So, after x failed ones i will try once again to introduce a new forum game.
Since Gundamn Wars failed due to being way to complex and Zombie Night, because many people complained about the luck factor, this time, it will be like the ol good ones: Pseudo-Strategy and communication.
Cold War Spies
is a game about, duh, spies in the Cold War.
All players are split into CIA (also referred as "Blue"), KGB ("Red") and Civilians ("Grey"). Additionally, EVERY player will gain a role, giving him a specific task he has to perform in order for his team to win.
So, start signing up? Would love to start with 7 people at min...
Since Gundamn Wars failed due to being way to complex and Zombie Night, because many people complained about the luck factor, this time, it will be like the ol good ones: Pseudo-Strategy and communication.
Cold War Spies
is a game about, duh, spies in the Cold War.
All players are split into CIA (also referred as "Blue"), KGB ("Red") and Civilians ("Grey"). Additionally, EVERY player will gain a role, giving him a specific task he has to perform in order for his team to win.
Win Conditions (Click to View)
For winning, there are different objectives (though they're similar) for the three teams:
CIA can win by
-Eliminating all KGB's
-Eliminating all Players with major roles (including both, Civilian and KGB ones)
KGB can win by
-Eliminating all CIA's
-Eliminating 3/4 of all not-KGB players (regardless whether they are CIA/Civilian and which role they have)
Civilians can win by
-Killing enough CIA/KGB to have a 3/4 majority
-Joining up with either side (and win accordingly with the goals mentioned above)
CIA can win by
-Eliminating all KGB's
-Eliminating all Players with major roles (including both, Civilian and KGB ones)
KGB can win by
-Eliminating all CIA's
-Eliminating 3/4 of all not-KGB players (regardless whether they are CIA/Civilian and which role they have)
Civilians can win by
-Killing enough CIA/KGB to have a 3/4 majority
-Joining up with either side (and win accordingly with the goals mentioned above)
Roles (Click to View)
On game start all players will be given roles avaible for their team by random. However, if there are only a few players there are increased chances to getting at least 1 Assassin and 1 CO for the both spy-sides (CIA/KGB).
Some roles are avaible for all teams, some only to a certain team.
Some roles have a "passive" effect, some can use their ability once and others can perform an action every turn...
Assassin (All teams)
The assassin has the basic, but most important job: Each round he can choose to kill a player (this is done via PM to me, the Assassin will stay secret). Sounds quite nice, right?
However, killing the WRONG person will usually give you quite some disadvantages, so watch your fire and only kill enemies you surely know.
Due to his importance, the Assassin is considered an major role.
CO Controller (CIA/KGB)
The CO is a major role and something like the "head" of an organisation. He has only two passive abilities: On game start, he will receive a list of ALL players of his team. Though this is a big piece of information, always consider that (enemy) spies will be on that list, too.
His second (in)ability is his auto-resistance against being bribed by the Underworld Boss.
Underworld Boss (Civilians)
He is kinda a counter-part to the two COs (and also a major role). However, he does NOT know the names of his teammates...
But he can try bribing players. These will get a PM telling them they're offered some money to switch to Civilian side. They don't need to accept and they will not be told who's the Underworld Boss.
If they are already Civilian, they can accept the bribe (without changing team, dough).
Accepting the bribe will inform the Underworld Boss of your role and in redo you get his name. This also applies for Civilians being bribed.
The only exception for this is the CO. If the Underworld Boss (unluckyly) trys to bribe a CO, he will get jailed immeadeatly (with the same effect as being killed > out of game).
Corruptor (CIA)
A man of money. Much money. darn freakin heaps of money.
The Corruptor can (similar to the Underworld Boss) try to bribe people every round. However, he can only successfully bribe Civilians (which can choose whether they accept or not). In any case, the target will be told WHO the briber is, making the use of the ability quite risky.
Due to his ability to increase the CIAs teamsize by recruiting Civilians, he is considered a major role.
Brainwasher (KGB)
The counterpart of the Corruptor.
