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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
but you aren't active enough!
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Actually, I'm the paladin, Sadbhav's the warrior, and Phil's the swordsmaster.

So no.

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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o *checks for other classes*
already 7 people and only 7 classes
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And also the others should be more active!

Drahcir! you just posted but didn't say where you want to go
Phil stays with sadbhav
SirFrog, Bamboori and I are going to the magic shop
so... BP and Drahcir, where do you go?! WHERE?!
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Sheesh, calm down. Going to the shop.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Going on the bandwagon.

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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in short: Phil stays with sadbhav
and the rest goes to the shop.. hurry up don!
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Magic Shop first! Yay!
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@naruto sorry quite all the spots are taken already

Phil: Okay guys, I'm staying here with him.
Nave: I'll go to the Magic Shop, they might have something useful there.
SirFrog: I'm-a coming with ya.
Bleu Phoenix: I guess we'll all go.
Drahcir: Okay, then.
Bamboori: See ya Phil. You won't run away?
Phil: Nah.

They leave the inn and find the magic store pretty soon.

Small Mana Vial (30): Regenerates 20 MP.
Medium Mana Vial (75): Regenerates 50 MP.
Large Mana Vial (130): Regenerates 100 MP.
Small Mana Regeneration Potion (100): Increases the MP regeneration rate by 2. (Not stackable.)

Magic Short Sword (200): Has an attack power of +10 ATK, additional to 15 magic damage. Requires at least 25 STR. (CRI Roll: 8)

Short Quarterstaff (100): Has an attack power of +8 ATK. Two-handed weapon. (CRI Roll: 10) (+1 Mana Regen Rate if Sorcerer or Wizard)
Light Quarterstaff (150): Has an attack power of +12 ATK. Two-handed weapon. (CRI Roll: 9) (+1 Mana Regen Rate if Sorcerer or Wizard)

Light Magic Arrows (5): Has an attack power of +5 ATK, additional to 10 magic damage. Requires quiver and bow.

Light Scroll of Fire (50): Allows the user to cast 1x Fire Bolt. (No MP cost.)
Light Scroll of Ice (50): Allows the user to cast 1x Ice Bolt. (No MP cost.)
Light Scroll of Lightning (50): Allows the user to cast 1x Lightning Bolt. (No MP cost.)
Light Scroll of Light (50): Allows the user to cast 1x Holy Bolt. (No MP cost.)
Light Scroll of Death (50): Allows the user to cast 1x Dark Bolt. (No MP cost.)

(and yes you can sell items for half the buy price)

Book of Knowledge (update item list and known vendors)

It's dawn-time. (6:39 AM)
The sun's first rays of light fill the outside with color and life.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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how many arrows are one pack?
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