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Zombie Night (Round 2 - new sign-ups)
I very much suspect Hacker infected me in Round 4, but it might not have been hacker after all.

We still want citizens to win!!!
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i infected ramond as i was in his fortress :D
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@Elias: I for myself didn't listen to you, because you haven't given many arguments why Hacker should be zombie.
So, who infected whom?
@Ramond/Hacker: Yeah, pretty much guessed that as Hacker was the only one in the fortress.
@Luti: Did you infect Nave in round 3?
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it doesn't matter the game is over

and now I suggest we refine the game rules and start a new round.

I personally thought it to be more interesting if the classes wouldn't be known to everybody.
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Anyway, I'd like to cure being normal is a disease :D
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Well I chose to come over to Hacker's house and throw him into the Black Sea.
Also I knew from the beginning the whole plan.
First Simon was without defense so Kay attacked him.
Than he infected you.
After that it was luck, and that you protected me.

EDIT:Man this game is gives more privileges to ZOMBIES than to normal people, the rules should be changed a bit.
I got ninjaed a lot.
I am back, not really.
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But I wanna know :D
Anyway, not showing the role to anybody would be a good idea after all. But if we all had to do this special things via PM, faking would be less mighty.
Anyway, If the roles get hidden I would suggest: Scientist. Works pretty much like the sheriff in mafia. He can check a citizen to see whether that one was a zombie.
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Round one!
Luti infected Simon

Rooounnnd two!
Simon infected Hacker
Luti shoots Jerkington

Round three!
Luti Infected Me

Round four!
Hacker Infected Don
I Infected Divisor
Hacker Infected Elias
Luti got killed


Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed. <--- Zombie(might be cured, I dunno)
Hacker (Survivor) 30% <--- Zombie!
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) <--- Zombie
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) <--- Zombie!
LutiChris (Farmer, Main Zombie) is dead. <--- lol, dead
Elias (Merchant, 0 Supply) 50% <--- Zombie!
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead. <--- also, dead
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo) <--- XD last man standing
Ramond (Survivor) 30% <--- Zombie!
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ah ok.
The only thing I didn't know was who got infected first, you or Divisor. Pretty clear now.
Ok, but you're not going to get me.
Changing my vote to burning down the whole town
die zombies!
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I change my vote to help Reaper get out of town before the main zombie rises from the (un-)dead out of the ground and devours me
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