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[Char] Aito
Behold my newest character, Aito! I styled the sprites after the freeware game, "Cave Story," which you should check out. However, I made this character and his sprites myself. His moves are the following:

D>A: Sword Slash
D^A: Sword Uppercut
Double tap right or left: Teleport Slash
D>J: Baby dragon flamethrower.
DJA: Heal
DvJ: Summon Reflective Shield

The shield can be released as an energy blast by using any other attack while it is in effect.

In lieu of screenshots, here's a video of his moves:
The video quality isn't great. Don't worry, it looks much smoother in-game, so don't rely on the video, try it out!

Please don't hate the character just because he's got less pixels :p
I'd appreciate it if you downloaded and left comments!

EDIT 7/29: Added a healing move, adjusted the damage for some of the attacks, improved the animation for the energy blast, changed jump_attack and added more sword attacks! Try it out!

Come on, guys! Comment!

Attached Files
.rar   Aito.rar (Size: 47.82 KB / Downloads: 481)
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
Thanks given by: klodasmone
WOO! He looks fine...
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So download him!
@Divisor VV: Yeah, it's itrK8
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
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Kewl...good to see chars who aren't LF2 style from time to time :)
I especially like the reflective shield...ik8 stuff, amirite?
Oh, I'll download it as soon as I have time.
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nice char!but you should upload pics!
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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(07-29-2010, 09:51 AM)chase123 Wrote:  nice char!but you should upload pics!
Gawd, he bothered to make a whole video (which is better than pics). If you can't appreciate this, then keep this kind of comments to yourself.

The Lost Global Mod edited this post 07-29-2010 10:07 AM because:
just shows that he didn't bother to read the whole post. Facepalm
Thanks given by: Jed37
download does not work for me.
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
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You know... I'd really appreciate it if some of you who downloaded it were to actually comment. Criticise away!
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
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Finally had some time to test it and it's a pretty nice char. It felt a bit strange at first that he isn't able to run and does a slash instead, but I got used to that. Though I still miss the possibility of fast dash-attacks...
Other than that I can't spot many flaws. He has a nice variety of moves, but still the focus on close-combat is there (which is good. Every character should have strengths and weaknesses). At first I thought he was underpowered, but that's also a matter of getting used to him. Combo potential isn't great, but at least there are some (like for exampleAAA+D^A+>>). As a side note: You maybe should add a small dvx: in the itr of the flamethrower.
Oh and: He has less pixels! Tar and feather him!
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(08-02-2010, 10:15 AM)Reaper Wrote:  As a side note: You maybe should add a small dvx: in the itr of the flamethrower.

Right, right, to avoid the potential frozen-flame effect. Will do when I have the time.

Thanks for the comment!

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention: The shields can be stacked (Summoning another doesn't delete the first), and thus it is possible to power up it and the energy blast. This is intentional.
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
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