Instead bribing, he will just punch his target down, pull it into a dark chamber and wash his brain until it is forced to switch sides. This works for Civilians AND CIA. However, he can only use this ability once in the game.
Btw, brainwashing own KGB works, too, effectively wasting your single-use-action...
Of couse, he is a major role as well.
Judge (Civilian)
This guy has quite a tricky role: To use his ability he needs to reveal himself in the public.
When (after a Civilian got murdered) a trial is helt, the Judge's vote (if he reveals himself, otherwise he will be accounted as normal citizen) counts 5 times, usually causing the trial to always kill the guy the Judge wants to die.
He can use his ability as often as he likes too... but since he revels himself and is a major role, the Judge usually is quick to die...
Spy (All teams)
The name-giver of this game.
The spy has no active ability, but he will appear on the name lists of both COs, regardless which team he is in (though, he of course still needs his team to win).
This way, he can try to discover the identity of other players and support his team with valuable information.
Agent (CIA/KGB)
Agents are similar to Sheriffs of other games:
Each round, they can choose a player. However, instead getting all intel about him, they have to decide whether they want to know his ROLE or his TEAM.
A good agent can be incredible important to determine targets for the assassin or other roles.
Paranoid Newspaper Man (Civilian only, obviously)
This guy has the only role applying randomness into game:
Each round, he can choose two players. This two players will get a random piece of information about one other player.
However, whereas one of them (choosen by random) gets a correct information, the other one will get the OPPOSITE information.
Since the Newspaper Man can neither choose the target to gather informations from and doesn't get the information himself he is rather usefull to spread confusion or give some small hints.
In all cases, he will never reveal himself with giving out his random hints.
Bodyguard (All teams)
The bodyguard has the significant ability to... uhm, guard bodys.
Each round, he can choose someone to protect. If now an assassin attack this person, the assassin dies, period.
If the peson is attacked via a team, both, the team leader and the bodyguard will die.
Additionally, if other classes with offensive abilitys (Agent, Thief etc) try to user their ability on the guarded player, they will receive a 404 error. Jk, they will just be told they couldn't do their action due to the bodyguard ^^
Thief (Civilians)
The little meanie criminal has a powerful single-use ability:
He can sneak into someones appartment and steal all the information about this person. This sounds banal, but there is more:
Besides getting information about the Team and Role of the target, he will also gather information of the actions the person has done before. F.e. he will get a list of people the thieved assassin killed, the infos an Agent gathered etc.
On the downside, the victim will be told they got attacked by the thief... though, not WHO actually is the thief.
Detective (Civilian)
Using his passive ability of sneaking around and finding clues, the Detective will always be informed of who is killing who.
If somebody got killed by an assassin, the Detective will be told who is the assassin.
If it was a team killing someone, he will be only told the teams side, not the people who performed the attack.
In any case, the Detective biggest problem is to actually make the people trusting him.
Journalist (Civilian)
Similar to the Detective, the Journalist can solve death cases.
If the Journalist decides to check a death case (even if this case was done rounds ago), following things will happen:
The names, teams and roles of ALL people who had participated in that attack will be revealed in Public. The Journalist will be revealed as well.
However, this ability can only be used once and since he is revealed afterwards, the Journalist is usually high likely to die.
Additionally, there are a few rare roles. The chance that a player will be choosen as these is only 5% per game and there can't be two players having the same rare role (though, it could happn that multiple different rare roles are present in a game).
Rare roles can apply to players of any team.
The informant has no active ability... Though, he will be told the names of all major role players in game start.
Since these players have the most important tasks, the informants informations are highly useful to his team.
(Exspecially for CIA, since one possible goal is to kill all enemy major roles)
The Psycho is the 4th team.
He will appear as Assassin of his original team when checked.
However, as long as there is a Psycho in game NO other team can win... additionally, the Psycho MUST kill one person each round (though he can choose whom to kill).
In order to win, the Psycho needs to kill all other players. However, he can try working for his team, eliminating the enemy team and all threats and then kill his "teammates".
