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Gosh... I feel so sorry about you. I was always so crude with you, and now I'm sorry. Hope you will come back;)
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We... had a... lot of great time.
Damn. I don't want to start crying. But, well, I doubt I won't.
Just wanted to say, that you will be always welcome to my heart. (or something like that. I'm not in the mood to check my english now)
Everybody, why not to thank Phil in the first post if you really love him. For all what did he do and etc.

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I really don't know what to say now, so I'll leave it with a simple
Goodbye See you!
Good luck and don't feel depressed. Life goes on.
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Meh, this is getting kinda sad...
Anyway, I hope you find your way...hopefully back here!
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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uhm... *googles a sad smiley*... *can't find a good one*... *dl's phil's avatar*... *editing*
[Image: philsevilclone.png]

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I hope you stop by some times and write some lines. Or not if you want.
You are a cool guy, too bad your computer broke and you can't be here anymore. :(
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To see it on a brighter side, there's a question mark behind "Farewell" so it might not even be...
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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i saw this thread and thought.
"oh yeah another great story by phil"
Well sadly... i just saw the end of a great story.

Your story...

We had a great time. Atleast i thought we had.
Even you won't read this i want to thank you.

For making me laugh, for building me up, for motivating me and just for all the other things you did.
For being a great mod, for being a nice member and for being a great creater.

Man i will really miss you.

With honour and greetings,
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my computer is screwing up to now!
got an uber virus...IMMA COMIN' PHIL!

hey i've got a n idea!
Im setting up a donation account for phil computer fund.

to donate, go to
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No Phil needs more than our help, he needs a hero (or super rich person)
I can't believe that your computer is screwed up *sob*.
Maybe you could get anti-viruse programs?
I am back, not really.
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