make it continuous?
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(03-31-2009, 06:01 AM)pimpen itachi Wrote:  let me put it this way. henrys arrow(aaa) is not an attack. since it is in its own .dat im thinking of it as a ball.dat. how can i put that into a characters .dat? not as an a attack but a Fj or Fa attack and make it continuous?

easy, just look at the data. put "hit_Fa: XXX" at walking, defending, etc. frame. but i don't know how to change the attack button, cus it just typed "hit_a: 0"
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thats why im at a loss ._.
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<frame> 60 punch #activated if you hit the attack-key while standing
   pic: 10  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 61  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 40  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 mp: 12
      kind: 2  x: 21  y: 57  w: 37  h: 24  vrest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 12  w: 27  h: 68
<frame> 61 punch #preparing the shot
   pic: 11  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 62  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 31  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 15  y: 5  w: 35  h: 73
<frame> 62 punch #still preparing
   pic: 12  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 63  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\022.wav 
      kind: 0  x: 9  y: 9  w: 35  h: 71
      kind: 0  x: 23  y: 36  w: 41  h: 16
<frame> 63 punch #last preparation
   pic: 13  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 64  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 38  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 24  y: 10  w: 33  h: 68
      kind: 0  x: 28  y: 34  w: 42  h: 19
<frame> 64 punch #actual shot
   pic: 14  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 66  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\024.wav 
   opoint: #this here "activates" the arrow (id 201, frame 40)
      kind: 1  x: 95  y: 57  action: 40  dvx: 22  dvy: -3  oid: 201  facing: 0
   opoint_end: #end of the important part
      kind: 0  x: 22  y: 7  w: 35  h: 71
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 22  w: 47  h: 29
<frame> 65 punch #alternatively activated if you hit attack while standing
   pic: 10  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 61  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 mp: 12
      kind: 2  x: 33  y: 60  w: 38  h: 19  vrest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 28  y: 13  w: 33  h: 63
<frame> 66 punch #unimportant part, just for animation's sake
   pic: 15  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 35  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 23  y: 9  w: 33  h: 70
      kind: 0  x: 15  y: 32  w: 51  h: 15
Now, when you look at the code above, you'll see that the most important part is the opoint. By using this tag, it'll spawn an object with the indicated id (aka. opointed id or short "oid") that starts with a certain frame ("action").

Now, in order to shoot multiple arrows, you'll need multiple opoints. Not in one frame, though, that won't work. Instead, you can loop some frames, similar to this one:
<frame> 60 punch #activated if you hit the attack-key while standing
   pic: 10  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 61  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 40  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 66  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 21  y: 57  w: 37  h: 24  vrest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 12  w: 27  h: 68
<frame> 61 punch #preparing the shot
   pic: 11  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 62  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 31  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 66  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 15  y: 5  w: 35  h: 73
<frame> 62 punch #still preparing
   pic: 12  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 63  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 66  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\022.wav 
      kind: 0  x: 9  y: 9  w: 35  h: 71
      kind: 0  x: 23  y: 36  w: 41  h: 16
<frame> 63 punch #last preparation
   pic: 13  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 64  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 38  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 66  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 24  y: 10  w: 33  h: 68
      kind: 0  x: 28  y: 34  w: 42  h: 19
<frame> 64 punch #actual shot
   pic: 14  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 60  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 66  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\024.wav 
   opoint: #this here "activates" the arrow (id 201, frame 40)
      kind: 1  x: 95  y: 57  action: 40  dvx: 22  dvy: -3  oid: 201  facing: 0
   opoint_end: #end of the important part
      kind: 0  x: 22  y: 7  w: 35  h: 71
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 22  w: 47  h: 29
<frame> 65 punch #alternatively activated if you hit attack while standing
   pic: 10  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 61  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 mp: 12
      kind: 2  x: 33  y: 60  w: 38  h: 19  vrest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 28  y: 13  w: 33  h: 63
<frame> 66 punch #unimportant part, just for animation's sake
   pic: 15  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 35  centery: 78  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 23  y: 9  w: 33  h: 70
      kind: 0  x: 15  y: 32  w: 51  h: 15
There are just a few things altered. On one hand, in frame 64, I changed the "next:" to 60 instead of 66. This will make the attack loop, in this sequence: 60-61-62-63-64-60-61-......
Every time, the character is at frame 64, he'll shoot an arrow. Now, bad situation, without a certain condition you won't be able to stop this attack. Therefore, I added hit_d: 66. In case you press the defend-button, this will make your character go to the specified frame. As you can see, frame 66 is the last one of this sequence. Its next-value is 999, so the attack will stop there and the character will go back to frame 0. You can imagine it like this:
sequence start
..frame 60 {if defend is pressed: go to frame 66} -> frame 61
..frame 61 {if defend is pressed: go to frame 66} -> frame 62
..frame 62 {if defend is pressed: go to frame 66} -> frame 63
..frame 63 {if defend is pressed: go to frame 66} -> frame 64
..frame 64 {shoot an arrow; if defend is pressed: go to frame 66} -> frame 60
frame 66 {nothing special} -> frame 0

I hope this tells you what to do.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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sorry but i know where youre getting at and thats not what i meant. youre talking about making a punch move. i want it as a move like D>A ._.
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Look man, you just have to change the frame number and the key input, is it so hard to do?
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eh, seriously, just look again at the post I wrote. If you want an attack like D>A that repeats itself again and again, then just change frame numbers. I don't exactly recall where they start (probably at around 235) but you can find that by looking into the standing frame. "hit_Fa: xyz" will tell you (where xyz is the starting frame of the D>A-sequence).

Just try to understand the system I posted (which is actually basic DCing knowledge), and apply it to the D>A-attack.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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