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Zombie Night (Round 2 - new sign-ups)
i'll give this a shot.
Just waiting for the audio tags to become a thing
>My other musical "masterpieces"<
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Joining, too. Sounds somewhat interesting.
note @divisor: Not only the break-free action is done via pM, faking also is.
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faking what?
i'll may be a bit confused but i just collapsed on the toilet while doing things ya know :Phigh blood pressure :P but this was really strange. Dunno if it's high blood pressure but my heart sometimes beats really fast for no reason
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If you are a zombie, you can fake an action and thus don't do anything.

Another thing, you wrote that if I defend a zombie, he gets a higher chance of infecting. Does this apply only to me (as the person who defended him) or to every citizen zombie wants to infect?
Also, how are chances going to be calculated?
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Quote:Fake can mean either to not do anything or try to infect a certain person in the next night, regardless whatever he had posted
I think the extra chance only applies to you( means f.e. 75% to infect one person and 25% chance to infect you). But I'm not sure about that.
Btw: Faking won't work if I vote for something, right?
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(03-06-2010, 06:55 PM)Divisor Wrote:  If you are a zombie, you can fake an action and thus don't do anything.

Another thing, you wrote that if I defend a zombie, he gets a higher chance of infecting. Does this apply only to me (as the person who defended him) or to every citizen zombie wants to infect?
Also, how are chances going to be calculated?

Actually he will infect his target just normal, but ADDITIONALLY get a 25% chance to infect you. So he could in fact infect 2 people in one round. ^^

Btw, since we have 8 guys now, the game is officially started...
Round 1 is over in 24 hours (or if everyone has already posted).
Round 1:
Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries)
Hacker (Survivor)
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries)
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures)
LutiChris (Farmer, 1 Ammo)
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply)
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, 1 Supply)
Reaper (Farmer, 1 Ammo)

As long as we are in Round 1 or 2 it's still possible to join ^^

PS: There are rumors saying that my RNG insisted on making Hacker to the main zombie...
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Getting everyone gainst me in the first round huh?
Now nobody will join my fortress :(
if someone gets no pm he is just normal or?
Means he is a citizen or?
you should pm everybody if he is citizen or zombie cause i got no pm ._.
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The zombie guy (you MRHRHR) got a PM, everyone else won't get anything.
Btw, i CAN'T make them against you... Your the survivor, you CAN'T be the first zombie ;)

Btw, the round is openend, feel free to take actions.
(f.E. Hacker could build a frotress as his first action)
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Lol, I thought I would be able to read the rules again tomorrow when I got my sleep.
@Hacker: You as a survivor can't be the main zombie.
Anyway, as the chances of unintentionally defending the main zombie are rather low, I defend Divisor. A zombie medic would be awfully bad for us.
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Ultra Fortress (Click to View)
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