The Bio-Engineer has a quite... irregular ability:
Once a game, he can revive a dead player. The dead player will regain his role as before his death, but will switch team to the Bio-Engineers one.
All players will be told someone got revived... but noone will be told WHO got revived and until the revived guy did something to public himself (or is killed again), his name in the players list will stay stroken out.
Efficently, this player will most likely not be targetted by ANY ability, since he seems to be dead...
Though, the Bio-Engineer should refrain of using this ability if there is only one dead person in the game yet (for obvious reasons).
A player with the terrorist role has a intimadating ability:
He can blow himself up, together with three other people. FATALITY!!!
However, he can only choose ONE target. The second casualty will be a teammate of the choosen target and the 3rd death will be determined by randomness.
Of course, the terrorist himself will die, too, and can therefore only use this ability once (besides he gets revived by a Bio-Engineer, which would be kinda overkill).
Btw, Bodyguards can not protect people from explosions...
Some roles are avaible for all teams, some only to a certain team.
Some roles have a "passive" effect, some can use their ability once and others can perform an action every turn...
Assassin (All teams)
The assassin has the basic, but most important job: Each round he can choose to kill a player (this is done via PM to me, the Assassin will stay secret). Sounds quite nice, right?
However, killing the WRONG person will usually give you quite some disadvantages, so watch your fire and only kill enemies you surely know.
Due to his importance, the Assassin is considered an major role.
CO Controller (CIA/KGB)
The CO is a major role and something like the "head" of an organisation. He has only two passive abilities: On game start, he will receive a list of ALL players of his team. Though this is a big piece of information, always consider that (enemy) spies will be on that list, too.
His second (in)ability is his auto-resistance against being bribed by the Underworld Boss.
Underworld Boss (Civilians)
He is kinda a counter-part to the two COs (and also a major role). However, he does NOT know the names of his teammates...
But he can try bribing players. These will get a PM telling them they're offered some money to switch to Civilian side. They don't need to accept and they will not be told who's the Underworld Boss.
If they are already Civilian, they can accept the bribe (without changing team, dough).
Accepting the bribe will inform the Underworld Boss of your role and in redo you get his name. This also applies for Civilians being bribed.
The only exception for this is the CO. If the Underworld Boss (unluckyly) trys to bribe a CO, he will get jailed immeadeatly (with the same effect as being killed > out of game).
Corruptor (CIA)
A man of money. Much money. darn freakin heaps of money.
The Corruptor can (similar to the Underworld Boss) try to bribe people every round. However, he can only successfully bribe Civilians (which can choose whether they accept or not). In any case, the target will be told WHO the briber is, making the use of the ability quite risky.
Due to his ability to increase the CIAs teamsize by recruiting Civilians, he is considered a major role.
Brainwasher (KGB)
The counterpart of the Corruptor.
Instead bribing, he will just punch his target down, pull it into a dark chamber and wash his brain until it is forced to switch sides. This works for Civilians AND CIA. However, he can only use this ability once in the game.
Btw, brainwashing own KGB works, too, effectively wasting your single-use-action...
Of couse, he is a major role as well.
Judge (Civilian)
This guy has quite a tricky role: To use his ability he needs to reveal himself in the public.
When (after a Civilian got murdered) a trial is helt, the Judge's vote (if he reveals himself, otherwise he will be accounted as normal citizen) counts 5 times, usually causing the trial to always kill the guy the Judge wants to die.
He can use his ability as often as he likes too... but since he revels himself and is a major role, the Judge usually is quick to die...
Spy (All teams)
The name-giver of this game.
The spy has no active ability, but he will appear on the name lists of both COs, regardless which team he is in (though, he of course still needs his team to win).
This way, he can try to discover the identity of other players and support his team with valuable information.
Agent (CIA/KGB)
Agents are similar to Sheriffs of other games:
Each round, they can choose a player. However, instead getting all intel about him, they have to decide whether they want to know his ROLE or his TEAM.
A good agent can be incredible important to determine targets for the assassin or other roles.
