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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
1SP on MP and one on INT

and I'd say we go back to tha adventure house and take our reward!
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adventure house.

+1 on strength & attack please
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Nave: Okay, let's go back then.
SirFrog: Wait!
Drahcir: What?
SirFrog: Where's Phil?

The party looks around. No sign of Phil.

Bamboori: Er... he's gone!
Blue Phoenix: NO!

Blue Phoenix runs around in the room and tries to find any sign from Phil. Nothing. Not even a corpse.

Blue Phoenix: Adventuring is a dangerous job...
SirFrog: I don't think any spider killed him, I watched them all the time.
Bamboori: He will find back... let's not waste any more time...

And so they leave the cave.

Blue Phoenix: Didn't Phil once mention the king sent a lot of soldiers to kill off that spider?
Nave: I remember, yes he did.
SirFrog: Guess those soldiers were pretty dumb then, not noticing the spider's magical defense.
Drahcir: Whereever that came from, I still wonder...
snorsorbet: The Platiniac Army probably. As they might not be human.
Blue Phoenix: You're right.

After a while they reach a river.

Blue Phoenix: Fudge. I remember this place.
Bamboori: You're right. sadbhav died here.
Drahcir: And we forgot the bridge has collapsed.
SirFrog: Is there any way to pass this river then?
Blue Phoenix: Not at the moment... or at least not all of us.
SirFrog: Darn, we should have thought of this earlier! All this wasted time...
snorsorbet: At least I could have a glance on the attractive landscape around here.
Blue Phoenix: Fine... shall we split up? Or rather, who of you can swim?
Nave: Me.
SirFrog: And me.
Drahcir: Me too, but I'm too heavy with this armor. Nave and SirFrog have cloaks.
Blue Phoenix: That means only SirFrog and Nave could THEORETICALLY pass the river. Although the current is still too strong.
Bamboori: I'm not so sure of this.

What to do?

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -)

Drahcir - HP: 62/116, MP: 6/11
Bamboori - HP: 28/88, MP: 0/6 (Arrows: 6)
SirFrog - HP: 7/71, MP: 72/86+15
Blue Phoenix - HP: 40/60, MP: 3/8
Nave - HP: 79/79, MP: 60/90+15
snorsorbet - HP: 74/74, MP: 43/43+15

It's midday. (5:07 PM)
The sun is brilliantly hovering high in the sky.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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id say we split in two groups, each taking one side of the river. if one group finds a way to cross it, they will send one of them/go all to inform the other group.

-blue phoenix
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Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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sirfrog firing his super uber icebolt thing in that river... freezes the water for some secs I hope... running... done
I'm awesome
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^Was gonna suggest that.

btw, Ramond, could you put in "we are here" and "we've decided to go here" on the map?
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- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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:p guys

1) it's summertime
2) it's daytime, aka sun influence
3) just a little ice bolt can't freeze a river and create ice that's stable enough for a person
4) the river is about 8 metres wide

and no I can't, that map was only obligatory and BP was supposed to make a better one out of it (he backed off, that lazy b***ard), and you don't even have a map yet so you... don't know exactly where you're at :p imagine nave drawing his map ingame again and that was the result.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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butbutbut... he upgraded that ice bolt!
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He didn't upgrade anything, he chose a new ice spell.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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