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[Mod] Little Sticks 2
stick not looking good on dragons XQ

[Image: nosrsly.png]
Thanks given by: Simoneon
(04-03-2009, 01:06 PM)TheNave Wrote:  
(04-03-2009, 12:14 PM)yakub Wrote:  but the best mod is a mod with playable dragons <hint,hint>
rofl... I don't think I'm gonna add dragons... maybe somewhen on stagemod^^

Putting a dragon in will increase my personal rating of this mod by laying8 %
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(04-04-2009, 11:04 AM)Lauli Wrote:  rolf.....dragons...
stick not looking good on dragons XQ

[Image: nosrsly.png]

Well I liked it :P :D
[Image: qwaqyydv.png]
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i liked it too!
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"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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I think it looks damn ridiculous.
Thanks given by: Alectric
there is a chance that I'm gonna add a flute and when you're picking it up you'll play some strange melodie which calls a dragon, then you'll settle up and become a dragon warrior...
but I'm not sure if I do that... spriting a dragon is really really really hard...

anyway, this is what I've done so far:
I added some sparks and some empty bullet-shells(which are flying completly random :D) to the gun attacks
Also, I created a new weapon... a magic rod!
If you hit someone with it, he'll be paralysed for a short time before it blows him away, it's good to make combos with, I'm gonna create a char with this weapon now...
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very good man!
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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(04-04-2009, 05:02 PM)TheNave Wrote:  there is a chance that I'm gonna add a flute and when you're picking it up you'll play some strange melodie which calls a dragon, then you'll settle up and become a dragon warrior...
but I'm not sure if I do that... spriting a dragon is really really really hard...

O_O :D
I luv you I could take of the dragon sprites if you want as long as you dont expect me to DC it...
[Image: qwaqyydv.png]
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nah, I'm gonna do the sprites by myselfe, too... you could search me some reference pic
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the best idea for a modification I ve seen in a long time

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