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Who is the best player of lf2 ever??
LOL I'm so flattered. "Legend"? ahem, not so much... Who the heck have been "marketing" me to make me legend? :D

I never said "I'm best" because that's dumb attitude but so far I am still the best lf2 player in Finland at least... so Scribbler isn't at the same level as me.

And yes, I am somewhat at the same level with Neocrypt and maybe with CAY and Azriel as well... and I still remember that I always beated Mgccl somewhat easily... too bad he's not playing anymore. I know Evil Sonidow is more superior player than me.

But well... my msn certainly lack elite players so please add me if you want.
Thanks given by: Wiro

Messages In This Thread
RE: Who is the best player of lf2 ever?? - by MasterLF2 - 12-11-2010, 05:45 PM

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