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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
Alright. Physical ttack on Village Thief 1.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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go for it, and yeah, still healing you

change of plans, I'll give him a manavial, then he uses his most powerfull spell on the leader, 'cuz he's like our best damagedealer... and he's covered by bamboori anyways, so he'll most likely survive until next turn, then I'll heal him
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yep. since the leader's got an incredible magic defense, frog's spells wont do much damage.
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guess what? his normal def is even higher, so spells are the best way to damage him
shoot D: ~ Bamboori
yeesh, shooting isn't better than normal attacking aswell
O waitwaitwaitwait
due to my incredible future telling abilitys I change my action again to healing srifrog so he won't die of the leaders f***ing overpowered super whirlwind spell
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Nave casts Healing (Weak) (HP +50) (-10 MP) on SirFrog! (RST Roll: 2)
He replenishes 52 health points!

snorsorbet (55+20eng ATK) attacks Village Thief 1 (24 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 15, DMG Roll: 10+6, CRI Roll: 2)
He deals 41 physical damage and 11 energy damage!
Village Thief 1 is no more! (EXP +46)
snorsorbet rejoices due to his first 1-hit-KO!

Village Robber 3 (?? ATK) attacks Bamboori (32 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 12)
He misses!

Village Robber 5 (?? ATK) attacks Blue Phoenix (26 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 1)
He misses!

Village Robber Leader (63 ATK) uses Whirlwind (-4 MP)! (HIT Roll: 3|3|-3|-3|-5|4, DMG Roll: -|4|4|8|7|3)
Bamboori is missed!
SirFrog sustains 23 physical damage!
Blue Phoenix sustains 20 physical damage!
Nave sustains 24 physical damage!
snorsorbet sustains 18 physical damage!
Phil tries to evade! (DEF Roll: 1)
Phil sustains 11 physical damage!
Purple cat is not amused!

Village Robber 4 (?? ATK) attacks Blue Phoenix (26 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 14, DMG Roll: 5)
He deals 24 physical damage!

Bamboori is the next one to act with 44 AGI!

Attack: Physically attacks an enemy of your choice.
Special Attack: You can choose between various attacks. All of them have something special. Costs MP.
Spell: You can choose a spell you've learned and cast it. Costs MP.
Item: You can use an item. You can also change your weapon, shield or accessoir, but only one piece at most.
Defend: Increases the chance of avoiding the next attack on you for a round.
Escape: You can escape the battle if everybody else from your team does that and your total AGI is higher than the enemies'.

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -)

Bamboori - HP: 39/88, MP: 3/6 (Arrows: magic 1, normal 17)
SirFrog - HP: 47/71+52 -23, MP: 7/86 (covered by Bamboori)
Blue Phoenix - HP: 16/60-20 -24, MP: 6/8
Nave - HP: 28/79-24, MP: 22/90-10
snorsorbet - HP: 58/83-3, MP: 30/50 (Energy Shield (0)-15)
Phil - HP: 15/57-11, MP: 4/4 (Aura Mana Pool (Level 1)) (defend)

Mana Pool (Aura Level 1): +1 MP per round / after Phil

Village Robber Leader - HP: 66/167, MP: 8/12-4 (cold)
Village Robber 1 - HP: 0/??
Village Robber 2 - HP: 0/??
Village Robber 3 - HP: ??/??
Village Robber 4 - HP: ??/?? (cold)
Village Robber 5 - HP: ??/??
Village Thief 1 - HP: 0/63-52
Village Thief 2 - HP: 53/63

It's dusk. (7:21 PM)
The sunball is lowering towards the horizon, filling the scenery with an idyllic orange.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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double arrow at leader.

covering phil.
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holy bolt on leader next
we can finish him of in this phase if we all attack him together
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Bamboori covers Phil!

Bamboori (48+2 ATK) uses Double Arrow (-2 arrows) (-1 MP) on Village Robber Leader (48 DEF)! (HIT Roll: -4|-5, DMG Roll: 5|6)
He deals 7 physical damage!
He deals 8 physical damage

Village Thief 2 (34 ATK) attacks Blue Phoenix (26 DEF)! (HIT Roll: 8, DMG Roll: 3)
He deals 11 physical damage!

Phil is the next one to act with 36 AGI!
Blue Phoenix is the next one to act with 34 AGI!
SirFrog is the next one to act with 33 AGI!
Nave is the next one to act with 30 AGI!
snorsorbet is the next one to act with 29 AGI!

Attack: Physically attacks an enemy of your choice.
Special Attack: You can choose between various attacks. All of them have something special. Costs MP.
Spell: You can choose a spell you've learned and cast it. Costs MP.
Item: You can use an item. You can also change your weapon, shield or accessoir, but only one piece at most.
Defend: Increases the chance of avoiding the next attack on you for a round.
Escape: You can escape the battle if everybody else from your team does that and your total AGI is higher than the enemies'.

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -)

Bamboori - HP: 39/88, MP: 2/6-1 (Arrows: magic 1, normal 15)
SirFrog - HP: 47/71, MP: 13/86+6
Blue Phoenix - HP: 5/60-11, MP: 6/8
Nave - HP: 28/79, MP: 28/90+6
snorsorbet - HP: 58/83, MP: 32/50+2 (Energy Shield (0))
Phil - HP: 15/57, MP: 4/4 (Aura Mana Pool (Level 1)) (covered by Bamboori) (defend)

Mana Pool (Aura Level 1): +1 MP per round / after Phil

Village Robber Leader - HP: 51/167-15, MP: 8/12 (cold)
Village Robber 1 - HP: 0/??
Village Robber 2 - HP: 0/??
Village Robber 3 - HP: ??/??
Village Robber 4 - HP: ??/?? (cold)
Village Robber 5 - HP: ??/??
Village Thief 1 - HP: 0/63
Village Thief 2 - HP: 53/63

It's dusk. (7:21 PM)
The sunball is lowering towards the horizon, filling the scenery with an idyllic orange.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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RAWR 11 damage still? insane ramond is insane!

Ramond edited this post 05-23-2010 01:09 PM because:
you would have got 22 damage if I wouldn't have forgotten that you actually were in defend mode
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Should I attack another Village Thief or go for the leader?

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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