Paranoid Newspaper Man (Civilian only, obviously)
This guy has the only role applying randomness into game:
Each round, he can choose two players. This two players will get a random piece of information about one other player.
However, whereas one of them (choosen by random) gets a correct information, the other one will get the OPPOSITE information.
Since the Newspaper Man can neither choose the target to gather informations from and doesn't get the information himself he is rather usefull to spread confusion or give some small hints.
In all cases, he will never reveal himself with giving out his random hints.
Bodyguard (All teams)
The bodyguard has the significant ability to... uhm, guard bodys.
Each round, he can choose someone to protect. If now an assassin attack this person, the assassin dies, period.
If the peson is attacked via a team, both, the team leader and the bodyguard will die.
Additionally, if other classes with offensive abilitys (Agent, Thief etc) try to user their ability on the guarded player, they will receive a 404 error. Jk, they will just be told they couldn't do their action due to the bodyguard ^^
Thief (Civilians)
The little meanie criminal has a powerful single-use ability:
He can sneak into someones appartment and steal all the information about this person. This sounds banal, but there is more:
Besides getting information about the Team and Role of the target, he will also gather information of the actions the person has done before. F.e. he will get a list of people the thieved assassin killed, the infos an Agent gathered etc.
On the downside, the victim will be told they got attacked by the thief... though, not WHO actually is the thief.
Detective (Civilian)
Using his passive ability of sneaking around and finding clues, the Detective will always be informed of who is killing who.
If somebody got killed by an assassin, the Detective will be told who is the assassin.
If it was a team killing someone, he will be only told the teams side, not the people who performed the attack.
In any case, the Detective biggest problem is to actually make the people trusting him.
Journalist (Civilian)
Similar to the Detective, the Journalist can solve death cases.
If the Journalist decides to check a death case (even if this case was done rounds ago), following things will happen:
The names, teams and roles of ALL people who had participated in that attack will be revealed in Public. The Journalist will be revealed as well.
However, this ability can only be used once and since he is revealed afterwards, the Journalist is usually high likely to die.
Additionally, there are a few rare roles. The chance that a player will be choosen as these is only 5% per game and there can't be two players having the same rare role (though, it could happn that multiple different rare roles are present in a game).
Rare roles can apply to players of any team.
The informant has no active ability... Though, he will be told the names of all major role players in game start.
Since these players have the most important tasks, the informants informations are highly useful to his team.
(Exspecially for CIA, since one possible goal is to kill all enemy major roles)
The Psycho is the 4th team.
He will appear as Assassin of his original team when checked.
However, as long as there is a Psycho in game NO other team can win... additionally, the Psycho MUST kill one person each round (though he can choose whom to kill).
In order to win, the Psycho needs to kill all other players. However, he can try working for his team, eliminating the enemy team and all threats and then kill his "teammates".
The Bio-Engineer has a quite... irregular ability:
Once a game, he can revive a dead player. The dead player will regain his role as before his death, but will switch team to the Bio-Engineers one.
All players will be told someone got revived... but noone will be told WHO got revived and until the revived guy did something to public himself (or is killed again), his name in the players list will stay stroken out.
Efficently, this player will most likely not be targetted by ANY ability, since he seems to be dead...
Though, the Bio-Engineer should refrain of using this ability if there is only one dead person in the game yet (for obvious reasons).
A player with the terrorist role has a intimadating ability:
He can blow himself up, together with three other people. FATALITY!!!
However, he can only choose ONE target. The second casualty will be a teammate of the choosen target and the 3rd death will be determined by randomness.
Of course, the terrorist himself will die, too, and can therefore only use this ability once (besides he gets revived by a Bio-Engineer, which would be kinda overkill).
Btw, Bodyguards can not protect people from explosions...
Gameplay Mechanics (Click to View)
As already stated, this game will run in rounds. Each round takes as long until all players have made their actions or will end after 24 hours.
If players tend to be inactive, rounds will even continue without them, if everyone else has made his actions.
On Game start, you will receive a PM containing your team and role (and, if you're CO or Informant a list of names).
