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Generic Post-Your-Desktop Thread (Obligatory Pagestretch for some people)
Not as clean as I wanted, but meh.
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Just waiting for the audio tags to become a thing
>My other musical "masterpieces"<
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OMG rayman 3!!!
that level is crazy!

i havent played that game in years :P

i edited this photo:

and got this :P
NOT BY ME, i only did the edits. just making sure :P
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Awesome Stuff is Awesome
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Is it.. actually working? Can you click the Icons?
If yes you need to teach me :P my desktop will then look awesome:P
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Yes, you can click, drag, staple, drop, push, throw them around... you can do everything actually... it's pretty awesome, and that lame blue designe can be changed, too...

and yeah, that's some awesome programm I downloaded, but I dun think I'm allowed to post the downlaod link here because it's illegal downloaded

and yes, I also do have a touch monitor

don't try to download it with such a patch which should upgrade the exe to the pro version one... because, that patch is a damn virus, a hard one, which just infected 521 different exe's on my computer, including important exes in system32... and that's why my computer f***** of after 25 mins, and then I had to reinstall it, and that rly sucks -.-' lost everything
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new theme plus background (Click to View)
Ey! I really like it! - Simoneon
[Image: 165.gif]
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been finalising this one for a week now... shouldn't be much changes from now on until the next re-haul.
an attempt of making it colourful with some uniformity

[Image: 08042010.png]
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
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And Carry Out is a kewl song :D
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>And Carry Out is a kewl song
yeah... definitely among the top 3 pop singles for 2010
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
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