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Spore Mods
Hey everyone, since the web Sporedum was closed down, I thought of all the poor people with Spore who are unable to get (good) mods now. I managed to get a majority of the mods on Sporedum, but I don't want to and probably can't upload all of them here (all of the mods I have together totals to an amazing 40,000 kb). So I'll describe some of the mods available here (try to figure out what some do by yourself, I don't have time to test them all, and I don't guarantee that all mods work here). I shall post the list in parts, because there's sooooooo maaaaany and I'm too lazy to post them all at once.

To install mods, put go to wherever you installed Spore (usually C-Program Files-Electronic Arts) and put the.package file into the SPORE-Data bit (SPORE_EP1-Data if you have Galactic Adventures). I don't know if it's the same for Mac, however. To uninstall just delete the .package.
Oh, and mods with a * symbol means I'm not sure what they do
Here goes:
No Grox
Antimatter weapons*
Damaging Heat Ray
Lots of money for Spice*
Lots of Spice storage
New Electric cell parts
Faster UFO
BetterSpore* (this is a major mod that edits a heckload of stuff, I won't tell the details until sometime later)
Grox instant killer
Half grox in galaxy
Bigger planets
Giant parts
Eating food gives DNA points
No cooldown for weapons
No hazards (space stage stuff e.g eco disaster)

That's it for today.
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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(05-21-2010, 04:52 AM)oliveryungo Wrote:  (all of the mods I have together totals to an amazing 40,000 kb)

40MB isn't much... actually, i can up/download it within 15 minutes at max... and my internet speed isn't that great ^^
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Thanks given by: Bamboori
okay, it's not too much, but my internet speed is worse than worse, and some mods i dont have the slightest clue what they actually use putting crap out here....
EDIT: It took me a lovely full hour to download the entire darn thing packed together...
EDIT AGAIN: Don't put to mods that edit the same thing together, e.g half grox in galaxy and Grox instant killer, or else Spore shall crash.
Never mind, I'll upload them here in parts then..
Most mods mentioned in first post are here..

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.rar   spore mods part 1.rar (Size: 262.86 KB / Downloads: 2,512)
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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Okay, the next part...
Better turrets
Lower Grox UFO*
Cell Parts extended
Longer Creature stage
Giant Parts
No Joker badge
All super weapons
Unlimited Staff of Life
Infinite stock at other empires

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.rar   Spore mods part 2.rar (Size: 40.65 KB / Downloads: 2,019)
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I wonder if it's not more efficient to upload it to an external file-host rather than attaching everything here. As far as I remember, 40MB would exceed the attachment-space anyways.
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Okay then, I'll do this on Mediafire. for a large mod called PlatinumSpore, which contains a lot of updates. Can't actually tell you how many updates there are, though. Just in case one of the mod creators are also on LFE, I didn't make all this, all credits go to the modders who made them. I'm simply making sure that their many successes can be known. for another large mod, Firespore. This time, there's a readme (whew) which contains list of updates. This is copied directly off the readme.
-Replaced intersteller drive 6 with warp drive.
-Increased the ammount of building you can place in T1 and T2 colonies.
-Increased ally and uber-turret health.
-Makes planet temperature changes permanant.[logarithm64]
-Added logarithm64's changing turrets mod for more realistic feel to spore.
-Added a new feature that to charge. Higher levels of charge can charge at creatures from further away.
-Slightly increased complexity and DNA ammount in most editors. Try not to go over the top with parts anyway though. It could result in unsavable creations or banning your account.
-Star wars type tools have been added. I noticed people really wanted to kill the grox so...heres a little extra help.
-Fixed atechtree mod!
-Increased zoom in and out in cell stage and editors.
-Added new white, black and orage spice.(Thanks logarithm64!)
-Price to get someone to attack someone else is now 20000 from the previous 40000.
-Removed energy cost of flying in space and massively reduced recharge and repiar costs.
-Fixed EPICWARZ! [thannks to vexx32][Sorta...needs confirmation]
-Thanks to vex32, i should have completely removed joker badge and cheater achievements.
-More money cheat now adds 42000000 sporebacks(To compare it used to give only 10000000)
-Lvl.5 charge now electricutes the creature hit.
-Raids, grox attacks and eco disasters now much less frequent and shoudn't damage building.
-Added sculptists dream mod.(old mod that made scupting tools recharge faster and easier to find and stuff)
-Colony walls in space can be changed in city planner.(even grox walls!)(Thanks Logarithm64)
-Bio disaster only require one kill to complete.
-Increased complexity in some editors. (i.e freedom cheat on without cheating)
-Added the 42 mod.(A mod that makes the staff of life not lost ammo. It will say you have 42 Staves of life but when you use one you won't lose any of the staves.
-Removed almost all negative effects out allying the Grox. (someone please comment how much Aliens hate you for allying the grox after installing this mod. I will add you to the credits for helping )
-Spit lvl. 5 is stronger now and is fire breath. Strike lvl. 5 is also stronger but strike level 2 is weaker to balance it out. Also made stealth and sprint last long and recharge faster
-Increased scan range.
-Increased jump hight.
-Increased bite strength.
-Gas giants more likely to have rings and moons. Planets also more likely to have a moon.
-Bio disasters give money. Generous empires will give 150 sporebucks, neutral empire will give 100 sporebucks and stingy empires will only give 50 spore bucks.
-Hacking and hypnosis tech tools have been removed.
-Alien colonized planets now T3. Might not work on empires you've visited.
-Noticeably lowered cooldowns. Most tools 1 sec recharge. (super weapons too!)
-Can now place colony on ruins.(That mission where the planet's civ is destroyed and you get attacked by drones that think you're grox)
-Made it easier for ppl to use planet buster without being hated. (Planet within 5 parsecs will still not like you but only -1)
-Some other stuff that i can't remember. This stuff is probably just minor tweaks that hardly affect gameplay.
-All included in one .package
-Includes all betterspore tools and all betterspore gameplay changes. There are so many I can't list em.

Remember, don't put big mods together, as there is a very high chance they will conflict and Spore will crash.
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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Next: for something called a tech tree. Basically, depending on what faith you follow (knight, shaman, warrior etc) you can purchase technologies from other empires, and usually leads on to more technologies. A newer version can be found in PlatinumSpore, but some people don't like huge mods that edit a load of stuff. Warning-since PlatinumSpore already has atechtree mod, don't put them together.
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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hey, back with part 3. Mods available are getting less and less, and this may be my last post until I can work out what the others do. So-in part 3-
More energy
More health
More energy+health
50% less empires in space stage
HydroRepulse (this replaces spit in creature stage, massively powerful but takes 55 seconds to recharge, can also work in Galactic Adventures)
Permament temperature changes (appears in a lot of big mods)
Rich Spore (mod that gives you an advantage in money terms in the game, obvious)
Warpdrive (mod that extends your spaceship range in the core, making some previously unreachable Grox planets available, this problem is fixed in a recent patch but some may not be able to get patches)

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.zip   spore mods part (Size: 26.27 KB / Downloads: 1,154)
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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Yes!! I finally found it!! Before Sporedum closed down, they said they would move to a different website, but I didn't know which. Now here it is where you can find all your Spore-related stuff, including mods. Since Sporebase is available, I don't think I need this thread anymore. Thanks, everyone.

SirFrog edited this post 06-02-2010 03:36 PM because:
I'll lock this thread then :D
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
Warning! Super epicness! (Click to View)
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