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Contest #5: Writing Challenge
So after some fighting.. now comes something for the creative ones :D

Write a story to one of these topics

  • Word amount: over 200 words
  • choose one of these topics(A day in my life, Summer (in general, a story about it...), Music (my favourite genre.. what impresses me alot , what do i feel when i listen to .. xyz, ),Feelings ( a situation of fear, depression, cynide , happyness.. sorrow),Party( in general , a story about some happening, ))
  • one entry per member (in case you want to make a new one, the old one gets deleted)
  • have fun (or i will get mad Twisted )
Submit your entries before 20th of July!!

For further informations/questions please send an private message to me.
Good luck to all participants :)
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by: Reaper
did a new story:

In the dark

While the moon shone onto the tops of the trees, the way beneath them laid in deepest darkness. The dense walls of leaves swallowed every sound. Anyway, there wasn't any sound at all. The whole forest was completely silent. Not even a bird was flying around.
A shadow began to stand out against the gloominess. Slowly he became bigger and bigger and put on human-like shape.
Cen was carefully shifting from one foot to the other. It was about midnight while he was walking home from a party. To be home faster he took the way through the forest, but now he was regretting it.
He tried to distinguish the different shadows from each other, but it was just too dark. He could only rely on his feet to stay on the way home.
Suddenly a tree appeared in front of him. At some point a lightning had created a knothole now looking at him like a yap full of canines.
A scream came out of his mouth, breaking the silence for a moment, then vanishing slowly and painfully.
He was trying to compose his mind. What was he in fear of? Slowly he started to walk on again, looking around even more. From somewhere a raven cried with a sad and dolorous voice. Cen turned his head into the direction the scream came from.
Suddenly another raven cried, now from behind him. He closed his eyes and began counting. Then he took a decision. He began running not looking back and not trying to think about anything. And after some minutes of running the trees became less and less and he arrived at the end of the wood. In front of him he could see his house with light coming out of the window.
He ran up the hill, straight into this light when he heard a noise from behind. He turned his head and saw the trees chasing him. One of them was catching his leg and he fell to the ground. But where once has been the ground was now a dark hole.
He fell deeper and deeper, the hole above him was as of now only a point in the dark sky, covered by dozens of trees. He fell and feel and fell until the whole world around him was completely dark and he woke up.
Thanks given by:
Here's my entry:

A Day in my Life…by Zabobula

What is a day in the life of someone like me? Of course its not all fire and brimstone as portrayed in the stories I write, or in the drawings I create, or in the music I produce. It’s very…lively….

Not a usual day…but one in particular.

It’s a wonderful day outside; the sun is shining and the sky is clear with some clouds overlooking the city. I spend a fair amount of time on the computer before heading out on a new adventure. Ever since I’ve moved up here, I’ve developed a habit of wanting to walk all over. It always begins in “El Barrio” and can sometimes extend all the way downtown. I usually venture through the Park. As a matter of fact I’ve done it so much it becomes a routine. And when you keep walking through, it starts to seem…well….smaller.

After I’ve left the Park, the trip can extend down to the west side on Broadway in the heavy tourist attraction known as Times Square where the billboards are huge and the people try to sell you anything from watches to tickets to a comedy show featuring some local or well-known talent. After I’ve made my way through the crowd of aimless image capturers, I end up on the end of the West Side. I love going to see the Hudson River. It’s a lot more…interesting than the East River frankly because it’s vaster in comparison.

After avoiding bikers, runners, skaters, and power-walkers, I end up Downtown: the financial district where all of our money is being toyed with. I don’t really care about the top two “streets” so I make my way to Battery Park to see the Statue from afar. By this time I don’t have the physical endurance to walk 7-8 miles back from where I started…so I take the 6 back home ending a nice long journey. I come back with my legs feeling like Jell-O as if I was squatting twice my body weight. And the day ends from there…

The place should be obvious. It’s not as bad as people say...
Escape is a two-syllable word that grants temporary peace in the present to a future victim.
Thanks given by:
so we have to make stories for you?
Can the story be really really long?
I have been working on a story, secretely...
I started a week ago after i got bored with my first story?
(can it be like anything? It's not about LF2 but i guess you can see it that way...)
I was planning on releasing it in a month or 2...
I will post it here on July 18-20
I'm not sure if i'll finnish or not?
It's not Big BIG but ok in my opinion...
My story: The Chronicles of Joshua
this tells about a boy lost in his his childhood fantasy
he is lost, confused, and miserable before <= this isn't mentioned in the story
He lost his parents when he was a kid
in the story will tell how he survives throughout Reality (as a teenager)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by:
I'm glad I caught this one, I was to late for one of your earlier contests,
which was a pity because I had a really nice idea for it:p
Aha! I have a story for this one too.

Sorry if its too long, I've changed people's names as basic internet precautions :)

edit: yeah, it did Zabobula, and thanks:D

~James's Party~

I flicked the car's headlights on.
I could still see some light from the sun, struggling through the dark clouds, but the
road's visibility was becoming dangerously thin.
It was going to be very dark soon.

My sister sat in the front passenger seat, blissfully engaged in a conversation with my
girlfriend, who was sitting in the rear seat behind her. I took a moment to gaze into my
rear-view mirror, catching her eye. She smiled. I couldn't help but smile too.

My sister caught me looking in the mirror, and began scolding me "Keep your eyes on the
road you daft twit! You can stare at her all you like once we get to James's party."
I didn't respond, and kept smiling to myself as street lamps flashed passed overhead.
I could see a roundabout approaching, and my sister started talking again "We turn left up
here, don't we?" at which point I nod, and my girlfriend chimes up "Yeah, James lives just
down there" indicating the darker street.

