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Zack v0.91 out now
i actually like the running..just the arm looks strange..maybe it's just to long compared to the rest of the body?
[Image: 165.gif]
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No one runs like that, only a bunch of Naruto-cosplayers (yeah, I've seen them do it. Made me lol).
The position of the body and legs look great, but it's definitely the arms you need to change.

Why not have them sway alongside the body like every other LF2-character/real-life human?
[Image: runt.png]
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Thanks given by: lf2TimmE1 , snorsorbet
[Image: animation10k.gif]

Oh f**k! @#$%#&@$^%^#$^!!!!!11ONE1!!!! i just cant make him run like that always move his arms to much >_< just screw it
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xD laughed my ass off
his body is mooving too much. also it looks dull if you have the same arm in front as the leg - no one walks like that.
Thanks given by: LutiChris , shin hanazumi
yeah i know and you know what? ill just make him levitate or something XD
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No, it looks awesome for me. It's looking like he's prepared for some original-made attack-combos which is important to think while making a character, in my honest opinion, dude.

Seriously, think about cookiez that!
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(04-15-2010, 07:14 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  yeah i know and you know what? ill just make him levitate or something XD
that'll look even more stupid :D
i say update the current running.
or maeby - only maeby - let him spin while running! or hoppong or something else special
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how bout making him look like he has roller blades on his he looks like he's skating? just an idea...lulz
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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hi there, hellfighter, long time no see ;) you've changed your spriting style a bit (for the better)
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avatar by Una
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(04-15-2010, 07:20 PM)LutiChris Wrote:  how bout making him look like he has roller blades on his he looks like he's skating? just an idea...lulz

Hell no.

About the running, make the body move slightly less and, as Bamboori mentioned, make the arms and legs move in opposite directions ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

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