(12-28-2010, 04:40 PM)Kenert Wrote: How to make him be able to "shoot" more of his "blasts", like Davis and Dennis do with their balls?You can either extend the facing: in the opoint of the frame where he shots the balls, for example facing: 30 will shot 3 balls at once. click -here- for further details.
If you want him to repeat the action through pressing A for example, add a hit_a: xxx in the last frames of the attack, the xxx stands for the framenumber you wish to start again.
(12-28-2010, 04:40 PM)Kenert Wrote: How to make his tiger dash -stronger-, so that it couldn't be stopped with such weak attacks?
I guess you want to prevent that he gets hit by for example Woodys D^A. You can either make the body area smaller or the itr area bigger. If you want to prevent him getting hit by state: 3006 objects, just delete the body.
Check -this- out for further details
itr: kind: 0 x: 19 y: 6 w: 47 h: 63 dvx: 45 dvy: -7 fall: 70 vrest: 10 bdefend: 60 injury: 85 itr_end: bdy: kind: 0 x: 20 y: 6 w: 25 h: 33 bdy_end: |
(12-28-2010, 04:40 PM)Kenert Wrote: How to make him automatically teleport behind the opponent after getting hit?
First you create a new frame for example number 350 which has a state: 400 [if you want to correct the position where he teleports use dvx: xxx and dvx: 550 in the following frames] after that you change the "next" in the first injured frames into next: -350 [you character will turn around before teleporting so that you land behind him]