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[BG] [BP&M] Abandonment (feat. Chishio, Mugen22 & Yakui)
Really nice background but why havent u used the version that i saw on youtube? clicky
It looks way better without all these scribbled black lines all over the bg.

some things i noticed while playing:
- the effect with the angel like figure falling from the sky and blasting u away is really awesome but if u hit the figure once it has no effect on u anymore and if u hit it a few more times it just disappears without doing anything
- also it does nearly no damage to armored fighters like louis, knight or julian and they don't fall on the ground

Nonetheless this is still an amazing background and i hope to see more collaborations of u two.

btw. the youtube tags didn't work for me.
[Image: 165.gif]
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RE: [BG] [BP&M] Abandonment (feat. Chishio, Mugen22 & Yakui) - by lf2TimmE1 - 08-16-2010, 01:57 PM

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