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LF2: project Gender Swap
I have to say, my favourite is actually de - her hairstyle is really cool :D

Well done Alectric, now its only a matter of time before the WHOLE of LFE has been transformed into girls. MUAHAHAHHAHHAHA NOTHING SHALL STOP IT.. and I shall be the only male.... MUAHAHHAHHAHAHHA -pinky to lip-
not if i can help it :P ~ Alectric
Good work.


Edit - @Alectric:
Okay, you can be male with me, since it was YOUR idea. :D
One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
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thats apreaty nice idea XD its like a russian roulette :D you never know if youll be next XD so who should loose dick first? XD
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the idea and all this stuff is awesome, and the sprites are looking extremly awesome, EXCEPT the legs, most of the legs are rly deformed, and just in a way in which no living person would normaly stand around, the knees are often overbended and yeah, the legs are just to straight without any kneebending in it which makes it look unnatural
but that's the only point I have, else everything's great

you could also use some of these maybe [Image: suitsba6.png]

Alectric edited this post 07-09-2010 12:58 AM because:
Unfortunately, the base looked really good, and had depth, but as soon as i added the pants, its completely lost its depth and just looked weird.
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uhm , i love this sprite but i think it's just ...... the girl change her suit
look !! don't have female monk in the real life
sorry 4 my bad eng
[Image: stand-10_zpse8943b33.gif][Image: walk-11_zps3a4de3e2.gif][Image: att-3_zps48065cd2.gif]

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batit is right! apoc should sprite a nun XD
Thanks given by: LutiChris
didn't we agree on davidetta? for the davis girl?
oh and yea you had the idea with the male jan *rolleyes*
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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imo you guys should do female self mame just for fun and laught in art section...
heares myne for example:
dont apoic did awesome julian girl sprite (cant find it but he did awesome job... and im not talking about that blonde... is she just cosplaying lf2?)
>don't have female monk in the real life
that's so wrong
there are females who believe in Buddhism too
I'm sure everyone has heard of the martial arts clan/school of Shaolin
there were plenty of schools of martial arts teachings throughout the history of China and there was one called Heng Shan that consisted of only females that believe in Buddhism and their speciality was on the sword

On topic:
still prefer apoc's version because if I don't look close enough, almost all of them look like a guy to me. I know there are breasts, and a different hairstyle, but the breasts are somehow not too apparent to me and the hairstyle... well... many guys in cartoons, animie, real life have got quite weird ones anyway these days.

An attempt to pin point what's wrong: the expressions are quite fierce, so maybe they can be toned down a bit (Davis, Woody, Jack, Henry are all shooting daggers with their eyes alone).
Apoc's ones have a very good waist and I can clearly see the feminine curvatures which makes men drool. Yours are just... not tasty >:

Alectric edited this post 07-12-2010 08:34 AM because:
Im not sure you are grasping the concept. I was making female versions of each character, not one single character with different clothes.
So yeah, I was trying to keep the look of the characters, so i agree some of them look male, but thats not really the point.

Anyway, i was looking the through the Chinese boards, and i found this little gem:
(only click when the forum is back online though, so there may be problems)
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
Thanks given by: Bamboori , betitngoan
(07-11-2010, 01:52 PM)Marshall Wrote:  >don't have female monk in the real life
that's so wrong
there are females who believe in Buddhism too
I'm sure everyone has heard of the martial arts clan/school of Shaolin
there were plenty of schools of martial arts teachings throughout the history of China and there was one called Heng Shan that consisted of only females that believe in Buddhism and their speciality was on the sword

so ... is she wear look like monk and no hair ???

yep, they shaved. ~ Marshall
sorry 4 my bad eng
[Image: stand-10_zpse8943b33.gif][Image: walk-11_zps3a4de3e2.gif][Image: att-3_zps48065cd2.gif]

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Alectric Wrote:I'm not sure you are grasping the concept. I was making female versions of each character, not one single character with different clothes.
So yeah, I was trying to keep the look of the characters, so i agree some of them look male, but thats not really the point.
I see your point on this. There are some women that look manly, but no one gives a f***. Or they took steroids, like I saw on Living Color (african-american show with like 2 white people in it, like Jim Carrey, but it's an old show).
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