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Your very first LF2 steps
To know my story first you must read Kay's story.

Well Kay download LF2 and liked it a lot so I played it to with him and downloaded it on my PC(and I was a sucky player). Much much later, Kay found out about the forum but ti was a long time ago (about 6 moths) in beginning I didn't want to join but latter he convinced me to join so I joined had my first ever account Eliast, then could sign-up and made a new account Pi-Face (I had that for a long time) then I got my back to Elias and here I am.

That my history of LF.
I am back, not really.
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well one day my cousins went on playin a game called "little fighter"
i stared on the display, was 'bout 7-8 years old.. they let me play it too, on a controller i used always rudolph. because of 2 facts: 1. i did not want to come the enemys near me and 2. i loved this ninjashaped char.
my cousins showed me the special moves, the pressed some keys and their char did fabilous things like shoot firewings outta their arms (woodys a+d+>) i tried it too, but the only spec.move i could done this time was rudolphs a+d+> attack
i dropped it because i got angry on my cousins, they wont tell me how to do this spec.moves.
but about 2 years later i installed it on my pc, the 1.9 version playin it day and night . i discovered how to do spec moves and how to transform louis in 2.0
in 1.9 i searched for the pics of the char to use it for a background, thinkin "how it would be to hav an own char" i changed the sprites the best i could do and tadaa: my first ninja was born on base of .. oh forgot name the guy with the sword.. was it da..??!
yeah i downloaded 2.0 and started to make my fightin skills perfect. to reach this with firzen on extrem i discoverd DC
i changed some stats and whoop i beated them like bruce lee
but tis wasnt fun... enough..
i started to make my own attacks by looking how the code of the presaved char was (sorry for bad english guys haha :D)
i learned by looking and doing and testing.
98% of my spend time was fail. lf doesnt work any more. and so on..
but in the last time the project i had were goodworking.
ive done a Metal gear solid char : gray fox .. on ur download forum there is one fox better done than ive had done. but "null" my second char was verygood. then my graphiccard has melted my laptop, medion exchanged thelaptops, the char was gone, i havnt got a backup of the char...
yeah that is how it was, now working on a samurai with katana, lokks pretty good but attacks sucks, think in 4 month ill finish it.
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Well I didn't find my post here(maybe I just missed it >.<), so I'll post one!

I don't exactly remember, but it was something like this:
It was year 2002(lol)... I had windows 95, then I searched from Estonian sites old games and something called "Väike Võitleja"(Little Fighter) caught my eye. It seemed as a lame name(in my language), so I checked it for lols.
At first it didn't seem anything special, but after I somehow managed to do my first "magic" move, I was so inspired from it that it was all I played for months! Few years after I found out that all the game uses are in the folders, so I just started painting Woody's eyes red(and he's still my favourite character :O). It seemed extremely painful to color every eye red, so I quitted that... Now as I think of it, I was even lazier than now... Surprise :O. In year 2008 I found out about DC, so I tried that too. It was too complicated without learning, and I was too lazy to start learning, so I quit that thing soon. Now I can only C&P moves and edit some minor things, like sprites, mp cost, injury, some more things :D
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My brother downloaded the game from the very beginning of Naruto had to install the normal LF2, turned on the little fighter, and I liked and then I play
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Updated, which I suppose was long due...? It's on the first page, by the way
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
Thanks given by: Simoneon
hmm... well i started playing around 8/9, always played with my neighbour, introduced me to the game, then became the kinda guy who swapped the ids around and stuff... best memory of lf2 that long ago was firzen cannon=> julian's giant ball thing xD... when one exploded, looked really cool, if you walked into it(when everything explodes) you're dead and end result would be repeated explosions where the cannon was supposed to be... kinda like this
Firzen===) becomes
then after playing for half a year, it got boring and i forgot about it.
2 or so years later____________________________________________________________________
downloaded lf2.5 for fun and played around with it, once again, got bored, forgotten
another year!________________________________________________________________________
downloaded lf2.5 again and swapped around ids again, ground fire=> volt all over the place xD, firzen's explosion became a OHKO!
then i found out that you can change two attacks to similar by putting the same data file for both in the data.txt and realised: for ice there's no volt standing in the middle, fire there is, so i thought there had to be a reason.
few weeks later...
found the LF2 DATA CHANGER by Rammichael!
used it to create a character: latios xD the one that's screwed(kinda) and in the projects in the forum. 2nd character: frozenfiren! took firen's sprites(except ice and fire sprites) and set hue to 180, changed those effect: 2 to effect: 3, breathe an ice beam, and made an ice run.
and now, after changing to Jiquera's data changer, started working on HealBat who... isn't done... xD
sorry about all the xDs everywhere :D
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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Well... by the time I was playing LF2 (found on a magazine CD) there was no ADSL around here (or I had no money to get it)
I can't remember my age but it was something around 11 or 12
it was a really old version full of bugs (blue parts on the forest level)
me, my brother and friends never found out about DJA and we didn't realize all attacks started with D, so we never got LouisEx and the other guys...

