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Wish Granted-With a Twist!
you are a fish, but you find no water.
I wish I was almighty...
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you are almighty, but can't find the joy in life anymore because of the drag it is becoming with evrybody envying u because of ur power. So u have no real friends, but only people who 'pretend' to be your friend just for ur power.
anyway, ur life will suck ;)...

IW It was vacation and I can go to university!

[Image: jpvgcj.jpg]

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okkkk...Ur on a vacation, on ur vacation you get run over by a car then you couldn't go to university cuz ur dead! xD

Same Thing Applys As my last post (Not this one)
[Image: mlbio1260899095.gif]
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you get what ever you wanted in your last post, but i do not know which one you mean so i get confused with another post and you explode, harming no one but you.

i wish i could have a wish without a twist
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ok you have a wish without a twist, but I don't know what you wished for so I got confused and you exploded! (xD copying you!)
I wish I was ultra sexy and My bodyguards are my brothers

and they can't become gay

and also
I can't be a girl and my crush will like me!
[Image: mlbio1260899095.gif]
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but some super massive uys come and beat up your brothers and they think you are sexy and want to marry you.
The sheer shock you get from these happenings cause your blood pressure to rise very fast.
you explode.

i wish for the apocalypse to hurry up
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it hurries up, but one of the riders is on holiday were he gets eaten by a shark.
I wish ragnarök to hurry up( Maybe that works better...)
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^ i'd like to say, WTF!? ^
it happens
everyone dies, except you, so your suffering is prolonged for at least the next 50 yrs, and you go insane, and eventually die after 40 yrs of insanity

i wish i could speak in another language.
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Wish granted, men du förstår inte vad andra säger, du kan bara prata själv ^^

I wish that the Galapagos duck wouldn't be so kewl :P

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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BUT WAIT...OH no the wish didnt take effect because you cant take away galapagos duck's coolness away, EVER. no matter how hard you wish, or try.
coz galapagos duck always is cool, and will get his revenge...

i wish i could shoot lasers from my mouth
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