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GIF animation in GIMP
Tutorial dedicated to all of those that have problems using GIMP for making GIFs.
1.At first, open GIMP.
2.Then, type Ctrl + N to create a new file.
3.Choose 79x79 or bigger.
[Image: 73432386.png]
4.NOW using MS Paint copy the whole frame from your sprite (without border lines)...
[Image: 24321964.png]
...and paste it into your GIMP project (Ctrl + V).
5.Ready? Use Ctrl + H to avoid white background in the 1st frame.
[Image: 69042405.png]
6.Now, copy next frame from your sprite, AND before pasting it, use Ctrl + Shift + N (in GIMP) to make a new layer (if you're doing it right, layer options WILL appear-it's important). Then paste image and use Ctrl + H again.
Layer options look like: [Image: 37145478.png]
7.If you have more frames, repeat point 6.
8.If all frames are done, click "save as" and export as GIF animation. You also have to choose the time when the next frame will be activated (for standing animation it's usually 200 ms) and decide if it's looping forever.
[Image: 94647145.png]
[Image: 54589823.png]
9.Done! Enjoy your GIF animation.
[Image: result.gif]

And to all angry trolls: GET OUT!
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
siris Wrote:repeat point 6
you actually lost me there
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Luti Wrote:you actually lost me there (p.6)
Could you explain,please?
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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All i do is #4 and open the 1st one on GIMP
the rest i add layers then paste the promising frames
go to their "Edit Layer Attributes" and type the speed
2b_honest the rest is quite common sense
idk where u get the 6 pointers? thts soooo random :P
oh nvr mind, sorry for being so mind-illiterate but i fail as usual....
u ment repeat
well, i got nothing else to say... (embarrassed) [Image: grin--plz.png]
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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I forgive you :P
But I'll try to explain if anyone else doesn't get it.
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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Siris Wrote::wtf:
OMG [actually rofl'ing][/ninja'd]
ummm....the newest version...
sorry i didn't elaborate....
but basically i don't think of it much...
it's a quick and fast process....don't listen to me ramble on like this...i feel sooo careless :horrified:

yeah i was wondering 'bout tht short-cut (nvr used it :P)
i have a feeling this will be considered as a worthless misunderstanding and will be trashed by some angry moderator...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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(06-29-2010, 01:51 PM)LutiChris Wrote:  ummm....the newest version...
For this tut I used 2.5 so it might lacks newer methods... but if anyone have some... post it here :)
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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Nooo! You were faster than me :p but, i never use those Ctrl + ?? things, and pictures could make it easier to understand what you mean with those steps etc.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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(06-29-2010, 03:49 PM)Whaat Wrote:  pictures could make it easier to understand what you mean with those steps etc.
So I'll upload "visual tutorial" tomorrow... OK?
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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(06-29-2010, 04:23 PM)SirisRhazael Wrote:  
(06-29-2010, 03:49 PM)Whaat Wrote:  pictures could make it easier to understand what you mean with those steps etc.
So I'll upload "visual tutorial" tomorrow... OK?
That could be veery good thing : >
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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