something we really didn't know or could find was the cheat, instead, as a good programmer (started with 8), I found the data.txt and copy&pasted the secret char lines and gave them new IDs, that way we could play them.

after a few weeks I stopped playing.

now after some years (I'm 18) I remembered the game and google'd for it.
I tought: "nobody will remember that game... it was published on that crappy magazine full of other games... and it's an old 2D game anyways..."
then i found, then the official forums (which are empty) then on signatures of some posts i found lf2-global, and it sucked then on the sigs again and links redirecting to cool files and mods I found LFE.
When I saw the first link I tought: "dammit it's a .de, I really can't speak deutch properly!"
but clicked anyway, then surprise! the forum was in english! I'm lucky I played a lot of GTA so my english is almost as good as of a native speaker... XD

then I saw some really neat chars and mods that I tought would be impossible, cause I really never opened a .dat, they were encrypted.
I heard about DCing and downloaded the DC pack
looked at the code for controling each frame of animation and prossible actions from that frame and then I tought: "why it's never a programming language? always a type of script that locks you with the parameters the authors give you!"
so I decided to start making a char, to see how it would end... still I miss the "for loops", "ifs", "classes", "properties", "functions/methods", etc, etc...
then I heard people can decompile the .exe to assembler (ASM) and still be able to work with it, personally I only used ASM decompilers to unlock applications, make cracks, cheaters and stuff like that, nothing productive XD

anyways, I'm a programmer since I was 8 (started with flash 4), I can code C, C++, C# (certification, grade 6.4), Java, Javascript, PHP, ActionScript 2, ActionScript 3, Progress 4GL (certification, grade 8.2), LuaScript (WoW and GMod), PAWNScript (GTA:SA-MP server-side).
[off]Anything you guys need (from website widgets to cracks and source codes) I will see what I can do for you.[/off]

now that I came back to the game and have some more knowledge I will use it to, once again, play with this incredibly simple and fun game.
[Image: bilxvzqm0a6dmcc6c.png]
by firzenX's graphics shop

my spriting attempts | Char: Boomer
chishio: "The only limitations in life, are those imposed by yourself and the laws of physics." - learn parkour or join the matrix (either will set you free from physics).
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well a have a looooong history with lf2 lol i cant evan remeber the name of the old lf2 forums that everyone used to use i remember DragonLordX from there hmmm
Thanks given by: qwertz143
awww memories are a nice thing ^^

i started to play LF2 9 years ago when my cousin told me about this game

unlike most ppl he already knew the cheat and how to fight thoug o.o
now im asking myself how did he do that! it was summer but idk the date of it and i was only 7 years old xD
we used to play stage mode together until he got LFT from screenfun ^^ i remember all the functions and i rlly loved them
but i hadnt think about anything about that game like DC or spriting and we dropped it after a while

after all those years i redownloaded it often enough and played and to be honest i still suck at fighting xD
F6 spamm ~ guilty
and few days ago i got interested in lf2 for a few reasons:
1. im in china and have nothing to do xD
2. its a chinese game or at least has chinese symbols so i can use it as alibi cause im here to learn chinese =P
3. i got interested in DC since it looked not too complicated (i already tried c++ and delphi) but i still dont understand those tuts xD

i dont have a deep relation to it and im most likely too late but im still interested or mayb just bored cause im staying 2 months in this hot country!
and besides i just know bout 60 symbols in chinese and those who u learn in 1st grade xD
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One day, my friend gave me a DVD full of Mugen games (i REALLY hate them now).
I played the first, baaad. the second, worse, the third ......... I was really annoyed abot the games, but there is one game left called "Bleach little fighter", I began to read...... bleach.......little.....Little.. LITTLE, " whats the heck with these games".I oppened it ,game start,
Loading...... bleach bankai revolution, it oppened. I choose "ichigo", vs mode, vs "ichigo",What an awesome style,AWESOME slash effects, awesome game play, I loved it. And one day I was boring, playing with the pc settings as usual I accedintly openned the sprite folder. I started playing with the pics(sprites) making the attacks larger, more effects........ but I noticed that the enlargement isn't WORKING (no increasing in the ltr area).and I even found some unused sprites (uncompleted chars) So I started searching for the reason they are not in the game. Then I found the dat files, every char in the game had a dat file in there. So I started searching the unternet for the missing dat files. But couldn't find any. Then I found the dat changer. I oppened a dat file with it and then Shock........ what in blazes are these!!!!
Tht's what I could see
" <frame> 0
pic: DoN'T ReAd Me CAUsE I aM LoNg
and more and more of these codes which squashed my dreams in making my own char.
I closed the dat and opened the game, I started to feel sick "curiosity", so I opened the dat file and started to change some values studying what's this code and what's that hours and hours..,days and days. I was then able to make some moves, and balls with the help of "seshemaru" a member in onepiecegrandline forum.Then I found Lfe and I joined the fotum. And know I am making my first mode "one piece A edition". Despite lf2 is a good game, it wasn't as good as "Bleach bankai revolution" Until now nothing is.......
Special Thanx to Nave And his awesome Mod
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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