I parked the car around the corner from James's, and walked down the street with the
two girls. The were still chattering happily as we turned the corner, as we passed a group
of people on the other side of the road, and as we walked into James's front yard.
Something bothered me about that group, but I couldn't pin-point it.
So I stopped worrying about them, they were a way away from the party anyway...

We walked through the gate into James's backyard, where James was standing. I handed
him the card and wished him a happy birthday as both girls gave him hugs. We then
proceeded to greet and talk to people as the night went on.

It is now really dark, and James's party has spilled out into his front yard, where I'm
having a chat with a resonably large, but friendly, bloke. My girlfriend is inside James's
house, taking turns at Guitar Hero, and my sister is in the front yard too, talking to her

I'm still talking to this guy, Daniel he tells me, when I hear someone yell. It doesn't sound
bad, more like from a drunk person who fell over. I didn't pay it much attention, and I was
about to keep talking with Daniel when a look of shock covered his face. I turn around,
manuvering past people, trying to see what's going on.

There's a man, probably 19 year old, standing in the headlights of the car, and a girl is
stumbling away. It takes me a moment to register the blood dripping between the fingers
of her hands over her nose and mouth. he'd king-hit her in the face.
My stomach drops as I hear a new voice while I'm trying to figure out what to do.
My sister is standing between him and the fleeing girl.

I hear the guy's voice, angry and menacing "I'll f*cking hit you."
My sister explodes with anger "STOP SAYING YOU'LL HIT ME BECAUSE YOU WON'T!"
I can hear my sister losing the plot as she screams, and I'm frozen in shock as
the man advances on her, the look in his eyes...

He was going to kill her.

I don't remember moving ...
I just remember standing in front of the man, my sister behind me.

He told me to move, so he could stab her.
I told him I couldn't, because she was my sister.
He look at me, for a moment ...

I was told later that we both walked away from each other, because
the next thing I remember is comforting my sister back in James's front yard.

We left shortly after, but I'd never forget that night.

The night I'd been the most scared in my entire life ...
Trust you're all well.
Thanks given by:
That has got to be on of the best short stories I've read. The build-up for the ending was incredible. Mine pales in comparison. And this happened for real?
Escape is a two-syllable word that grants temporary peace in the present to a future victim.
Thanks given by: Magnamancy
**** I am going to be away soon, so I don't have the chance to improve my story. Why has the story contest to be now? :D
Anyway, as my older story was pretty short and crappy, I did a new one. I still don't think that its good, but I can't do better that fast, so it has to be good enough.
btw: hope I am allowed to replace it... Oh and around 400 words.
btw2: we need more entries!
Mainly situation of fear.

In the dark

While the moon shone onto the tops of the trees, the way beneath them laid in deepest darkness. The dense walls of leaves swallowed every sound. Anyway, there wasn't any sound at all. The whole forest was completely silent. Not even a bird was flying around.
A shadow began to stand out against the gloominess. Slowly he became bigger and bigger and put on human-like shape.
Cen was carefully shifting from one foot to the other. It was about midnight while he was walking home from a party. To be home faster he took the way through the forest, but now he was regretting it.
He tried to distinguish the different shadows from each other, but it was just too dark. He could only rely on his feet to stay on the way home.
Suddenly a tree appeared in front of him. At some point a lightning had created a knothole now looking at him like a yap full of canines.
A scream came out of his mouth, breaking the silence for a moment, then vanishing slowly and painfully.
He was trying to compose his mind. What was he in fear of? Slowly he started to walk on again, looking around even more. From somewhere a raven cried with a sad and dolorous voice. Cen turned his head into the direction the scream came from.
Suddenly another raven cried, now from behind him. He closed his eyes and began counting. Then he took a decision. He began running, not looking back and not trying to think about anything. And after some minutes of running the trees became less and less and he arrived at the end of the wood. In front of him he could see his house with light coming out of the window.
He ran up the hill, straight into this light when he heard a noise from behind. He turned his head and saw the trees chasing him. One of them was catching his leg and he fell to the ground. But where once has been the ground was now a dark hole.
He fell deeper and deeper, the hole above him was as of now only a point in the dark sky, covered by dozens of trees. He fell and fell and fell until the whole world around him was completely dark and he woke up.
Thanks given by:
Uh Gosh...! I got one really big story, but I doubt that it will be ok...
Well, I will try to make that story very much short(that means no dialogs, maybe few of them) and still I am creating map for my story Cursed Angels... Damn, now I really got a lot of work to do >_<
Thanks given by:
(06-27-2009, 11:54 PM)Lord Anubis Wrote:  Uh Gosh...! I got one really big story, but I doubt that it will be ok...
Well, I will try to make that story very much short(that means no dialogs, maybe few of them) and still I am creating map for my story Cursed Angels... Damn, now I really got a lot of work to do >_<
(06-20-2009, 03:47 PM)just_a_phil Wrote:  
  • Word amount: over 200 words
Means: you're free to write as much as you like. No need to shorten down your stuff :)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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(06-28-2009, 09:17 AM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  
(06-27-2009, 11:54 PM)Lord Anubis Wrote:  Uh Gosh...! I got one really big story, but I doubt that it will be ok...
Well, I will try to make that story very much short(that means no dialogs, maybe few of them) and still I am creating map for my story Cursed Angels... Damn, now I really got a lot of work to do >_<
(06-20-2009, 03:47 PM)just_a_phil Wrote:  
  • Word amount: over 200 words
Means: you're free to write as much as you like. No need to shorten down your stuff :)

so i can write over 5000+?
dude thats awesome ~ i still wasn't sure but ok... :)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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