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[char] Clew
Um , Coolest?
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[Image: thingcolours.png]
Sorry for the unusual-for-me bad quality.

What do you think about the sounds?
  • The "splat" sound is played when the clewys (?) explode.
    The normal hit sounds are played when the clewys taking a succesful hit.
    The high pitched tone is Clew activating the explosion.

I'd really like to hear your opinion about it, because I want to have decent and fitting sounds for the char.
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In my opinion the *biep*( high pitched I think) sound is a bit annoying. Its okay in the video, but when you play an hour with him?
The other sounds are okay, I think. Especially the summoning sound is quite cool.
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I like that beep^^
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For other sounds:
You could use a similar sound, just less annoying( for example like rudolfs clone attack or Johns attacks( not exactly, but its hard for me to explain. I'm not english))
Another possibility would be to let him explode with fire( doesn't has to burn the enemys, but it would change the sound)
I don't have any better ideas. Maybe the others have.
Thanks given by: Lauli
So I herd you'd liek to test it?
He has a slightly different movement compared other chars.
  • The walking speed is faster than normal.
  • No running and thus no real dashing.
  • When jumping forward, he performs a dash.
Press Attack and you'll shoot a small clew; Press Defend+Attack and you'll let it explode.
The small clews also hit if they are shot, while being close to an enemy (=punch or dash-attack)

Of course, special attacks are coming.
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YEAHH!! He's sooo cute... but actually really weak, he needs some specials!!!
Thanks given by: Lauli
hey this is a cool char!
not overpowered(a lot ;)) and very well DCed, very challenging too
are you going to do a face pic and small pic for him?
if you want, i can help with that.
oops, i didnt read, you dont have to see this (Click to View)
btw, what the hell is clew? is he from another game or just a random thought up char?
very nice though

EDIT oops edited now ;)
Thanks given by: Lauli
Thanks for the positive replies.
He's a bit underpowered, because he has no real special attacks yet.
Face pic will follow, but it is a bit weird to do a closeup of a monotone colored char.

The automatic explode at close range is intentional. Given that so many complained about that there is no "punch". Also it makes a very nice dash attack.
Also, you only have to press Def+Atk. Not Def+Jump+Atk.

But wait, you could've also read my post above :P
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i love it so far. really great, new way of fighting :)
~its been a long time coming~
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