Unlike Mafia, it will NOT be announced which roles are in a game. Same way, it will be not announced how many players the teams (though, general rules: CIA and KGB are always equally sized and Civilians tend to have more players then either of the spy teams).
Upon death, a players team and role will not be revealed in public, though.
Also, there is no "counter" telling the teams how far/close they are from performing their goal. If they succeed on it game will end with me announcing which teams has won why.
Next to the role actions, there is one more thing CIA and KGB members can do:
They can form for an attack team, consisting of three people to kill one target person. To do this, one player (V) has to send me a PM claiming he wants to kill target X with the help of players Y and Z.
Then i will PM the players Y and Z, asking whether they want to help V killing X.
If a Civilian is asked for help, he will get my PM, too, but will automatically decline (since he can't use this ability).
However, it's possible for (example) a CIA to ask a KGB to help him killing another KGB. Though this will only work in the first few game round where actually (nearly) noone knows the other players' teams.
So, Spies can kill each other... and what can the Civilians do?
They can JOIN the spies instead.
To do this, they need to PM telling me which player they want to contact to join which spy team.
This means you already need to know which players belong to which team.
In any case, the player you contacted will be informed about your request (and therefore you're name) and role. If he is NOT in the team you actually wanted to join, he will automatically "refuse" the request (however, he will may contact/kill you later...). If you guessed the team right, the player still has to think WHETHER he wants to accept the Civilian. The problem is, each spy team can only accept a limited number of Civilians. This number is based on the total amount of players in the game: Up to 10 Players will allow one accept only, up to 20 will allow two, etc...
Therefore you CAN accept anyone.. but will probably accept a minor role and later have to denie a good role the entry.
Two little things to note:
-Major role civilians can NOT join spy teams (this means Underworld Boss, Assassin and Judge)
-Civilians can be bribed/brainwashed by other players, these action do NOT count against the accept-limit
If players tend to be inactive, rounds will even continue without them, if everyone else has made his actions.
On Game start, you will receive a PM containing your team and role (and, if you're CO or Informant a list of names).
Unlike Mafia, it will NOT be announced which roles are in a game. Same way, it will be not announced how many players the teams (though, general rules: CIA and KGB are always equally sized and Civilians tend to have more players then either of the spy teams).
Upon death, a players team and role will not be revealed in public, though.
Also, there is no "counter" telling the teams how far/close they are from performing their goal. If they succeed on it game will end with me announcing which teams has won why.
Next to the role actions, there is one more thing CIA and KGB members can do:
They can form for an attack team, consisting of three people to kill one target person. To do this, one player (V) has to send me a PM claiming he wants to kill target X with the help of players Y and Z.
Then i will PM the players Y and Z, asking whether they want to help V killing X.
If a Civilian is asked for help, he will get my PM, too, but will automatically decline (since he can't use this ability).
However, it's possible for (example) a CIA to ask a KGB to help him killing another KGB. Though this will only work in the first few game round where actually (nearly) noone knows the other players' teams.
So, Spies can kill each other... and what can the Civilians do?
They can JOIN the spies instead.
To do this, they need to PM telling me which player they want to contact to join which spy team.
This means you already need to know which players belong to which team.
In any case, the player you contacted will be informed about your request (and therefore you're name) and role. If he is NOT in the team you actually wanted to join, he will automatically "refuse" the request (however, he will may contact/kill you later...). If you guessed the team right, the player still has to think WHETHER he wants to accept the Civilian. The problem is, each spy team can only accept a limited number of Civilians. This number is based on the total amount of players in the game: Up to 10 Players will allow one accept only, up to 20 will allow two, etc...
Therefore you CAN accept anyone.. but will probably accept a minor role and later have to denie a good role the entry.
Two little things to note:
-Major role civilians can NOT join spy teams (this means Underworld Boss, Assassin and Judge)
-Civilians can be bribed/brainwashed by other players, these action do NOT count against the accept-limit
So, start signing up? Would love to start with 7 people at min...
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