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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
^ haha nice one.. i will save all your excerpts of creativity and make a book out of it.. "chronicels of [insert_realname_here] (ofc i know it already but maybe some guys not..) :D
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Argh, I'd say we follow the dude. And also, if we ain't back for half an hour, you'll come looking for us, okay?
agreed ~ Bamboori
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Screw you guys, if you really want to go to tha tavern, then go, I'll follow that dude by myselfe
who comes with me?
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snorsorbet please post where you put your status points

(Phil, was that STR AGI and MP?)

Nave: We have to follow him!
SirFrog: I'm coming with you!
Blue Phoenix: Damn... I can't, feel too weak...
snorsorbet: I'll stay with Blue Phoenix. You guys go catch him!

Nave, SirFrog and Drahcir start running after the last robber who's barely visible anymore.

Blue Phoenix: Et tu, Bamboori?
Bamboori: ...

Bamboori, choice: Stay with BP or follow Nave.

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -)

Drahcir - HP: 40/116, MP: 4/11
Bamboori - HP: 79/88, MP: 0/6 (Arrows: magic 4, normal 19)
SirFrog - HP: 24/71, MP: 45/86
Blue Phoenix - HP: 1/60, MP: 2/8
Nave - HP: 62/79, MP: 46/90
snorsorbet - HP: 61/83, MP: 40/47
Phil - HP: 25/57, MP: 3/3

It's dusk. (7:04 PM)
The sunball is lowering towards the horizon, filling the scenery with an idyllic orange.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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We already started running, we can't wait for bamboori anymore
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but he can catch up using magic fairy dust...

oh and yes ramond it was like that =)
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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yeesh, phil, you're the fastest as a cat, you should follow that dude and bring him down -.-'
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^ why don't you transform into one when cyan cats are so awesome :p
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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I'll spend 3 points on Intelligence, and 3 points on Attack Power
oh xD

2 on INT, 2 on AP, 1 on DEX and 1 on MANA

Ramond edited this post 05-05-2010 08:01 PM because:
no snor, you can't put multiple points on a stat... nobody gets it, lol... I even wrote 3+3 so you know that you have 2 times 3 stat points from 2 levels, means max 2 on a stat point

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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f99o9l9l9ow9 t9h9at9 du9de9.

a9ls9o9 99 i9s9 t9ri9ck9i9ng9 m9e9 ag9ai9n9.
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